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AustLII Databases - Documents found: 24 for (cth consol act pa1988108 s53)
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  1. PRIVACY ACT 1988 - SECT 53 Determination must identify the class members who are to be affected by the determination [100%]
    (From Commonwealth Consolidated Acts; 1 January 1988; 2 KB)   

  2. ON v Marrickville Council [2005] NSWADT 274 (2 December 2005) [50%]
    (From Administrative Decisions Tribunal of New South Wales; 2 December 2005; 38 KB)   View LawCite record  [*]

  3. Foreign Influence Transparency Scheme Bill 2017 - Commentary on Ministerial Responses [2018] AUSStaCSBSD 82 (21 March 2018) [50%]
    (From Australian Senate Standing Committee for the Scrutiny of Bills - Scrutiny Digests; 21 March 2018; 86 KB)   View LawCite record  

  4. Scrutiny Digest 3 of 2018 [2018] AUSStaCSBSD 46 (21 March 2018) [50%]
    (From Australian Senate Standing Committee for the Scrutiny of Bills - Scrutiny Digests; 21 March 2018; 923 KB)   View LawCite record  

  5. Ministerial Responses [2018] AUSStaCSBSD 279 (21 March 2018) [50%]
    (From Australian Senate Standing Committee for the Scrutiny of Bills - Scrutiny Digests; 21 March 2018; 289 KB)   View LawCite record  

  6. Ministerial Responses [2018] AUSStaCSBSD 280 (28 March 2018) [50%]
    (From Australian Senate Standing Committee for the Scrutiny of Bills - Scrutiny Digests; 28 March 2018; 92 KB)   View LawCite record  

  7. NZ v Director General, Department of Housing [2006] NSWADT 173 (7 June 2006) [33%]
    (From Administrative Decisions Tribunal of New South Wales; 7 June 2006; 63 KB)   View LawCite record  [*]

  8. 'WP' and Secretary to the Department of Home Affairs (Privacy) [2021] AICmr 2 (11 January 2021) [33%]
    (From Australian Information Commissioner; 11 January 2021; 87 KB)   View LawCite record  [*]

  9. Connolly, Chris --- "Managing patient consent in a multidisciplinary team environment - KJ v Wentworth Area Health Service and its implications for HRIPA" [2004] PrivLawPRpr 26; (2004) 11(2) Privacy Law and Policy Reporter 29 [16%]
    (From Privacy Law and Policy Reporter; 1 August 2004; 22 KB)   View LawCite record  [*]

  10. Eckstein, Lisa; Otlowski, Margaret; Taylor, Mark; McWhirter, Rebekah --- "Reversing the 'Quasi-Tribunal' Role of Human Research Ethics Committees: a Waiver of Consent Case Study" [2023] UNSWLawJl 18; (2023) 46(2) UNSW Law Journal 498 [16%]
    (From University of New South Wales Law Journal; 1 January 2023; 133 KB)   View LawCite record  

  11. Report 6 of 2020 [2020] AUPJCHR 79 (20 May 2020) [16%]
    (From Australian Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights; 20 May 2020; 160 KB)   View LawCite record  

  12. Office of National Intelligence Bill 2018; Office of National Intelligence (Consequential and Transitional Provisions) Bill 2018s [2018] AUPJCHR 194 (18 September 2018) [16%]
    (From Australian Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights; 18 September 2018; 84 KB)   View LawCite record  

  13. Report 10 of 2018 [2018] AUPJCHR 188 (18 September 2018) [16%]
    (From Australian Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights; 18 September 2018; 453 KB)   View LawCite record  

  14. Office of National Intelligence Bill 2018; Office of National Intelligence (Consequential and Transitional Provisions) Bill 2018 [2018] AUPJCHR 149 (14 August 2018) [16%]
    (From Australian Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights; 14 August 2018; 50 KB)   View LawCite record  

  15. Report 7 of 2018 [2018] AUPJCHR 141 (14 August 2018) [16%]
    (From Australian Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights; 14 August 2018; 519 KB)   View LawCite record  

  16. Foley v Australian Information Commissioner [2024] FCA 169 (1 March 2024) [16%]
    (From Federal Court of Australia; 1 March 2024; 132 KB)   View LawCite record  

  17. Bailey v Veda Advantage Information Services and Solutions Limited (No 2) [2008] FCA 730 (22 May 2008) [16%]
    (From Federal Court of Australia; 22 May 2008; 111 KB)   View LawCite record  [*]

  18. AFW v WorkCover Authority of New South Wales [2013] NSWADT 133 (11 June 2013) [16%]
    (From Administrative Decisions Tribunal of New South Wales; 11 June 2013; 55 KB)   View LawCite record  [*]

  19. ZR v Department of Education and Training (GD) [2010] NSWADTAP 75 (11 November 2010) [16%]
    (From Administrative Decisions Tribunal Appeal Panel of New South Wales; 11 November 2010; 52 KB)   View LawCite record  [*]

  20. Director General, Department of Education and Training v MT (GD) [2005] NSWADTAP 77 (23 December 2005) [16%]
    (From Administrative Decisions Tribunal Appeal Panel of New South Wales; 23 December 2005; 93 KB)   View LawCite record  [*]

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