O'Pray v Olbrich [2012] TASSC 3 (17 February 2012) [100%]
(From Supreme Court of Tasmania; 17 February 2012; 58 KB)
EVIDENCE ACT 2001 - SECT 131 Exclusion of evidence of settlement negotiations [100%]
(From Tasmanian Consolidated Acts; 1 January 2001; 8 KB)
Coad v Dimmick [2013] TASSC 48 (29 August 2013) [57%]
(From Supreme Court of Tasmania; 29 August 2013; 62 KB)
Limbury, Alan L --- "Should Mediation Be an Evidentiary'black Hole'?" [2012] UNSWLawJl 38; (2012) 35(3) UNSW Law Journal 914 [14%]
(From University of New South Wales Law Journal; 1 January 2012; 69 KB)
A Review of the Uniform Evidence Acts [2005] QLRC 60 [14%]
(From Queensland Law Reform Commission - Reports; 1 September 2005; 1113 KB)
Popa, Tina; Douglas, Kathy --- "'Best for the Protagonists Involved': Views from Senior Tort Lawyers on the Value of Mediation in Victorian Medical Negligence Disputes" [2019] MonashULawRw 11; (2019) 45(2) Monash University Law Review 333 [14%]
(From Monash University Law Review; 1 January 2019; 126 KB)
Legal Profession Board of Tasmania v Glynn Williams [2023] TASFC 1 (8 March 2023) [14%]
(From Supreme Court of Tasmania - Full Court; 8 March 2023; 32 KB)
SM Brown v. Logan Pty Ltd [2008] TASRMPAT 285 (5 November 2008) [14%]
(From Resource Management and Planning Appeal Tribunal of Tasmania; 5 November 2008; 19 KB)
Allison v Tuna Tasmania Pty Ltd [2011] TASSC 52 (23 September 2011) [14%]
(From Supreme Court of Tasmania; 23 September 2011; 34 KB)
Civil Justice Review: Report [2008] VLRC 14 [14%]
(From Victorian Law Reform Commission; 1 March 2008; 3627 KB)