SUCCESSION ACT 1981 - SECT 30 Registrar to hold will or other instrument made under order under s 21 [100%]
(From Queensland Consolidated Acts; 1 January 1981; 3 KB)
SUCCESSION ACT 1981 - SECT 31 Envelope required for will held by registrar [83%]
(From Queensland Consolidated Acts; 1 January 1981; 2 KB)
SUCCESSION ACT 1981 - SECT 32 Delivery of will or other instrument if testator has died [50%]
(From Queensland Consolidated Acts; 1 January 1981; 3 KB)
Simpson v Simpson & Ors [2011] QSC 196 (30 June 2011) [50%]
(From Supreme Court of Queensland; 30 June 2011; 25 KB)
Report on the Law of Wills [1997] QLRC 52 [50%]
(From Queensland Law Reform Commission - Reports; 1 September 1997; 351 KB)
Intestacy Rules [1993] QLRC 42 [33%]
(From Queensland Law Reform Commission - Reports; 1 June 1993; 267 KB)
First Issues Paper: the Law of Wills [1994] QLRCMP 10 [33%]
(From Queensland Law Reform Commission - Miscellaneous Reports; 1 July 1984; 132 KB)
Kamychenko v Minister for Immigration & Multicultural& Indigenous Affairs [2004] FCA 1517 (24 November 2004) [16%]
(From Federal Court of Australia; 24 November 2004; 31 KB)
A Review of the Trusts Act 1973 (Qld) - Interim Report [2013] QLRCWP 71 [16%]
(From Queensland Law Reform Commission - Working Papers; 1 June 2013; 2728 KB)
SUCCESSION ACT 1981 - SECT 15A Effect of end of civil partnership on a will [16%]
(From Queensland Consolidated Acts; 1 January 1981; 5 KB)
Re Fox [2020] QSC 30 (6 March 2020) [16%]
(From Supreme Court of Queensland; 6 March 2020; 19 KB)
Re Permewan No. 2 [2022] QSC 114 (10 June 2022) [16%]
(From Supreme Court of Queensland; 10 June 2022; 94 KB)
Public Trustee of Queensland v. Jacob & Ors [2006] QSC 372 (9 December 2006) [16%]
(From Supreme Court of Queensland; 9 December 2006; 73 KB)