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Residential Housing Corporation v Esber & Ors [2011] NSWCA 25 (21 February 2011) [100%]
(From Supreme Court of New South Wales - Court of Appeal; 21 February 2011; 226 KB)
Kern Corporation Ltd v Walter Reid Trading Pty Ltd [1987] HCA 20; (1987) 163 CLR 164 (5 June 1987) [86%]
(From High Court of Australia; 5 June 1987; 87 KB)
PROPERTY LAW ACT 1974 - SECT 58 Insurance money from burnt building [30%]
(From Queensland Consolidated Acts; 1 January 1974; 2 KB)
A Review of the Trusts Act 1973 (Qld) - Discussion Paper [2012] QLRCWP 70 [8%]
(From Queensland Law Reform Commission - Working Papers; 1 December 2012; 3133 KB)
Insurance Contracts [1982] ALRC 20 [8%]
(From Australian Law Reform Commission Reports; 1 January 1982; 1332 KB)
[1982] ALRC 20 --- "Insurance Contracts" [1982] ALRC 1; Final Report [8%]
(From Australian Law Reform Commission Reports; 1 January 1982; 1331 KB)
R v Dyke [2009] QCA 339 (3 November 2009) [8%]
(From Supreme Court of Queensland - Court of Appeal; 3 November 2009; 95 KB)
A Review of the Trusts Act 1973 (Qld) - Interim Report [2013] QLRCWP 71 [4%]
(From Queensland Law Reform Commission - Working Papers; 1 June 2013; 2728 KB)
A Working Paper on a Bill in Respect of An Act to Reform And Consolidate the Real Property Acts of Queensland [1988] QLRCWP 32 [4%]
(From Queensland Law Reform Commission - Working Papers; 1 January 1989; 1224 KB)
Property Law Act 1958 [2010] VLRCCP 8 [4%]
(From Victorian Law Reform Commission - Consultation Papers; 1 January 2010; 619 KB)
Project 75 - United Kingdom Statutes in Force in Western Australia [1994] WALRC 86 [4%]
(From Western Australian Law Reform Commission Reports; 1 October 1994; 603 KB)
Uniform Succession Laws: Administration of Estates of Deceased Persons - Discussion Paper [1999] NSWLRCDP 42 [4%]
(From New South Wales Law Reform Commission - Discussion Papers; 1 October 1999; 1236 KB)
Yushkova v Johnston (Trustee) in the matter of bankrupt estate of King [2024] FCA 454 (2 May 2024) [4%]
(From Federal Court of Australia; 2 May 2024; 87 KB)
Fletcher v George & Ors [2011] FMCA 553 (27 July 2011) [4%]
(From Federal Magistrates Court of Australia; 27 July 2011; 211 KB)
Bit Badger Pty Ltd v Cunich [1996] QSC 100 (4 June 1996) [4%]
(From Supreme Court of Queensland; 4 June 1996; 80 KB)
Pynt, Greg --- "Insurance contracts taken out by someone else: Who can sue and who can access?" [2011] PrecedentAULA 37; (2011) 104 Precedent 20 [4%]
(From Precedent (Australian Lawyers Alliance); 1 May 2011; 55 KB)
Teh, GL --- "Queensland's Residential Tenancies Act 1975: Landlord's Charter or Fair Law" [1976] UQLawJl 5; (1976) 9(2) University of Queensland Law Journal 199 [4%]
(From University of Queensland Law Journal; 1 December 1976; 107 KB)
Beaumont Constructions Pty Ltd & Ors v Commissioner of State Revenue [2020] QCAT 52 (14 February 2020) [4%]
(From Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal; 14 February 2020; 214 KB)
A Review of the Trusts Act 1973 [2013] QLRC 71 [4%]
(From Queensland Law Reform Commission - Reports; 1 December 2013; 1140 KB)
Project 75 - United Kingdom Statutes in Force in Western Australia [1994] WALRC 2 [4%]
(From Western Australian Law Reform Commission Reports; 1 October 1994; 601 KB)
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