CHILDREN, YOUTH AND FAMILIES ACT 2005 - SECT 302 Interim variation of family reunification order [100%]
(From Victorian Current Acts; 1 January 2005; 3 KB)
Secretary to the Department of Human Services v Children's Court of Victoria & Ors [2012] VSC 422 (14 September 2012) [38%]
(From Supreme Court of Victoria; 14 September 2012; 49 KB)
CHILDREN, YOUTH AND FAMILIES ACT 2005 - SECT 301 Decision of Court on application for variation [15%]
(From Victorian Current Acts; 1 January 2005; 2 KB)
DOHS v Mr D & Ms B [2008] VChC 2 (29 September 2008) [7%]
(From Children's Court of Victoria; 309 KB)
DOHS v Ms B & Mr G [2008] VChC 1 (5 June 2008) [7%]
(From Children's Court of Victoria; 416 KB)
Protection Applications in the Children's Court: Final Report [2010] VLRC 19 [7%]
(From Victorian Law Reform Commission; 1 June 2010; 2218 KB)