PERSONAL INJURIES PROCEEDINGS ACT 2002 - SECT 72 Offences involving fraud [100%]
(From Queensland Consolidated Acts; 1 January 2002; 2 KB)
Grice v State of Qld [2005] QCA 272 (5 August 2005) [42%]
(From Supreme Court of Queensland - Court of Appeal; 5 August 2005; 56 KB)
Barrett, Jillian; Caldow, Katie --- "Malingering: is it a 'thing'?" [2015] PrecedentAULA 10; (2015) 126 Precedent 36 [28%]
(From Precedent (Australian Lawyers Alliance); 1 January 2015; 32 KB)
Barrett, Jillian; Caldow, Katie --- "Malingering: is it a 'thing'?" [2015] PrecedentAULA 10; (2015) 126 Precedent 36 [28%]
(From Precedent (Australian Lawyers Alliance); 1 January 2015; 36 KB)
Civil Justice Review: Report [2008] VLRC 14 [14%]
(From Victorian Law Reform Commission; 1 March 2008; 3627 KB)
Haley & Anor v Roma Town Council; McDonald v Romijay P/L & Ors [2005] QCA 3 (4 February 2005) [14%]
(From Supreme Court of Queensland - Court of Appeal; 4 February 2005; 109 KB)