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(From Commonwealth Consolidated Acts; 1 January 1999; 1013 KB)
Family Violence - Commonwealth Laws [2011] ALRCDP 76 [24%]
(From Australian Law Reform Commission - Discussion Papers; 1 August 2011; 2260 KB)
Family Violence and Commonwealth Laws - Improving Legal Frameworks [2011] ALRC 117 [21%]
(From Australian Law Reform Commission Reports; 1 November 2011; 2064 KB)
[2011] ALRC 117 --- "Family Violence and Commonwealth Laws - Improving Legal Frameworks" [2011] ALRC 3; Final Report [21%]
(From Australian Law Reform Commission Reports; 1 November 2011; 2069 KB)
Ambrose v Commonwealth of Australia [2021] FCAFC 88 (28 May 2021) [20%]
(From Federal Court of Australia - Full Court; 28 May 2021; 106 KB)
Director of Public Prosecutions (Cth) v Keating [2013] HCA 20 (8 May 2013) [14%]
(From High Court of Australia; 8 May 2013; 69 KB)
Thiagarajan and Secretary, Department of Employment and Workplace Relations [2007] AATA 2065 (18 December 2007) [12%]
(From Administrative Appeals Tribunal of Australia; 18 December 2007; 88 KB)
Kirov and Secretary, Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations [2011] AATA 50 (2 February 2011) [10%]
(From Administrative Appeals Tribunal of Australia; 2 February 2011; 45 KB)
[2002] ALRC 95 --- "Principled Regulation: Federal Civil and Administrative Penalties in Australia" [2002] ALRC 2; Final Report [10%]
(From Australian Law Reform Commission Reports; 1 December 2002; 4448 KB)
Principled Regulation: Federal Civil and Administrative Penalties in Australia [2002] ALRC 95 [10%]
(From Australian Law Reform Commission Reports; 1 December 2002; 4429 KB)
Berry and Secretary, Department of Employment and Workplace Relations [2006] AATA 281 (28 March 2006) [9%]
(From Administrative Appeals Tribunal of Australia; 28 March 2006; 54 KB)
Filipovski and Secretary, Department of Family and Community Services [2002] AATA 1148 (7 November 2002) [9%]
(From Administrative Appeals Tribunal of Australia; 7 November 2002; 54 KB)
Rigg and Secretary, Department of Family and Community Services [2006] AATA 9 (9 January 2006) [9%]
(From Administrative Appeals Tribunal of Australia; 9 January 2006; 49 KB)
Castleman and Secretary, Department of Family and Community Servi ces [2004] AATA 199 (27 February 2004) [9%]
(From Administrative Appeals Tribunal of Australia; 27 February 2004; 64 KB)
(From Commonwealth Consolidated Acts; 1 January 1999; 55 KB)
Family Violence and Commonwealth Laws - Social Security Law [2011] ALRCIP 39 [8%]
(From Australian Law Reform Commission - Issues Papers; 1 March 2011; 171 KB)
Morgan and Secretary, Department of Social Services (Social services second review) [2017] AATA 482 (13 April 2017) [8%]
(From Administrative Appeals Tribunal of Australia; 13 April 2017; 116 KB)
[2014] ALRC 124 --- "Equality, Capacity and Disability in Commonwealth Laws " [2014] ALRC 3; Final Report [7%]
(From Australian Law Reform Commission Reports; 24 November 2014; 1012 KB)
The Coercive Information-gathering Powers of Government Agencies [2008] AdminRC 48 [7%]
(From Administrative Review Council Reports; 1 May 2008; 347 KB)
Watson and Department of Family and Community Services [2002] AATA 204 (28 March 2002) [7%]
(From Administrative Appeals Tribunal of Australia; 28 March 2002; 57 KB)
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