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AustLII Databases - Documents found: 2 for (cth num act ca1989172 s441)

  1. CORPORATIONS ACT 1989 No. 109 of 1989 - SECT 441 Notice of appointment and address of official manager [100%]
    (From Commonwealth Numbered Acts; 1 January 1989; 2 KB)   

  2. Re R and G Shelley Pty Limited (In Liquidation) and Re the Companies Act 1981 [1991] ACTSC 26; (1991) 101 ACTR 5; (1991) 103 FLR 220 (22 March 1991) [50%]
    (From Supreme Court of the Australian Capital Territory; 22 March 1991; 56 KB)   View LawCite record  

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