RESIDENTIAL TENANCIES ACT 1997 - SECT 507A Application of provisions of Australian Consumer Law and Fair Trading Act 2012 [100%]
(From Victorian Current Acts; 1 January 1997; 7 KB)
Burch v Tucker (Residential Tenancies) [2018] VCAT 292 (28 February 2018) [30%]
(From Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal; 28 February 2018; 39 KB)
RESIDENTIAL TENANCIES ACT 1997 - SECT 507 Onus of proof that Act does not apply [30%]
(From Victorian Current Acts; 1 January 1997; 3 KB)
Caple v Singh (Residential Tenancies) [2018] VCAT 1956 (11 December 2018) [20%]
(From Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal; 11 December 2018; 51 KB)
Stransky v Dobrila (Residential Tenancies) [2018] VCAT 462 (28 March 2018) [20%]
(From Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal; 28 March 2018; 49 KB)
Cassar v Nguyen (Residential Tenancies) [2015] VCAT 1192 (3 August 2015) [20%]
(From Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal; 3 August 2015; 24 KB)
Director of Consumer Affairs Victoria v Betta Housing Pty Ltd & Ors [2011] VSC 369 (8 August 2011) [20%]
(From Supreme Court of Victoria; 8 August 2011; 38 KB)
Gans, Jeremy --- "The Charter's Irremediable Remedies Provision" [2009] MelbULawRw 4; (2009) 33(1) Melbourne University Law Review 105 [10%]
(From Melbourne University Law Review; 1 January 2009; 133 KB)
Gans, J --- "The Charter's Irremediable Remedies Provision" [2009] UMelbLRS 4 [10%]
(From University of Melbourne Law School Research Series; 28 September 2009; 138 KB)
Victorian, The --- "Investigation into the management of maintenance claims against public housing tenants" [2017] VicOmbPRp 9 (30 October 2017) [10%]
(From Victorian Ombudsman Parliamentary Reports; 30 October 2017; 270 KB)
EL v EA (Residential Tenancies) [2006] VCAT 2049 (11 October 2006) [10%]
(From Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal; 11 October 2006; 28 KB)
AA v Ron Tribe & Associates Pty Ltd (Civil Claims) [2008] VCAT 586 (9 April 2008) [10%]
(From Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal; 9 April 2008; 43 KB)