PRIVACY ACT 1988 - SECT 34 Provisions relating to documents exempt under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 [100%]
(From Commonwealth Consolidated Acts; 1 January 1988; 4 KB)
Review of Australian Privacy Law [2007] ALRCDP 72 [66%]
(From Australian Law Reform Commission - Discussion Papers; 1 September 2007; 7222 KB)
[2008] ALRC 108 --- "For Your Information: Australian Privacy Law and Practice" [2008] ALRC 1; Final Report [50%]
(From Australian Law Reform Commission Reports; 1 May 2008; 10142 KB)
For Your Information: Australian Privacy Law and Practice [2008] ALRC 108 [50%]
(From Australian Law Reform Commission Reports; 1 May 2008; 10014 KB)
Review of Privacy [2006] ALRCIP 31 [33%]
(From Australian Law Reform Commission - Issues Papers; 1 January 2006; 2544 KB)
PRIVACY ACT 1988 - SECT 26XB Authorisation of collection, use and disclosure of personal information [16%]
(From Commonwealth Consolidated Acts; 1 January 1988; 13 KB)
Elder Abuse [2016] ALRCDP 83 [16%]
(From Australian Law Reform Commission - Discussion Papers; 12 December 2016; 835 KB)
‘JZ’ and Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet [2016] AICmr 78 (25 November 2016) [16%]
(From Australian Information Commissioner; 25 November 2016; 42 KB)
Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs--Report into referred immigration cases: Mr G [2006] AUOmbIRp 6 (1 December 2006) [16%]
(From Commonwealth Ombudsman's Investigation Reports; 1 December 2006; 140 KB)
Joint Select Committee on Certain Family Law Issues - Report - Child support scheme: an examination of the operation and effectiveness of the scheme - Recommendations and conclusions, (A Pp 1994 no 454) [1994] AUPJSelCPubInq 2 (5 December 1994) [16%]
(From Australian Parliamentary Joint Select Committees of Public Inquiry; 5 December 1994; 325 KB)
National Native Title Tribunal --- "Annual Report 1995/96" [1996] IndigLRes 5 [16%]
(From Indigenous Law Resources; 1 January 1996; 470 KB)
PRIVACY ACT 1988 - NOTES [16%]
(From Commonwealth Consolidated Acts; 1 January 1988; 739 KB)
PRIVACY ACT 1988 - SECT 80P Authorisation of collection, use and disclosure of personal information [16%]
(From Commonwealth Consolidated Acts; 1 January 1988; 12 KB)