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AustLII Databases - Documents found: 3 for (vic num act ia200612o2006207 s42)
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  1. INFRINGEMENTS ACT 2006 (NO 12 OF 2006) - SECT 105 Section 42 of the Supreme Court Act 1986 does not apply [100%]
    (From Victorian Numbered Acts; 1 January 2006; 3 KB)   

  2. INFRINGEMENTS ACT 2006 (NO 12 OF 2006) - SECT 42 Central payment plan facility [87%]
    (From Victorian Numbered Acts; 1 January 2006; 1 KB)   

  3. INFRINGEMENTS ACT 2006 (NO 12 OF 2006) - SECT 93 Rules etc. with respect to execution of infringement warrant [25%]
    (From Victorian Numbered Acts; 1 January 2006; 6 KB)   

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