FEDERAL COURT RULES 2011 - RULE 16.51 Amendment without needing the leave of the Court [100%]
(From Commonwealth Consolidated Regulations; 1 January 2011; 3 KB)
FEDERAL COURT RULES 2011 - RULE 16.52 Disallowance of amendment of pleading [83%]
(From Commonwealth Consolidated Regulations; 1 January 2011; 3 KB)
FEDERAL COURT RULES 2011 - RULE 16.53 Application for leave to amend [50%]
(From Commonwealth Consolidated Regulations; 1 January 2011; 3 KB)
FEDERAL COURT RULES 2011 - RULE 16.54 Date on which amendment takes effect [50%]
(From Commonwealth Consolidated Regulations; 1 January 2011; 1 KB)
Nyamal Palyku Proceeding [2020] FCA 428 (27 March 2020) [33%]
(From Federal Court of Australia; 27 March 2020; 374 KB)
FEDERAL COURT RULES 2011 - RULE 16.56 Consequential amendment of reply [33%]
(From Commonwealth Consolidated Regulations; 1 January 2011; 3 KB)
FEDERAL COURT RULES 2011 - RULE 16.55 Consequential amendment of defence [33%]
(From Commonwealth Consolidated Regulations; 1 January 2011; 3 KB)
O'Brien v Caboolture Aero Club Inc [2024] FCA 392 (18 April 2024) [16%]
(From Federal Court of Australia; 18 April 2024; 93 KB)
Pabai v Commonwealth of Australia [2022] FCA 836 (18 July 2022) [16%]
(From Federal Court of Australia; 18 July 2022; 39 KB)
Bhalla v Woolworths Group Pty Ltd [2024] FedCFamC2G 652 (23 July 2024) [16%]
(From Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia - Division 2 General Federal Law; 23 July 2024; 61 KB)
FEDERAL COURT RULES 2011 - RULE 9.54 Amendment of parties [16%]
(From Commonwealth Consolidated Regulations; 1 January 2011; 4 KB)
General Trade Industries Pty Ltd (in liquidation) v AGL Energy Limited (No 3) [2024] FCA 492 (14 May 2024) [16%]
(From Federal Court of Australia; 14 May 2024; 73 KB)