PREVENTION OF CRUELTY TO ANIMALS ACT 1986 - SECT 11A Further prohibited procedure offences [100%]
(From Victorian Current Acts; 1 January 1986; 4 KB)
PREVENTION OF CRUELTY TO ANIMALS ACT 1986 - SECT 24G Search warrants for at risk animals on premises [27%]
(From Victorian Current Acts; 1 January 1986; 9 KB)
Animal Cruelty Offences in Victoria [2019] VicSAC 2 (19 February 2019) [27%]
(From Victorian Sentencing Advisory Council; 19 February 2019; 402 KB)
Healey v RSPCA [2018] VSC 190 (19 April 2018) [18%]
(From Supreme Court of Victoria; 19 April 2018; 57 KB)
"Table of Legislation" [2013] ELECD 67; in Sankoff, Peter; White, Steven; Black, Celeste (eds), "Animal Law in Australasia: Continuing the Dialogue" (The Federation Press, 2013) 369 [9%]
(From Edited Legal Collections Data; 28 June 2013; 32 KB)
Contravention of Family Violence Intervention Orders and Safety Notices: Prior Offences and Reoffending [2016] VicSAC 6 (23 August 2016) [9%]
(From Victorian Sentencing Advisory Council; 23 August 2016; 642 KB)
PREVENTION OF CRUELTY TO ANIMALS ACT 1986 - SECT 17D Grounds on which Department Head may refuse to grant or issue licence or permit [9%]
(From Victorian Current Acts; 1 January 1986; 5 KB)
PREVENTION OF CRUELTY TO ANIMALS ACT 1986 - SECT 11 Defences to cruelty or aggravated cruelty [9%]
(From Victorian Current Acts; 1 January 1986; 3 KB)