ADMINISTRATION AND PROBATE ACT 1958 - SECT 106 Transitional provisions—Administration and Probate and Other Acts Amendment (Succession and Related Matters) Act 2017 [100%]
(From Victorian Current Acts; 1 January 1958; 2 KB)
Succession Laws: Report [2013] VLRC 26 [50%]
(From Victorian Law Reform Commission; 1 August 2013; 1285 KB)
ADMINISTRATION AND PROBATE ACT 1958 - SECT 104 Power to resolve transitional difficulties in proceeding—Justice Legislation Amendment (Succession and Surrogacy) Act 2014 [33%]
(From Victorian Current Acts; 1 January 1958; 3 KB)
Re Foord [2019] VSC 444 (2 July 2019) [16%]
(From Supreme Court of Victoria; 2 July 2019; 85 KB)