PRIVACY ACT 1988 - SECT 78 Determination of application [100%]
(From Commonwealth Consolidated Acts; 1 January 1988; 2 KB)
Scrutiny Digest 7 of 2023 [2023] AUSStaCSBSD 106 (21 June 2023) [42%]
(From Australian Senate Standing Committee for the Scrutiny of Bills - Scrutiny Digests; 21 June 2023; 56 KB)
Public Service Amendment Bill 2023 [2023] AUSStaCSBSD 108 (21 June 2023) [42%]
(From Australian Senate Standing Committee for the Scrutiny of Bills - Scrutiny Digests; 21 June 2023; 23 KB)
Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority Amendment (Sport Integrity Australia) Bill 2019 - Commentary on Ministerial Responses [2019] AUSStaCSBSD 172 (5 December 2019) [14%]
(From Australian Senate Standing Committee for the Scrutiny of Bills - Scrutiny Digests; 5 December 2019; 17 KB)
National Native Title Tribunal --- "Annual Report 1995/96" [1996] IndigLRes 5 [14%]
(From Indigenous Law Resources; 1 January 1996; 470 KB)
Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority Amendment (Sport Integrity Australia) Bill 2019 [2019] AUSStaCSBSD 128 (13 November 2019) [14%]
(From Australian Senate Standing Committee for the Scrutiny of Bills - Scrutiny Digests; 13 November 2019; 11 KB)