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AustLII Databases - Documents found: 350 for (qld consol act ira2016242 s189)
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  1. In the making of the Western Downs Regional Council Personal Carers and Support Workers Certified Agreement 2021 [2021] QIRC 292 (27 August 2021) [100%]
    (From Queensland Industrial Relations Commission; 27 August 2021; 18 KB)   View LawCite record  [*]

  2. INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS ACT 2016 - SECT 189 Application for certification of agreement [100%]
    (From Queensland Consolidated Acts; 1 January 2016; 2 KB)   

  3. In the making of the Bulloo Shire Council Officers Certified Agreement 2021 [2022] QIRC 104 (24 March 2022) [71%]
    (From Queensland Industrial Relations Commission; 24 March 2022; 9 KB)   View LawCite record  

  4. In the making of the Somerset Regional Council - Officers Certified Agreement 2020 [2021] QIRC 24 (22 January 2021) [71%]
    (From Queensland Industrial Relations Commission; 22 January 2021; 10 KB)   View LawCite record  

  5. In the making of the Longreach Regional Council Certified Agreement 2023 [2023] QIRC 250 (31 August 2023) [71%]
    (From Queensland Industrial Relations Commission; 31 August 2023; 11 KB)   View LawCite record  

  6. In the making of the WorkCover Employing Office - Certified Agreement 2022 [2023] QIRC 198 (5 July 2023) [71%]
    (From Queensland Industrial Relations Commission; 5 July 2023; 8 KB)   View LawCite record  

  7. In the making of the Rockhampton Regional Council Waste and Recycling Certified Agreement 2022 [2023] QIRC 97 (3 April 2023) [71%]
    (From Queensland Industrial Relations Commission; 3 April 2023; 9 KB)   View LawCite record  

  8. In the making of the Stadiums Queensland Staff Certified Agreement 2023 [2024] QIRC 45 (19 February 2024) [71%]
    (From Queensland Industrial Relations Commission; 19 February 2024; 10 KB)   View LawCite record  

  9. In the making of the Goondiwindi Regional Council Certified Agreement 2023-2025 OUTDOOR [2023] QIRC 279 (29 September 2023) [71%]
    (From Queensland Industrial Relations Commission; 29 September 2023; 10 KB)   View LawCite record  

  10. In the making of the Western Downs Regional Council Nurses Certified Agreement 2021 [2021] QIRC 282 (16 August 2021) [71%]
    (From Queensland Industrial Relations Commission; 16 August 2021; 11 KB)   View LawCite record  

  11. In the making of the Quilpie Shire Council Certified Agreement 2021 [2022] QIRC 51 (22 February 2022) [71%]
    (From Queensland Industrial Relations Commission; 22 February 2022; 10 KB)   View LawCite record  

  12. In the making of the Barcoo Shire Council Local Government Operational Employees' Certified Agreement 2021 - 2024 [2021] QIRC 410 (1 December 2021) [71%]
    (From Queensland Industrial Relations Commission; 1 December 2021; 9 KB)   View LawCite record  

  13. In the making of the Queensland Ambulance Service Certified Agreement 2022 [2023] QIRC 84 (14 March 2023) [71%]
    (From Queensland Industrial Relations Commission; 14 March 2023; 8 KB)   View LawCite record  

  14. In the making of the Goondiwindi Regional Council Certified Agreement 2023-2025 INDOOR [2023] QIRC 281 (29 September 2023) [71%]
    (From Queensland Industrial Relations Commission; 29 September 2023; 11 KB)   View LawCite record  

  15. In the making of the Office of the Information Commissioner - Certified Agreement 2022 [2023] QIRC 286 (4 October 2023) [71%]
    (From Queensland Industrial Relations Commission; 4 October 2023; 9 KB)   View LawCite record  

  16. In the making of the Livingstone Shire Council Officers Certified Agreement 2019 [2019] QIRC 158 (25 October 2019) [57%]
    (From Queensland Industrial Relations Commission; 25 October 2019; 11 KB)   View LawCite record  

  17. In the making of the Sunshine Coast Events Centre Pty Ltd Certified Agreement 2022 [2022] QIRC 414 (28 October 2022) [57%]
    (From Queensland Industrial Relations Commission; 28 October 2022; 10 KB)   View LawCite record  

  18. In the making of the Rockhampton Regional Council External Employees Certified Agreement 2022 [2022] QIRC 410 (27 October 2022) [57%]
    (From Queensland Industrial Relations Commission; 27 October 2022; 11 KB)   View LawCite record  

  19. In the making of the Richmond Shire Council - Certified Agreement 2018 [2019] QIRC 19 (18 January 2019) [57%]
    (From Queensland Industrial Relations Commission; 18 January 2019; 13 KB)   View LawCite record  

  20. In the making of the Rockhampton Regional Council Internal Employees Certified Agreement 2022 [2022] QIRC 426 (4 November 2022) [57%]
    (From Queensland Industrial Relations Commission; 4 November 2022; 12 KB)   View LawCite record  

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