CHILD PROTECTION ACT 1999 - SECT 102 Court’s jurisdiction and constitution [100%]
(From Queensland Consolidated Acts; 1 January 1999; 3 KB)
Director of Child Protection Litigation v EM [2021] QChC 47 (26 November 2021) [42%]
(From Childrens Court of Queensland; 26 November 2021; 28 KB)
Queensland Child Protection Commission of Inquiry --- "Discussion Paper" [2013] IndigLRes 8 [28%]
(From Indigenous Law Resources; 1 February 2013; 819 KB)
ASW & ECW v Director General, Department of Communities (Child Safety) [2011] QChC 23 (20 October 2011) [28%]
(From Childrens Court of Queensland; 20 October 2011; 67 KB)
SBD v. Chief Executive, Department of Child Safety [2007] QCA 318 (2 October 2007) [28%]
(From Supreme Court of Queensland - Court of Appeal; 2 October 2007; 44 KB)
Jennifer Glover, Separate Representative v Director, Child Protection Litigation & Ors [2016] QChC 16 (4 November 2016) [14%]
(From Childrens Court of Queensland; 4 November 2016; 115 KB)
Cunneen, Chris; Allison, Fiona; Loban, Heron; Luke, Garth; Munro, Kate --- "Evaluation of the Remote JP Magistrates Court Program - Final Report" [2010] IndigLRes 5 [14%]
(From Indigenous Law Resources; 1 October 2010; 343 KB)
Royal Commission Into Theprotection and Detention of Children in the Northern Territory - Report - Volume 3a [2017] AURoyalC 5 (17 November 2017) [14%]
(From Australian Royal Commissions; 17 November 2017; 1685 KB)