STATES GRANTS (SCHOOLS ASSISTANCE) ACT 1984 No. 126 of 1984 - SECT 6 List of systemic schools and list of approved school systems [100%]
(From Commonwealth Numbered Acts; 1 January 1984; 45 KB)
STATES GRANTS (SCHOOLS ASSISTANCE) ACT 1984 No. 126 of 1984 - SECT 8 Movement of schools between lists [50%]
(From Commonwealth Numbered Acts; 1 January 1984; 2 KB)
Re Uniting Church In Australia Property Trust (Victoria) v the Honourable John Sidney Dawkins (Who Is Sued As the Minister of Employment, Education and Training) and Kevin James Batt (Who Is Sued As A Delegate of the Commonwealth Minister [1990] FCA 66 (14 March 1990) [16%]
(From Federal Court of Australia; 14 March 1990; 77 KB)