MINERAL RESOURCES ACT 1989 - SECT 36 Cancellation of prospecting permit [100%]
(From Queensland Consolidated Acts; 1 January 1989; 2 KB)
Michael Dowse Collins and Another v Nguddaboolgan Native Title Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC [2015] NNTTA 13 (25 March 2015) [57%]
(From National Native Title Tribunal of Australia; 25 March 2015; 142 KB)
Xstrata Coal Queensland Pty Ltd & Ors/Mark Albury & Ors (Karingbal #2);Brendan Wyman & Ors (Bidjara People)/Queensland, [2012] NNTTA 93 (23 August 2012) [57%]
(From National Native Title Tribunal of Australia; 23 August 2012; 393 KB)
Sunstate Sands Bundaberg Pty Ltd and Another v First Nations Bailai, Gurang, Gooreng Gooreng, Taribelang Bunda People Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC [2021] NNTTA 44 (24 August 2021) [42%]
(From National Native Title Tribunal of Australia; 24 August 2021; 50 KB)
Taroom Coal Pty Ltd/Ronald Doyle and Ors on behalf of Iman People #2/State of Queensland, [2013] NNTTA 85 (9 July 2013) [42%]
(From National Native Title Tribunal of Australia; 9 July 2013; 49 KB)
Cameron/Ernest Hoolihan, Hazel Illin, Elsie Thompson (Gugu Badhun)/State of Queensland), [2005] NNTTA 84 (16 November 2005) [42%]
(From National Native Title Tribunal of Australia; 16 November 2005; 66 KB)
Drake Coal Pty Ltd, Byerwen Coal Pty Ltd /Grace Smallwood & Ors (Birri People)/Queensland, [2012] NNTTA 9 (6 February 2012) [42%]
(From National Native Title Tribunal of Australia; 6 February 2012; 172 KB)
Burragubba v State of Queensland [2016] FCA 984 (19 August 2016) [28%]
(From Federal Court of Australia; 19 August 2016; 483 KB)
Drake Coal Pty Ltd, Byerwen Coal Pty Ltd/Grace Smallwood & Ors (Birri People)/State of Queensland, [2012] NNTTA 31 (26 March 2012) [28%]
(From National Native Title Tribunal of Australia; 26 March 2012; 116 KB)
Doxford/Janice Barnes, Jessie Diver, Owen McEvoy, Deree King, Patrick Fisher (Wangan and Jagalingou)/State of Queensland [2008] NNTTA 54 (28 April 2008) [14%]
(From National Native Title Tribunal of Australia; 28 April 2008; 59 KB)
Cameron/Ernest Hoolihan, Hazel Illin, Elsie Thompson (Gugu Badhun)/State of Queensland), [2006] NNTTA 3 (30 January 2006) [14%]
(From National Native Title Tribunal of Australia; 30 January 2006; 108 KB)
Adani Mining Pty Ltd/ Jessie Diver & Ors on behalf of the Wangan and Jagalingou People/ State of Queensland [2013] NNTTA 52 (7 May 2013) [14%]
(From National Native Title Tribunal of Australia; 7 May 2013; 121 KB)
Forbes, J --- "Native Title: Issues in Australia" [1994] AUMPLawAYbk 3; (1994) Australian Mining and Petroleum Law Association Yearbook 1 [14%]
(From Australian Mining and Petroleum Law Association Yearbook; 105 KB)
Forbes, JR --- "Queensland's Aboriginal Land Act 1991" [1992] AUMPLawB 5; (1992) 11(1) Australian Mining and Petroleum Law Bulletin 17 [14%]
(From Australian Mining and Petroleum Law Bulletin; 16 KB)
Adani Mining Pty Ltd and Another v Adrian Burragubba, Patrick Malone and Irene White on behalf of the Wangan and Jagalingou People [2015] NNTTA 16 (8 April 2015) [14%]
(From National Native Title Tribunal of Australia; 8 April 2015; 141 KB)