TELECOMMUNICATIONS ACT 1997 - SECT 300 Threat to person's life or health [100%]
(From Commonwealth Consolidated Acts; 1 January 1997; 4 KB)
Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (Information Disclosure, National Interest and Other Measures) Bill 2022 - Commentary on Ministerial Responses [2023] AUSStaCSBSD 26 (8 February 2023) [85%]
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[2008] ALRC 108 --- "For Your Information: Australian Privacy Law and Practice" [2008] ALRC 1; Final Report [85%]
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Scrutiny Digest 8 of 2022 [2022] AUSStaCSBSD 114 (30 November 2022) [85%]
(From Australian Senate Standing Committee for the Scrutiny of Bills - Scrutiny Digests; 30 November 2022; 128 KB)
For Your Information: Australian Privacy Law and Practice [2008] ALRC 108 [85%]
(From Australian Law Reform Commission Reports; 1 May 2008; 10014 KB)
Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (Information Disclosure, National Interest and Other Measures) Bill 2022 [2022] AUSStaCSBSD 116 (30 November 2022) [71%]
(From Australian Senate Standing Committee for the Scrutiny of Bills - Scrutiny Digests; 30 November 2022; 22 KB)
Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (Information Disclosure, National Interest and Other Measures) Bill 2022 - Concluded Matters [2023] AUPJCHR 12 (8 February 2023) [71%]
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Review of Australian Privacy Law [2007] ALRCDP 72 [57%]
(From Australian Law Reform Commission - Discussion Papers; 1 September 2007; 7222 KB)
Scrutiny Digest 1 of 2023 [2023] AUSStaCSBSD 1 (8 February 2023) [42%]
(From Australian Senate Standing Committee for the Scrutiny of Bills - Scrutiny Digests; 8 February 2023; 333 KB)
Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (Information Disclosure, National Interest and Other Measures) Bill 2022 - Commentary on Ministerial Responses [2023] AUSStaCSBSD 44 (8 March 2023) [14%]
(From Australian Senate Standing Committee for the Scrutiny of Bills - Scrutiny Digests; 8 March 2023; 13 KB)
Report 6 of 2022 [2022] AUPJCHR 44 (25 November 2022) [14%]
(From Australian Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights; 25 November 2022; 284 KB)
Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (Information Disclosure, National Interest and Other Measures) Bill 2022 [2022] AUPJCHR 51 (25 November 2022) [14%]
(From Australian Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights; 25 November 2022; 48 KB)
Davey, Kent --- "Privacy Protection for Internet E-mail in Australia" [1998] ANZCompuLawJl 7; (1998) 35 Computers & Law 21 [14%]
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CD; Inquest into the disappearance of CD (2019/00306113) [2022] NSWCorC 61 (16 September 2022) [14%]
(From Coroners Court of New South Wales; 16 September 2022; 117 KB)
CD; Inquest into the disappearance of CD (2019/00306113) [2022] NSWCorC 84 (16 September 2022) [14%]
(From Coroners Court of New South Wales; 16 September 2022; 117 KB)
(From Commonwealth Consolidated Acts; 1 January 1997; 1097 KB)
Inquest into the disappearance of CD (2019/00306113) [2022] NSWCorC 101 (16 September 2022) [14%]
(From Coroners Court of New South Wales; 16 September 2022; 117 KB)
(From Commonwealth Numbered Acts; 1 January 2023; 18 KB)