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AustLII Databases - Documents found: 14 for (fradcr1991557)
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  1. Commonwealth of Australia - 2000 Table of Statutory Rules [100%]
    (From Commonwealth Legislation Tables; 437 KB)   

  2. Report 4 of 2008 [2008] AUSStaCSBRp 16 (4 June 2008) [33%]
    (From Australian Senate Standing Committee for the Scrutiny of Bills - Reports; 4 June 2008; 68 KB)   View LawCite record  

  3. Commonwealth of Australia - 2001 Table of Statutory Rules [33%]
    (From Commonwealth Legislation Tables; 447 KB)   

  4. Commonwealth of Australia - 2006 Table of Select Legislative Instruments [33%]
    (From Commonwealth Legislation Tables; 631 KB)   

  5. Commonwealth of Australia - 2007 Table of Select Legislative Instruments [33%]
    (From Commonwealth Legislation Tables; 477 KB)   

  6. Commonwealth of Australia - 2008 Table of Select Legislative Instruments [33%]
    (From Commonwealth Legislation Tables; 371 KB)   

  7. Commonwealth of Australia - 2010 Table of Select Legislative Instruments [33%]
    (From Commonwealth Legislation Tables; 463 KB)   

  8. Commonwealth of Australia - 2009 Table of Select Legislative Instruments [33%]
    (From Commonwealth Legislation Tables; 511 KB)   

  9. Commonwealth of Australia - 2012 Table of Select Legislative Instruments [33%]
    (From Commonwealth Legislation Tables; 591 KB)   

  10. Commonwealth of Australia - 2011 Table of Select Legislative Instruments [33%]
    (From Commonwealth Legislation Tables; 532 KB)   

  11. Commonwealth of Australia - 2014 Table of Select Legislative Instruments [33%]
    (From Commonwealth Legislation Tables; 413 KB)   

  12. Commonwealth of Australia - 2013 Table of Select Legislative Instruments [33%]
    (From Commonwealth Legislation Tables; 627 KB)   

  13. Fisheries Legislation Amendment (New Governance Arrangements for the Australian Fisheries Management Authority and Other Matters) Bill 2008 [2008] AUSStaCSBRp 18 (4 June 2008) [33%]
    (From Australian Senate Standing Committee for the Scrutiny of Bills - Reports; 4 June 2008; 56 KB)   View LawCite record  

  14. Commonwealth of Australia - 2015 Table of Select Legislative Instruments [33%]
    (From Commonwealth Legislation Tables; 728 KB)   

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