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AustLII Databases - Documents found: 22 for (cth num act ca1989172 s180)
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  1. Australian Securities and Investments Commission v Cassimatis (No 8) [2016] FCA 1023 (26 August 2016) [100%]
    (From Federal Court of Australia; 26 August 2016; 789 KB)   View LawCite record  [*][*]

  2. Saunders, Benjamin B --- "The Public Sector Duty of Care and Diligence" [2019] UNSWLawJl 23; (2019) 42(2) UNSW Law Journal 652 [35%]
    (From University of New South Wales Law Journal; 1 January 2019; 169 KB)   View LawCite record  [*]

  3. Nettle, Geoffrey --- "The Changing Positions and Duties of Company Directors" [2018] MelbULawRw 13; (2018) 41(3) Melbourne University Law Review 1402 [31%]
    (From Melbourne University Law Review; 1 January 2018; 127 KB)   View LawCite record  [*]

  4. Golding, Greg --- "Tightening the Screws on Directors: Care, Delegation and Reliance" [2012] UNSWLawJl 11; (2012) 35(1) UNSW Law Journal 266 [21%]
    (From University of New South Wales Law Journal; 1 January 2012; 124 KB)   View LawCite record  [*]

  5. Comino, Vicky --- "James Hardie and the Problems of the Australian Civil Penalties Regime" [2014] UNSWLawJl 7; (2014) 37(1) UNSW Law Journal 195 [15%]
    (From University of New South Wales Law Journal; 1 January 2014; 198 KB)   View LawCite record  [*]

  6. WESTPAC BANKING CORPORATION -v- THE BELL GROUP LTD (IN LIQ) [No 3] [2012] WASCA 157 (17 August 2012) [13%]
    (From Supreme Court of Western Australia - Court of Appeal; 17 August 2012; 2974 KB)   View LawCite record  [*][*][*][*][*]

  7. Legg, Michael; Jordan, Dean --- "The Australian Business Judgment Rule After ASIC v Rich; Balancing Director Authority and Accountability" [2013] AdelLawRw 21; (2013) 34(2) Adelaide Law Review 403 [13%]
    (From Adelaide Law Review; 1 January 2013; 89 KB)   View LawCite record  [*]

  8. CORPORATIONS ACT 1989 No. 109 of 1989 - SECT 180 Operation of memorandum and articles [13%]
    (From Commonwealth Numbered Acts; 1 January 1989; 3 KB)   

  9. Simson, Tara --- "The Duty to Care: Progressive Judicial Interpretation of the Directors' Duty of Care and Diligence" [2022] UniSAStuLawRw 4; (2022) 4 UniSA Student Law Review 76 [11%]
    (From UniSA Student Law Review; 1 January 2022; 57 KB)   View LawCite record  

  10. LL and Anor & MR and Anor [2006] FamCA 690 (21 July 2006) [9%]
    (From Family Court of Australia; 21 July 2006; 246 KB)   View LawCite record  [*]

  11. Welsh, Michelle --- "Civil Penalties and Responsive Regulation: the Gap Between Theory and Practice" [2009] MelbULawRw 31; (2009) 33(3) Melbourne University Law Review 908 [9%]
    (From Melbourne University Law Review; 1 January 2009; 138 KB)   View LawCite record  [*]

  12. Comino, Vicky --- "Effective Regulation by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission: the Civil Penalty Problem" [2009] MelbULawRw 27; (2009) 33(3) Melbourne University Law Review 802 [9%]
    (From Melbourne University Law Review; 1 January 2009; 197 KB)   View LawCite record  [*]

  13. Hargovan, Anil --- "Australian Securities and Investments Commission v Macdonald [No 11] Corporate Governance Lessons From James Hardie" [2009] MelbULawRw 34; (2009) 33(3) Melbourne University Law Review 984 [7%]
    (From Melbourne University Law Review; 1 January 2009; 198 KB)   View LawCite record  [*]

  14. Jordan, Cally J --- "Unlovely and Unloved: Corporate Law Reform's Progeny" [2009] MelbULawRw 21; (2009) 33(2) Melbourne University Law Review 626 [7%]
    (From Melbourne University Law Review; 1 January 2009; 105 KB)   View LawCite record  [*]

  15. Nel de Koker, Jeanne --- "Regulating Volunteer Directors' Duties in Companies Registered With the Australian Charities and Not-For-profits Commission" [2022] UNSWLawJl 24; (2022) 45(2) UNSW Law Journal 764 [7%]
    (From University of New South Wales Law Journal; 1 January 2022; 196 KB)   View LawCite record  

  16. MACKS v VISCARIELLO [2017] SASCFC 172 (22 December 2017) [5%]
    (From Supreme Court of South Australia - Full Court; 22 December 2017; 921 KB)   View LawCite record  [*]

  17. CORPORATIONS ACT 1989 No. 109 of 1989 - SECT 172 Alterations of memorandum [3%]
    (From Commonwealth Numbered Acts; 1 January 1989; 6 KB)   

  18. Hedges, Jasper; Bird, Helen; Gilligan, George; Godwin, Andrew; Ramsay, Ian --- "The Policy and Practice of Enforcement of Directors' Duties by Statutory Agencies in Australia: an Empirical Analysis" [2017] MelbULawRw 13; (2017) 40(3) Melbourne University Law Review 905 [1%]
    (From Melbourne University Law Review; 1 January 2017; 270 KB)   View LawCite record  [*]

  19. du Boulay v. Worrell & Ors [2009] QCA 63 (24 March 2009) [1%]
    (From Supreme Court of Queensland - Court of Appeal; 24 March 2009; 64 KB)   View LawCite record  [*]

  20. Clark, Eugene; Cho, George; Hoyle, Arthur --- "Y2K Litigation: More Bugs Hitting the Same Legal Fan" [1999] JlLawInfoSci 12; (1999) 10(2) Journal of Law, Information and Science 246 [1%]
    (From Journal of Law, Information and Science; 1 January 1999; 160 KB)   View LawCite record  

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