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AustLII Databases - Documents found: 4 for (cth consol reg fcr2011186 s40 05)
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  1. FEDERAL COURT RULES 2011 - RULE 40.05 Costs in other courts [100%]
    (From Commonwealth Consolidated Regulations; 1 January 2011; 2 KB)   

  2. Melbourne City Investments Pty Ltd (now called ACN 161 046 304 Pty Ltd) v Treasury Wine Estates Limited; In the Matter of Treasury Wine Estates Limited (No 4) [2019] FCA 804 (30 May 2019) [28%]
    (From Federal Court of Australia; 30 May 2019; 119 KB)   View LawCite record  [*]

  3. Melbourne City Investments Pty Ltd v Treasury Wine Estates Ltd [2019] FCA 1458 (5 September 2019) [14%]
    (From Federal Court of Australia; 5 September 2019; 62 KB)   View LawCite record  [*]

  4. Alexander, Phillipa --- "Costs column: Lump sum costs orders - Phillipa Alexander" [2017] PrecedentAULA 26; (2017) 139 Precedent 48 [14%]
    (From Precedent (Australian Lawyers Alliance); 1 March 2017; 16 KB)   View LawCite record  

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