COPYRIGHT ACT 1968 - SECT 10AA Non - infringing copy of a sound recording [100%]
(From Commonwealth Consolidated Acts; 1 January 1968; 10 KB)
Intellectual Property and Competition Review Committee Report (Ergas Report) [2000] CLRC 15 [57%]
(From Copyright Law Review Committee Reports; 1 September 2000; 1092 KB)
Australian Competition & Consumer Commission v Universal Music Australia Pty Limited (No 2) (includescorrigendum dated 7 March 2002) [2002] FCA 192 (6 March 2002) [28%]
(From Federal Court of Australia; 6 March 2002; 85 KB)
Australian Competition & Consumer Commission v Warner Music Australia Pty Ltd [1999] FCA 1396 (2 December 1999) [28%]
(From Federal Court of Australia; 2 December 1999; 24 KB)
COPYRIGHT ACT 1968 - SECT 10 Interpretation [14%]
(From Commonwealth Consolidated Acts; 1 January 1968; 132 KB)
Becroft, Ross; Doolan, Craig; Patitucci, Marisa --- "Young Lawyers’ Update - Your guide to recent changes in the law: Copyright Law Reforms; The Garcia Case; Developments in Industrial Relations" [1999] VicYngLawyersJl 10; (1999) 12 Young Lawyers Journal 16 [14%]
(From Young Lawyers Journal; 1 April 1999; 28 KB)
Australian Competition & Consumer Commission v Universal Music Australia Pty Limited (includes corrigendadated 7 March 2002 & [2001] FCA 1925; 1 October 2002) [2001] FCA 1800 (14 December 2001) [14%]
(From Federal Court of Australia; 14 December 2001; 444 KB)
(From Commonwealth Consolidated Acts; 1 January 1968; 907 KB)