Director, Fair Work Building Industry Inspectorate v Cradden [2015] FCA 614 (12 June 2015) [100%]
(From Federal Court of Australia; 12 June 2015; 126 KB)
Wilson v Nesbit [2009] FCA 1574 (23 December 2009) [28%]
(From Federal Court of Australia; 23 December 2009; 29 KB)
Fair Work Ombudsman v Grouped Property Services Pty Ltd (No 2) [2017] FCA 557 (24 May 2017) [15%]
(From Federal Court of Australia; 24 May 2017; 589 KB)
BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY IMPROVEMENT ACT 2005 No. 113, 2005 - SECT 44 Coercion of persons to make, vary, terminate etc. certified agreements etc. [15%]
(From Commonwealth Numbered Acts; 1 January 2005; 4 KB)
Australian Building and Construction Commissioner v Construction, Forestry, Maritime, Mining and Energy Union (No 3) (The Botany Cranes Case) [2021] FCA 363 (22 April 2021) [15%]
(From Federal Court of Australia; 22 April 2021; 245 KB)
Cozadinos v Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union [2013] FCA 1243 (21 November 2013) [15%]
(From Federal Court of Australia; 21 November 2013; 46 KB)
Cozadinos v Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union [2012] FCA 46 (6 February 2012) [13%]
(From Federal Court of Australia; 6 February 2012; 137 KB)
Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union-Construction and General Division, Queensland Northern Territory Divisional Branch [2016] FWC 1984 (4 April 2016) [13%]
(From Fair Work Commission; 4 April 2016; 48 KB)
Woodside Burrup Pty Ltd v Construction, Forestry, Mining & Energy Union [2011] FCA 949 (22 August 2011) [13%]
(From Federal Court of Australia; 22 August 2011; 179 KB)
Alfred v Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union [2011] FCA 556 (2 June 2011) [10%]
(From Federal Court of Australia; 2 June 2011; 69 KB)
Construction, Forestry, Maritime, Mining and Energy Union v Fair Work Ombudsman (The Botany Cranes Case) [2023] FCAFC 40 (15 March 2023) [10%]
(From Federal Court of Australia - Full Court; 15 March 2023; 296 KB)
Director, Office of the Fair Work Building Inspectorate v McDonald [2011] FCA 1546 (5 July 2011) [7%]
(From Federal Court of Australia; 5 July 2011; 23 KB)
Australian Building and Construction Commissioner v Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union (No 2) [2011] FCA 1518 (23 December 2011) [7%]
(From Federal Court of Australia; 23 December 2011; 100 KB)
Commonwealth of Australia v Director, Fair Work Building Industry Inspectorate; Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union v Director, Fair Work Building Industry Inspectorate [2015] HCA 46 (9 December 2015) [7%]
(From High Court of Australia; 9 December 2015; 177 KB)
Australian Building and Construction Commissioner v Construction, Forestry, Mining & Energy Union [2011] FCA 1040 (7 September 2011) [7%]
(From Federal Court of Australia; 7 September 2011; 45 KB)
Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union-Construction and General Division, Queensland Northern Territory Divisional Branch, Application by [2016] FWCSum 1984 (30 March 2016) [7%]
(From Fair Work Commission - Decision Summaries; 30 March 2016; 6 KB)
Hardwick v Australian Manufacturing Workers' Union [2010] FCA 818 (4 August 2010) [7%]
(From Federal Court of Australia; 4 August 2010; 66 KB)
Director, Office of the Fair Work Building Industry Inspectorate v Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union (includes Corrigendum dated 11 February 2013) [2013] FCAFC 8 (11 February 2013) [7%]
(From Federal Court of Australia - Full Court; 11 February 2013; 151 KB)
Mortimore v Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union [2010] FCA 537 (24 May 2010) [7%]
(From Federal Court of Australia; 24 May 2010; 29 KB)
Australian Building and Construction Commissioner v Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union (The Footscray Station Case) [2017] FCA 1555 (21 December 2017) [7%]
(From Federal Court of Australia; 21 December 2017; 116 KB)