RETIREMENT VILLAGES ACT 1986 - SECT 26 Refund of in-going contribution [100%]
(From Victorian Current Acts; 1 January 1986; 8 KB)
RETIREMENT VILLAGES ACT 1986 - SECT 52 Transitional provision—payments to owner residents—2005 Amendment Act [45%]
(From Victorian Current Acts; 1 January 1986; 4 KB)
"Retirement Villages Amendment Information Disclosure Bill 2012" [2012] VicBillsRR 7 (1 November 2012) [27%]
(From Victorian Bills Research Resources; 1 November 2012; 55 KB)
RETIREMENT VILLAGES ACT 1986 - SECT 38I Payments to former residents [27%]
(From Victorian Current Acts; 1 January 1986; 4 KB)
Byrne, David --- "The Concept of Statutory Arbitration and its Ramifications" [1992] ANZRIArbMedr 3; (1992) 10(4) The Arbitrator 169 [9%]
(From The Arbitrator & Mediator; 1 February 1992; 61 KB)