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AustLII Databases - Documents found: 24 for (vic consol act cyafa2005252 s344)
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  1. CHILDREN, YOUTH AND FAMILIES ACT 2005 - SECT 344 Children under 10 years of age [100%]
    (From Victorian Current Acts; 1 January 2005; 2 KB)   

  2. Royal Commission Into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse - Volume 10 [2017] AURoyalC 19 (15 December 2017) [57%]
    (From Australian Royal Commissions; 15 December 2017; 826 KB)   View LawCite record  

  3. CVN17 v Minister for Immigration and Border Protection [2019] FCA 13 (16 January 2019) [42%]
    (From Federal Court of Australia; 16 January 2019; 135 KB)   View LawCite record  [*]

  4. ETWK and Minister for Immigration and Border Protection (Migration) [2017] AATA 228 (23 February 2017) [28%]
    (From Administrative Appeals Tribunal of Australia; 23 February 2017; 143 KB)   View LawCite record  [*][*][*]

  5. DPP v TY (No 3) [2007] VSC 489 (28 November 2007) [14%]
    (From Supreme Court of Victoria; 28 November 2007; 76 KB)   View LawCite record  [*]

  6. Seymour (a pseudonym) v The Queen [2020] VSCA 113 (12 May 2020) [14%]
    (From Supreme Court of Victoria - Court of Appeal; 12 May 2020; 95 KB)   View LawCite record  [*]

  7. DPP v Martin (a pseudonym) [2016] VSCA 219 (14 September 2016) [14%]
    (From Supreme Court of Victoria - Court of Appeal; 14 September 2016; 91 KB)   View LawCite record  [*]

  8. Langos, Colette; Sarre, Rick --- "Responding To Cyberbullying: The Case For Family Conferencing" [2015] DeakinLawRw 11; (2015) 20(2) Deakin Law Review 299 [14%]
    (From Deakin Law Review; 1 January 2015; 61 KB)   View LawCite record  [*]

  9. Hutchinson, Terry --- "Making the Fun Stop: Youth Justice Reform in Queensland" [2014] DeakinLawRw 11; (2014) 19(2) Deakin Law Review 243 [14%]
    (From Deakin Law Review; 1 January 2014; 105 KB)   View LawCite record  

  10. Trevitt, Sophie --- "Let kids be kids: Raising the age of criminal responsibility" [2020] PrecedentAULA 73; (2020) 161 Precedent 38 [14%]
    (From Precedent (Australian Lawyers Alliance); 1 December 2020; 21 KB)   View LawCite record  

  11. Crofts, Thomas; Lee, Murray --- "'sexting', Children and Child Pornography" [2013] SydLawRw 4; (2013) 35(1) Sydney Law Review 85 [14%]
    (From Sydney Law Review; 1 March 2013; 84 KB)   View LawCite record  [*]

  12. Appleby, Gabrielle; Webster, Adam --- "Cycling and the Law" [2016] UNSWLawJl 4; (2016) 39(1) UNSW Law Journal 129 [14%]
    (From University of New South Wales Law Journal; 1 January 2016; 187 KB)   View LawCite record  [*]

  13. Royal Commission Into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse - Volume 15 [2017] AURoyalC 24 (15 December 2017) [14%]
    (From Australian Royal Commissions; 15 December 2017; 1102 KB)   View LawCite record  

  14. Royal Commission Into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse - Volume 2 [2017] AURoyalC 11 (15 December 2017) [14%]
    (From Australian Royal Commissions; 15 December 2017; 1119 KB)   View LawCite record  

  15. Same Crime, Same Time: Sentencing of Federal Offenders [2006] ALRC 103 [14%]
    (From Australian Law Reform Commission Reports; 1 April 2006; 3564 KB)   View LawCite record  

  16. [2006] ALRC 103 --- "Same Crime, Same Time: Sentencing of Federal Offenders" [2006] ALRC 1; Final Report [14%]
    (From Australian Law Reform Commission Reports; 1 April 2006; 3577 KB)   View LawCite record  

  17. Improving the Justice System Response to Sexual Offences: Report [2021] VLRC 42 [14%]
    (From Victorian Law Reform Commission; 1 September 2021; 2583 KB)   View LawCite record  

  18. Review of the Crimes (Mental Impairment and Unfitness to be Tried) Act 1997: Report [2014] VLRC 28 [14%]
    (From Victorian Law Reform Commission; 1 June 2014; 2416 KB)   View LawCite record  

  19. Protection Applications in the Children's Court: Final Report [2010] VLRC 19 [14%]
    (From Victorian Law Reform Commission; 1 June 2010; 2218 KB)   View LawCite record  

  20. DPP v PM [2023] VSC 560 (20 September 2023) [14%]
    (From Supreme Court of Victoria; 20 September 2023; 430 KB)   View LawCite record  [*]

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