Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Streamlining Environmental Approvals) Bill 2020 [2020] AUSStaCSBSD 140 (2 September 2020) [100%]
(From Australian Senate Standing Committee for the Scrutiny of Bills - Scrutiny Digests; 2 September 2020; 9 KB)
Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Streamlining Environmental Approvals) Bill 2020 - Commentary on Ministerial Responses [2020] AUSStaCSBSD 192 (11 November 2020) [85%]
(From Australian Senate Standing Committee for the Scrutiny of Bills - Scrutiny Digests; 11 November 2020; 11 KB)
Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Streamlining Environmental Approvals) Bill 2020 - Commentary on Ministerial Responses [2020] AUSStaCSBSD 234 (9 December 2020) [85%]
(From Australian Senate Standing Committee for the Scrutiny of Bills - Scrutiny Digests; 9 December 2020; 10 KB)
Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Streamlining Environmental Approvals) Bill 2020 - Commentary on Ministerial Responses [2020] AUSStaCSBSD 165 (7 October 2020) [85%]
(From Australian Senate Standing Committee for the Scrutiny of Bills - Scrutiny Digests; 7 October 2020; 14 KB)
Scrutiny Digest 11 of 2020 [2020] AUSStaCSBSD 134 (2 September 2020) [42%]
(From Australian Senate Standing Committee for the Scrutiny of Bills - Scrutiny Digests; 2 September 2020; 70 KB)
Scruntiny Digest 13 of 2020 [2020] AUSStaCSBSD 155 (7 October 2020) [28%]
(From Australian Senate Standing Committee for the Scrutiny of Bills - Scrutiny Digests; 7 October 2020; 96 KB)
Scruntiny Digest 15 of 2020 [2020] AUSStaCSBSD 178 (11 November 2020) [28%]
(From Australian Senate Standing Committee for the Scrutiny of Bills - Scrutiny Digests; 11 November 2020; 167 KB)
Ministerial Responses [2020] AUSStaCSBSD 253 (9 December 2020) [14%]
(From Australian Senate Standing Committee for the Scrutiny of Bills - Scrutiny Digests; 9 December 2020; 60 KB)
Bills and Instruments With No Committee Comment [2020] AUPJCHR 140 (24 September 2020) [14%]
(From Australian Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights; 24 September 2020; 11 KB)
Scrutiny Digest 18 of 2020 [2020] AUSStaCSBSD 224 (9 December 2020) [14%]
(From Australian Senate Standing Committee for the Scrutiny of Bills - Scrutiny Digests; 9 December 2020; 202 KB)
Report 11 of 2020 [2020] AUPJCHR 131 (24 September 2020) [14%]
(From Australian Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights; 24 September 2020; 283 KB)
Ministerial Responses [2020] AUSStaCSBSD 248 (7 October 2020) [14%]
(From Australian Senate Standing Committee for the Scrutiny of Bills - Scrutiny Digests; 7 October 2020; 30 KB)