CORPORATIONS ACT 1989 No. 109 of 1989 - SECT 209 Register and index of members [100%]
(From Commonwealth Numbered Acts; 1 January 1989; 7 KB)
CORPORATIONS ACT 1989 No. 109 of 1989 - SECT 1302 Location of registers [57%]
(From Commonwealth Numbered Acts; 1 January 1989; 6 KB)
CORPORATIONS ACT 1989 No. 109 of 1989 - SECT 213 Trustee etc. may be registered as owner of shares [57%]
(From Commonwealth Numbered Acts; 1 January 1989; 7 KB)
CORPORATIONS ACT 1989 No. 109 of 1989 - SECT 356 Index of members and inspection and closing of registers [42%]
(From Commonwealth Numbered Acts; 1 January 1989; 2 KB)
CORPORATIONS ACT 1989 No. 109 of 1989 - SECT 152 Establishment of registers and minute books [42%]
(From Commonwealth Numbered Acts; 1 January 1989; 5 KB)
Lewis Securities Ltd (in Liq.) v Marilyn Carter & Anor [2017] NSWSC 412 (7 April 2017) [14%]
(From Supreme Court of New South Wales; 7 April 2017; 219 KB)
"Table of Statutes" [2009] ELECD 41; in Dharmanandra, Kanaga; Papamatheos, Anthony (eds), "Perspectives on Declaratory Relief" (The Federation Press, 2009) xxii [14%]
(From Edited Legal Collections Data; 31 August 2009; 20 KB)
Comino, Vicky --- "James Hardie and the Problems of the Australian Civil Penalties Regime" [2014] UNSWLawJl 7; (2014) 37(1) UNSW Law Journal 195 [14%]
(From University of New South Wales Law Journal; 1 January 2014; 198 KB)
CORPORATIONS ACT 1989 No. 109 of 1989 - SECT 9 Dictionary [14%]
(From Commonwealth Numbered Acts; 1 January 1989; 184 KB)
CORPORATIONS ACT 1989 No. 109 of 1989 - SECT 208 Notices relating to non-beneficial and beneficial ownership of shares [14%]
(From Commonwealth Numbered Acts; 1 January 1989; 8 KB)