PREVENTION OF CRUELTY TO ANIMALS ACT 1979 - SECT 15 Poisons not to be administered to animals [100%]
(From New South Wales Consolidated Acts; 1 January 1979; 3 KB)
R v Grech; R v Kadir [2017] NSWCCA 288 (30 November 2017) [33%]
(From Supreme Court of New South Wales - Court of Criminal Appeal; 30 November 2017; 147 KB)
Medicines, Poisons and Therapeutic Goods Act 2022 No 73 [33%]
(From New South Wales Acts As Made; 1 January 2022; 266 KB)
Miscellaneous Acts (Local Court) Amendment Act 2007 No 94 [16%]
(From New South Wales Acts As Made; 1 January 2007; 263 KB)
(From New South Wales Consolidated Acts; 1 January 1979; 53 KB)
White, Steven --- "Legislating for animal welfare: Making the interests of animals count" [2003] AltLawJl 96; (2003) 28(6) Alternative Law Journal 277 [16%]
(From Alternative Law Journal; 36 KB)
Cheating at gambling [2011] NSWLRCCP 12 [16%]
(From New South Wales Law Reform Commission - Consultation Papers; 1 March 2011; 786 KB)
Select Committee of the Legislative Council on Animal Cruelty Laws in New South Wales [2020] NSWLCSelCPubInq 1 (4 June 2020) [16%]
(From New South Wales Legislative Council Select Committees of Public Inquiry; 4 June 2020; 331 KB)
Stronger Communities Legislation Amendment (Children) Act 2021 No 45 [16%]
(From New South Wales Acts As Made; 1 January 2021; 27 KB)