INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS ACT 1996 - SECT 338 Withdrawal or cancellation of registration [100%]
(From New South Wales Consolidated Acts; 1 January 1996; 3 KB)
The Development & Environmental Professionals' Association v Narrabri Shire Council [2020] NSWSC 1444 (19 October 2020) [28%]
(From Supreme Court of New South Wales; 19 October 2020; 90 KB)
(From New South Wales Consolidated Acts; 1 January 1996; 114 KB)
Industrial Relations Act 1996 No 17 [14%]
(From New South Wales Acts As Made; 1 January 1996; 591 KB)
Vincenzo Paparo v Moree Plains Shire Council [2005] NSWIRComm 4 (14 January 2005) [14%]
(From Industrial Relations Commission of New South Wales; 14 January 2005; 138 KB)
Industrial Relations (General) Regulation 1996 (1996-415) [GG No 99 of 30.8.1996] [14%]
(From New South Wales Regulations As Made; 1 January 1996; 36 KB)
Katherine Jackson v Peter James Mylan [2012] NSWSC 552 (23 May 2012) [14%]
(From Supreme Court of New South Wales; 23 May 2012; 58 KB)
Industrial Relations Amendment (Industrial Court) Act 2016 No 48 [14%]
(From New South Wales Acts As Made; 1 January 2016; 122 KB)