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PRIVACY ACT 1988 - SECT 59 Obligations of principal executive of agency [100%]
(From Commonwealth Consolidated Acts; 1 January 1988; 4 KB)
Epifano and Privacy Commissioner [2010] AATA 489 (1 July 2010) [57%]
(From Administrative Appeals Tribunal of Australia; 1 July 2010; 43 KB)
PRIVACY ACT 1988 - SECT 62 Enforcement of determination against an agency [28%]
(From Commonwealth Consolidated Acts; 1 January 1988; 6 KB)
TYGJ and Privacy Commissioner and Secretary, Department of Veterans' Affairs (Party Joined) [2015] AATA 112 (27 February 2015) [28%]
(From Administrative Appeals Tribunal of Australia; 27 February 2015; 171 KB)
Forrest and Secretary, Department of Social Security and Wilks [Party Joined] [1991] AATA 438 (11 April 1991) [28%]
(From Administrative Appeals Tribunal of Australia; 11 April 1991; 17 KB)
Cavar v Campbelltown Catholic Club Limited (No 2) [2023] NSWSC 1272 (27 October 2023) [28%]
(From Supreme Court of New South Wales; 27 October 2023; 102 KB)
Joint Select Committee on Cyber-Safety - Interim Report (A Pp 2011 no 146) [2011] AUPJSelCPubInq 5 (1 June 2011) [14%]
(From Australian Parliamentary Joint Select Committees of Public Inquiry; 1 June 2011; 1106 KB)
Royal Commission Into the Robodebt Scheme - Final Report - Volume 2 [2023] AURoyalC 3 (7 July 2023) [14%]
(From Australian Royal Commissions; 7 July 2023; 1113 KB)
Monitor 12 of 2023 [2023] AUSStaCSDLM 112 (18 October 2023) [14%]
(From Australian Senate Standing Committee for the Scrutiny of Delegated Legislation - Monitor; 18 October 2023; 131 KB)
For Your Information: Australian Privacy Law and Practice [2008] ALRC 108 [14%]
(From Australian Law Reform Commission Reports; 1 May 2008; 10014 KB)
[2008] ALRC 108 --- "For Your Information: Australian Privacy Law and Practice" [2008] ALRC 1; Final Report [14%]
(From Australian Law Reform Commission Reports; 1 May 2008; 10142 KB)
Review of Australian Privacy Law [2007] ALRCDP 72 [14%]
(From Australian Law Reform Commission - Discussion Papers; 1 September 2007; 7222 KB)
Review of Privacy [2006] ALRCIP 31 [14%]
(From Australian Law Reform Commission - Issues Papers; 1 January 2006; 2544 KB)
PRIVACY ACT 1988 - NOTES [14%]
(From Commonwealth Consolidated Acts; 1 January 1988; 739 KB)
Andrews and Australian Research Council [2007] AATA 1026; (2007) 44 AAR 407 (25 January 2007) [14%]
(From Administrative Appeals Tribunal of Australia; 25 January 2007; 124 KB)
Medibank Private Limited v Australian Information Commissioner [2024] FCA 117 (22 February 2024) [14%]
(From Federal Court of Australia; 22 February 2024; 168 KB)
Magnusson, Roger S --- "Confidentiality and Consent in Medical Research: Some Recurrent, Unresolved Legal Issues Faced by IECs" [1995] SydLawRw 35; (1995) 17(4) Sydney Law Review 549 [14%]
(From Sydney Law Review; 1 December 1995; 88 KB)
Report 6 of 2020 [2020] AUPJCHR 79 (20 May 2020) [14%]
(From Australian Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights; 20 May 2020; 160 KB)
Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission Bill 2018 [2018] AUPJCHR 229 (4 December 2018) [14%]
(From Australian Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights; 4 December 2018; 43 KB)
Report 13 of 2018 [2018] AUPJCHR 224 (4 December 2018) [14%]
(From Australian Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights; 4 December 2018; 448 KB)
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