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AustLII Databases - Documents found: 20 for (aar20002000n243337)
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  1. ACIS ADMINISTRATION REGULATIONS 2000 2000 No. 243 - REG 7 Automotive machine tooling (Act s 6) [100%]
    (From Commonwealth Numbered Regulations; 1 January 2000; 2 KB)   

  2. ACIS ADMINISTRATION REGULATIONS 2000 2000 No. 243 - REG 10 Production value for an MVP (Act s 6) [95%]
    (From Commonwealth Numbered Regulations; 1 January 2000; 5 KB)   

  3. ACIS ADMINISTRATION REGULATIONS 2000 2000 No. 243 - REG 4 Approved plant and equipment (Act s 6) [95%]
    (From Commonwealth Numbered Regulations; 1 January 2000; 8 KB)   

  4. ACIS ADMINISTRATION REGULATIONS 2000 2000 No. 243 - REG 8 Automotive machine tools (Act s 6) [95%]
    (From Commonwealth Numbered Regulations; 1 January 2000; 4 KB)   

    (From Commonwealth Numbered Regulations; 1 January 2000; 1 KB)   

  6. ACIS ADMINISTRATION REGULATIONS 2000 2000 No. 243 - REG 11 Production value for an ACP, AMTP or ASP (Act s 6) [95%]
    (From Commonwealth Numbered Regulations; 1 January 2000; 2 KB)   

  7. ACIS ADMINISTRATION REGULATIONS 2000 2000 No. 243 - REG 5 Approved research and development (Act s 6) [95%]
    (From Commonwealth Numbered Regulations; 1 January 2000; 9 KB)   

  8. ACIS ADMINISTRATION REGULATIONS 2000 2000 No. 243 - REG 6 Automotive component (Act s 6) [91%]
    (From Commonwealth Numbered Regulations; 1 January 2000; 2 KB)   

  9. ACIS ADMINISTRATION REGULATIONS 2000 2000 No. 243 - REG 9 Automotive services (Act s 6) [91%]
    (From Commonwealth Numbered Regulations; 1 January 2000; 3 KB)   

  10. ACIS ADMINISTRATION REGULATIONS 2000 2000 No. 243 - REG 3 Definitions [87%]
    (From Commonwealth Numbered Regulations; 1 January 2000; 6 KB)   

  11. ACIS ADMINISTRATION REGULATIONS 2000 2000 No. 243 - REG 2 Commencement [87%]
    (From Commonwealth Numbered Regulations; 1 January 2000; 1 KB)   

  12. ACIS ADMINISTRATION REGULATIONS 2000 2000 No. 243 - REG 14 Production value for an applicant for registration as an ACP, AMTP or ASP [87%]
    (From Commonwealth Numbered Regulations; 1 January 2000; 3 KB)   

  13. ACIS ADMINISTRATION REGULATIONS 2000 2000 No. 243 - REG 15 Group registration — dealing with an application for permission [87%]
    (From Commonwealth Numbered Regulations; 1 January 2000; 3 KB)   

  14. ACIS ADMINISTRATION REGULATIONS 2000 2000 No. 243 - REG 18 Form of identity cards [83%]
    (From Commonwealth Numbered Regulations; 1 January 2000; 2 KB)   

  15. ACIS ADMINISTRATION REGULATIONS 2000 2000 No. 243 - REG 1 Name of Regulations [83%]
    (From Commonwealth Numbered Regulations; 1 January 2000; 1 KB)   

  16. ACIS ADMINISTRATION REGULATIONS 2000 2000 No. 243 - REG 13 Where sale of goods or services is taken not to occur (Act s 6) [79%]
    (From Commonwealth Numbered Regulations; 1 January 2000; 2 KB)   

  17. ACIS ADMINISTRATION REGULATIONS 2000 2000 No. 243 - REG 17 Lodging notification of transfer of duty credit [79%]
    (From Commonwealth Numbered Regulations; 1 January 2000; 2 KB)   

  18. ACIS ADMINISTRATION REGULATIONS 2000 2000 No. 243 - REG 16 Manner of making a quarterly return [79%]
    (From Commonwealth Numbered Regulations; 1 January 2000; 2 KB)   

    (From Commonwealth Numbered Regulations Explanatory Statements; 8 KB)   

  20. ACIS ADMINISTRATION REGULATIONS 2000 2000 No. 243 - REG 12 Where sale of goods or services is taken to occur (Act s 6) [66%]
    (From Commonwealth Numbered Regulations; 1 January 2000; 3 KB)   

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