PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT ACT 1987 - SECT 163 Effect of failure to attend hearing [100%]
(From Victorian Current Acts; 1 January 1987; 1 KB)
Editors --- "Table of Statutes" [1989] AUMPLawB 20; (1988-1989) 7-8 Australian Mining and Petroleum Law Bulletin 11 [57%]
(From Australian Mining and Petroleum Law Bulletin; 81 KB)
PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT ACT 1987 - SECT 162 Who may appear before a panel? [28%]
(From Victorian Current Acts; 1 January 1987; 2 KB)
First Jodrain Pty Ltd v Bayside CC & Minister for Planning & Melbourne Water Corporation [2001] VicPRp 99; (2002) 10 VPR 9 (22 November 2001) [14%]
(From Victorian Planning Reports; 22 November 2001; 71 KB)
Moreland C30 (PSA) [2006] PPV 82 (9 November 2006) [14%]
(From Planning Panels Victoria; 9 November 2006; 32 KB)
First Jodrian PL v Bayside CC [2001] VCAT 2402 (22 November 2001) [14%]
(From Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal; 22 November 2001; 69 KB)
Leigh v Banyule CC [2000] VCAT 2081 (31 October 2000) [14%]
(From Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal; 31 October 2000; 252 KB)
Leigh & Bignall v Banyule City Council [2000] VicPRp 81; (2001) 7 VPR 128 (10 October 2000) [14%]
(From Victorian Planning Reports; 10 October 2000; 275 KB)