McLean v Wood [2012] TASMC 44 (7 September 2012) [100%]
(From Magistrates Court of Tasmania; 7 September 2012; 22 KB)
[2005] ALRC 102 --- "Uniform Evidence Law" [2005] ALRC 2; Final Report [77%]
(From Australian Law Reform Commission Reports; 1 December 2005; 3189 KB)
Uniform Evidence Law [2005] ALRC 102 [77%]
(From Australian Law Reform Commission Reports; 1 December 2005; 3182 KB)
EVIDENCE ACT 2001 - SECT 84 Exclusion of admission influenced by violence and certain other conduct [66%]
(From Tasmanian Consolidated Acts; 1 January 2001; 2 KB)
Maher v State of Tasmania [2023] TASCCA 7 (25 July 2023) [55%]
(From Supreme Court of Tasmania - Court of Criminal Appeal; 25 July 2023; 96 KB)
Jones v Bryant [2013] TASMC 2 (10 January 2013) [55%]
(From Magistrates Court of Tasmania; 10 January 2013; 33 KB)
Review of the Uniform Evidence Acts [2005] ALRCDP 69 [22%]
(From Australian Law Reform Commission - Discussion Papers; 1 January 2005; 2202 KB)
Yabsley v The Queen [2015] TASCCA 25 (8 December 2015) [11%]
(From Supreme Court of Tasmania - Court of Criminal Appeal; 8 December 2015; 139 KB)
R v Gazzignato and Stevens [2004] TASSC 6 (20 February 2004) [11%]
(From Supreme Court of Tasmania; 20 February 2004; 36 KB)
Garsia, Anna --- "The Unsettled Safety Net of the Unfairness Discretion: Section 90 of the Evidence Act 1995 (NSW) in Em v the Queen" [2008] SydLawRw 33; (2008) 30(4) Sydney Law Review 715 [11%]
(From Sydney Law Review; 1 December 2008; 83 KB)
Williams, C R --- "An Analysis of Discretionary Rejection in Relation to Confessions" [2008] MelbULawRw 10; (2008) 32(1) Melbourne University Law Review 302 [11%]
(From Melbourne University Law Review; 1 January 2008; 181 KB)