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  1. [PDF] Brouwer, G E --- "Ombudsman investigation into the probity of the Kew Residential Services and St Kilda Triangle developments (1.71MB)" [2010] VicOmbPRp 5 (23 June 2010) [100%]
    (From Victorian Ombudsman Parliamentary Reports; 88960 KB)   View LawCite record  

  2. 568/96 Print N1729 [1996] AIRC 712; (17 May 1996) [90%]
    (From Australian Industrial Relations Commission; 17 May 1996; 102 KB)   View LawCite record  

  3. 568/97 M Print P4797 [1997] AIRC 817; (5 September 1997) [88%]
    (From Australian Industrial Relations Commission; 5 September 1997; 4 KB)   View LawCite record  

  4. 568/97 M Print P1376 [1997] AIRC 1386; (9 April 1997) [86%]
    (From Australian Industrial Relations Commission; 9 April 1997; 7 KB)   View LawCite record  

  5. 568 Investments Limited - Mount Smart Liquor [1995] NZLLA 834 (27 April 1995) [73%]
    (From New Zealand Liquor Licensing Authority; 27 April 1995; 2 KB)   View LawCite record  

  6. 568 Investments Limited - Lake Road Liquor [1998] NZLLA 168 (29 January 1998) [73%]
    (From New Zealand Liquor Licensing Authority; 29 January 1998; 4 KB)   View LawCite record  

  7. 568 Investments Limited - Lunn Avenue Discount Liquor [1996] NZLLA 1545 (15 August 1996) [72%]
    (From New Zealand Liquor Licensing Authority; 15 August 1996; 4 KB)   View LawCite record  

  8. 568 Investments Limited - Mt Richmond Liquor [1996] NZLLA 2471 (19 December 1996) [71%]
    (From New Zealand Liquor Licensing Authority; 19 December 1996; 4 KB)   View LawCite record  

  9. Dec 568/87 S Print G9385 [1987] AIRC 321; (25 September 1987) [59%]
    (From Australian Industrial Relations Commission; 25 September 1987; 10 KB)   View LawCite record  

  10. AG2014/568, Transcript of Proceedings [2014] FWCTrans 334 (23 June 2014) [59%]
    (From Fair Work Commission Transcripts; 23 June 2014; 150 KB)   View LawCite record  

  11. B2012/568, Transcript of Proceedings [2012] FWATrans 486 (8 May 2012) [59%]
    (From Fair Work Australia Transcripts; 8 May 2012; 290 KB)   View LawCite record  

  12. AG2014/568, Transcript of Proceedings [2014] FWCTrans 258 (12 May 2014) [59%]
    (From Fair Work Commission Transcripts; 12 May 2014; 35 KB)   View LawCite record  

  13. B2012/568, Transcript of Proceedings [2012] FWATrans 485 (8 May 2012) [59%]
    (From Fair Work Australia Transcripts; 8 May 2012; 293 KB)   View LawCite record  

  14. [PDF] Lotteries and Art Unions Regulation 2002 (2002-568) [58%]
    (From New South Wales Regulations As Made; 107 KB)   

  15. C2001/568, Transcript of Proceedings [2001] AIRCTrans 149 (7 March 2001) [57%]
    (From Australian Industrial Relations Commission Transcripts; 7 March 2001; 8 KB)   View LawCite record  

  16. C2001/568, Transcript of Proceedings [2001] AIRCTrans 148 (7 March 2001) [57%]
    (From Australian Industrial Relations Commission Transcripts; 7 March 2001; 138 KB)   View LawCite record  

  17. C2001/568, Transcript of Proceedings [2001] AIRCTrans 295 (20 March 2001) [57%]
    (From Australian Industrial Relations Commission Transcripts; 20 March 2001; 31 KB)   View LawCite record  

  18. RE2002/568, Transcript of Proceedings [2002] AIRCTrans 5136 (19 December 2002) [57%]
    (From Australian Industrial Relations Commission Transcripts; 19 December 2002; 70 KB)   View LawCite record  

  19. RE2002/568, Transcript of Proceedings [2002] AIRCTrans 4910 (6 December 2002) [57%]
    (From Australian Industrial Relations Commission Transcripts; 6 December 2002; 30 KB)   View LawCite record  

  20. RE2002/568, Transcript of Proceedings [2003] AIRCTrans 640 (27 February 2003) [57%]
    (From Australian Industrial Relations Commission Transcripts; 27 February 2003; 11 KB)   View LawCite record  

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