SURROGACY ACT 2010 - SECT 31 Affected parties must consent to order [100%]
(From New South Wales Consolidated Acts; 1 January 2010; 3 KB)
AP & anor v RD & anor [2011] NSWSC 1389 (17 November 2011) [42%]
(From Supreme Court of New South Wales; 17 November 2011; 36 KB)
GP v BP [2018] NSWSC 1887 (5 December 2018) [28%]
(From Supreme Court of New South Wales; 5 December 2018; 35 KB)
BB v DD; Re AA and the Surrogacy Act 2010 (NSW) [2015] NSWSC 1095 (6 August 2015) [28%]
(From Supreme Court of New South Wales; 6 August 2015; 86 KB)
SURROGACY ACT 2010 - SECT 25 Documents and information to be produced to court [28%]
(From Queensland Consolidated Acts; 1 January 2010; 6 KB)
A v X; Re Z [2022] NSWSC 971 (20 July 2022) [14%]
(From Supreme Court of New South Wales; 20 July 2022; 93 KB)
MNM and EA v EM; Re ENA and the Surrogacy Act 2010 (NSW) [2015] NSWSC 1813 (15 September 2015) [14%]
(From Supreme Court of New South Wales; 15 September 2015; 26 KB)
Re HBW [2014] NSWSC 1581 (11 November 2014) [14%]
(From Supreme Court of New South Wales; 11 November 2014; 22 KB)
Surrogacy Act 2010 No 102 [14%]
(From New South Wales Acts As Made; 1 January 2010; 106 KB)
Te Kôpû Whângai: He Arotake. Review of Surrogacy [2022] NZLCR 146 [14%]
(From New Zealand Law Commission Reports; 29 April 2022; 1562 KB)
Re RMG [2014] NSWSC 845 (25 June 2014) [14%]
(From Supreme Court of New South Wales; 25 June 2014; 19 KB)