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CRIMES (SENTENCING PROCEDURE) ACT 1999 - SECT 63 Offenders to be photographed and fingerprinted [100%]
(From New South Wales Consolidated Acts; 1 January 1999; 4 KB)
Director of Public Prosecutions (NSW) v Kmetyk (No 2) [2018] NSWCA 195 (3 September 2018) [66%]
(From Supreme Court of New South Wales - Court of Appeal; 3 September 2018; 38 KB)
Crimes (Forensic Procedures) Act 2000 No 59 [50%]
(From New South Wales Acts As Made; 1 January 2000; 230 KB)
Gelle v Director of Public Prosecutions (NSW) [2017] NSWCA 245 (27 September 2017) [33%]
(From Supreme Court of New South Wales - Court of Appeal; 27 September 2017; 111 KB)
Crimes (Sentencing Legislation) Amendment (Intensive Correction Orders) Act 2010 No 48 [33%]
(From New South Wales Acts As Made; 1 January 2010; 119 KB)
R v JOW [2017] NSWDC 201 (21 June 2017) [33%]
(From District Court of New South Wales; 21 June 2017; 38 KB)
Crimes (Sentencing Procedure) Amendment (Sentencing Options) Act 2017 No 53 [33%]
(From New South Wales Acts As Made; 1 January 2017; 198 KB)
Franklin v R [2019] NSWCCA 325 (30 December 2019) [16%]
(From Supreme Court of New South Wales - Court of Criminal Appeal; 30 December 2019; 117 KB)
JMW v Regina [2007] NSWCCA 187 (9 July 2007) [16%]
(From Supreme Court of New South Wales - Court of Criminal Appeal; 9 July 2007; 59 KB)
Jesse Daniel Heilpern v R [2006] NSWCCA 311 (22 September 2006) [16%]
(From Supreme Court of New South Wales - Court of Criminal Appeal; 22 September 2006; 31 KB)
R v Baverstock [2003] NSWCCA 228 (14 August 2003) [16%]
(From Supreme Court of New South Wales - Court of Criminal Appeal; 14 August 2003; 25 KB)
R v Rabieh [2023] NSWDC 436 (1 September 2023) [16%]
(From District Court of New South Wales; 1 September 2023; 69 KB)
Barrett v Director General, Department of Transport [2000] NSWADT 183 (12 December 2000) [16%]
(From Administrative Decisions Tribunal of New South Wales; 12 December 2000; 37 KB)
Liam Monte v R [2015] NSWDC 247 (9 October 2015) [16%]
(From District Court of New South Wales; 9 October 2015; 39 KB)
R v Bell [2014] NSWDC 299 (24 October 2014) [16%]
(From District Court of New South Wales; 24 October 2014; 41 KB)
Jason Fewel v DPP [2010] NSWDC 195 (26 August 2010) [16%]
(From District Court of New South Wales; 26 August 2010; 24 KB)
Serious Racial and Religious Vilification [2024] NSWLRC 151 [16%]
(From New South Wales Law Reform Commission - Reports; 21 November 2024; 421 KB)
Parole [2015] NSWLRC 142 [16%]
(From New South Wales Law Reform Commission - Reports; 1 June 2015; 1775 KB)
(From New South Wales Consolidated Acts; 1 January 1999; 81 KB)
Hardi v Commissioner of Police, NSW Police Force [2022] NSWCATAD 312 (26 September 2022) [16%]
(From New South Wales Civil and Administrative Tribunal - Administrative and Equal Opportunity Division; 26 September 2022; 56 KB)
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