OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY ACT 2004 - SECT 127 Which decisions are reviewable [100%]
(From Victorian Current Acts; 1 January 2004; 20 KB)
OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY ACT 2004 - SECT 48 Negotiation of agreement for designated work groups of multiple employers [85%]
(From Victorian Current Acts; 1 January 2004; 5 KB)
OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY ACT 2004 - SECT 58 Powers of health and safety representatives [57%]
(From Victorian Current Acts; 1 January 2004; 8 KB)
OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY ACT 2004 - SECT 69 Other obligations of employers to health and safety representatives [42%]
(From Victorian Current Acts; 1 January 2004; 7 KB)
OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY ACT 2004 - SECT 47 Establishment of designated work groups of multiple employers [28%]
(From Victorian Current Acts; 1 January 2004; 3 KB)
OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY ACT 2004 - SECT 55 Term of office [28%]
(From Victorian Current Acts; 1 January 2004; 4 KB)
OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY ACT 2004 - SECT 51 Withdrawal from negotiations or agreement involving multiple employers [28%]
(From Victorian Current Acts; 1 January 2004; 2 KB)
OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY ACT 2004 - SECT 59 Powers generally limited to the particular designated work group [28%]
(From Victorian Current Acts; 1 January 2004; 2 KB)
OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY ACT 2004 - SECT 76 Prohibition on discrimination [28%]
(From Victorian Current Acts; 1 January 2004; 9 KB)
Chysostomou v Victorian Workcover Authority (Review and Regulation) [2014] VCAT 176 (20 February 2014) [14%]
(From Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal; 20 February 2014; 63 KB)
Kavanagh v Victorian WorkCover Authority (Occupational and Business Regulation) [2010] VCAT 639 (12 May 2010) [14%]
(From Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal; 12 May 2010; 31 KB)
OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY ACT 2004 - SECT 137 Release on the giving of a health and safety undertaking [14%]
(From Victorian Current Acts; 1 January 2004; 8 KB)
OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY ACT 2004 - SECT 38 Duty to notify of incidents [14%]
(From Victorian Current Acts; 1 January 2004; 7 KB)
Schierholter v County Court of Victoria & Anor [2006] VSCA 262 (16 November 2006) [14%]
(From Supreme Court of Victoria - Court of Appeal; 16 November 2006; 43 KB)