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AustLII Databases - Documents found: 16 for (cth consol act ba2015156 s310)

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  1. BIOSECURITY ACT 2015 - SECT 310 Modified meaning of biosecurity risk [100%]
    (From Commonwealth Consolidated Acts; 1 January 2015; 7 KB)   

  2. BIOSECURITY ACT 2015 - SECT 346 Regulations may provide for other biosecurity measures [28%]
    (From Commonwealth Consolidated Acts; 1 January 2015; 11 KB)   

  3. BIOSECURITY ACT 2015 - SECT 384 Director of Biosecurity may determine temporary biosecurity monitoring zone [28%]
    (From Commonwealth Consolidated Acts; 1 January 2015; 5 KB)   

  4. BIOSECURITY ACT 2015 - SECT 9 Definitions [28%]
    (From Commonwealth Consolidated Acts; 1 January 2015; 142 KB)   

  5. BIOSECURITY ACT 2015 - SECT 370 Powers that may be exercised--general [28%]
    (From Commonwealth Consolidated Acts; 1 January 2015; 7 KB)   

  6. BIOSECURITY ACT 2015 - SECT 395 Director of Biosecurity may determine biosecurity activity zone [28%]
    (From Commonwealth Consolidated Acts; 1 January 2015; 7 KB)   

  7. BIOSECURITY ACT 2015 - SECT 389 Powers that may be exercised--general [14%]
    (From Commonwealth Consolidated Acts; 1 January 2015; 5 KB)   

  8. BIOSECURITY ACT 2015 - SECT 399 Powers that may be exercised [14%]
    (From Commonwealth Consolidated Acts; 1 January 2015; 11 KB)   

  9. BIOSECURITY ACT 2015 - SECT 365 Director of Biosecurity may determine biosecurity response zone [14%]
    (From Commonwealth Consolidated Acts; 1 January 2015; 8 KB)   

  10. BIOSECURITY ACT 2015 - SECT 4 Objects of this Act [14%]
    (From Commonwealth Consolidated Acts; 1 January 2015; 5 KB)   

  11. BIOSECURITY ACT 2015 - SECT 311 Objects of this Chapter [14%]
    (From Commonwealth Consolidated Acts; 1 January 2015; 8 KB)   

  12. BIOSECURITY ACT 2015 - SECT 314 Reasonable suspicion that disease or pest may pose unacceptable level of biosecurity risk [14%]
    (From Commonwealth Consolidated Acts; 1 January 2015; 6 KB)   

  13. BIOSECURITY ACT 2015 - SECT 353 Director of Biosecurity may make biosecurity control order to manage unacceptable level of biosecurity risk [14%]
    (From Commonwealth Consolidated Acts; 1 January 2015; 6 KB)   

  14. BIOSECURITY ACT 2015 - SECT 360 Powers that may be exercised--general [14%]
    (From Commonwealth Consolidated Acts; 1 January 2015; 5 KB)   

  15. BIOSECURITY ACT 2015 - SECT 379 Powers that may be exercised--general [14%]
    (From Commonwealth Consolidated Acts; 1 January 2015; 12 KB)   

  16. BIOSECURITY ACT 2015 - SECT 489 Test to be met for issue of warrant [14%]
    (From Commonwealth Consolidated Acts; 1 January 2015; 18 KB)   

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