SHIPS (CAPITAL GRANTS) ACT 1987 No. 74, 1987 - SECT 22 Ships may be operated above maximum crew number in certain circumstances etc. [100%]
(From Commonwealth Numbered Acts; 1 January 1987; 6 KB)
Re Tasmanian Ferry Services Limited and Secretary, Department of Transport and Communications [1992] AATA 376; (1992) 16 AAR 539 (1992) 29 ALD 395 (15 December 1992) [83%]
(From Administrative Appeals Tribunal of Australia; 15 December 1992; 80 KB)
Eadie, Dr. Edward N --- "Employment of Foreign Seafarers on Australian Controlled Ships - Introduction, Shipping Registration Options, and Domestic Legislative Considerations" [2000] MarStudies 8; (2000) 111 Maritime Studies 1 [66%]
(From Maritime Studies; 1 March 2000; 77 KB)
SHIPS (CAPITAL GRANTS) ACT 1987 No. 74, 1987 - SECT 7 Maximum crew numbers [33%]
(From Commonwealth Numbered Acts; 1 January 1987; 2 KB)
SHIPS (CAPITAL GRANTS) ACT 1987 No. 74, 1987 - SECT 8 Specification of grant [33%]
(From Commonwealth Numbered Acts; 1 January 1987; 7 KB)
SHIPS (CAPITAL GRANTS) ACT 1987 No. 74, 1987 - SECT 21 Evidence of crewing [33%]
(From Commonwealth Numbered Acts; 1 January 1987; 3 KB)
SHIPS (CAPITAL GRANTS) ACT 1987 No. 74, 1987 - SECT 38 Application for review [33%]
(From Commonwealth Numbered Acts; 1 January 1987; 6 KB)
SHIPS (CAPITAL GRANTS) ACT 1987 No. 74, 1987 - SECT 26 Repayment of grants [16%]
(From Commonwealth Numbered Acts; 1 January 1987; 3 KB)