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PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELLBEING ACT 2008 - SECT 165AI Minister may make a pandemic order [100%]
(From Victorian Current Acts; 1 January 2008; 7 KB)
Wilson v State of Victoria [2023] FCA 111 (20 February 2023) [88%]
(From Federal Court of Australia; 20 February 2023; 163 KB)
PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELLBEING ACT 2008 - SECT 165AH Reports tabled when Parliament is not sitting [22%]
(From Victorian Current Acts; 1 January 2008; 3 KB)
PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELLBEING ACT 2008 - SECT 165CJ Directions of Chief Health Officer [22%]
(From Victorian Current Acts; 1 January 2008; 2 KB)
PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELLBEING ACT 2008 - SECT 165B Pandemic management order powers [22%]
(From Victorian Current Acts; 1 January 2008; 4 KB)
Jennifer Lewis v Casey City Council [2022] FWC 2006 (27 July 2022) [11%]
(From Fair Work Commission; 27 July 2022; 71 KB)
Ms Julia Elana Miroch v Powercor Australia Ltd [2022] FWC 1880 (21 October 2022) [11%]
(From Fair Work Commission; 21 October 2022; 94 KB)
Mark Scoble v Esso Australia Pty Ltd [2022] FWC 1778 (8 July 2022) [11%]
(From Fair Work Commission; 8 July 2022; 65 KB)
Yu-Chung Cheng v Iveco Trucks Australia Limited [2022] FWC 1664 (28 June 2022) [11%]
(From Fair Work Commission; 28 June 2022; 63 KB)
Daniela Marinakis (Stojcevska) v Wabtec Control Systems Pty Ltd [2022] FWC 1624 (19 August 2022) [11%]
(From Fair Work Commission; 19 August 2022; 69 KB)
Luck v Bunnings Group Limited & Ors [2022] HCATrans 75 (19 April 2022) [11%]
(From High Court of Australia Transcripts; 19 April 2022; 20 KB)
Saporo (Monash) Pty Ltd v Monash Health Research Precinct Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2024] VCAT 577 (14 June 2024) [11%]
(From Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal; 14 June 2024; 42 KB)
DPP v JH (Judge alone trial application) [2022] VSC 237 (13 May 2022) [11%]
(From Supreme Court of Victoria; 13 May 2022; 42 KB)
(From Victorian Current Acts; 1 January 2008; 107 KB)
Wilson v State of Victoria [2023] FCAFC 204 (22 December 2023) [11%]
(From Federal Court of Australia - Full Court; 22 December 2023; 97 KB)
Knowles v Commonwealth of Australia [2022] FCA 741 (27 June 2022) [11%]
(From Federal Court of Australia; 27 June 2022; 356 KB)
PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELLBEING ACT 2008 - SECT 165AK To whom a pandemic order may apply [11%]
(From Victorian Current Acts; 1 January 2008; 5 KB)
PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELLBEING ACT 2008 - SECT 255 Definitions [11%]
(From Victorian Current Acts; 1 January 2008; 7 KB)
Reuben Difesa v Woolworths Group Limited [2022] FWC 2701 (10 October 2022) [11%]
(From Fair Work Commission; 10 October 2022; 45 KB)
Rada Mileva v Crown Melbourne Limited [2022] FWC 2663 (7 October 2022) [11%]
(From Fair Work Commission; 7 October 2022; 62 KB)
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