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AustLII Databases - Documents found: 7 for (wa consol act cpa2004188 s103)

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  1. CRIMINAL PROCEDURE ACT 2004 - SECT 103 [100%]
    (From Western Australian Current Acts; 1 January 2004; 1 KB)   

  2. THE STATE OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA -v- DEMALI [2019] WADC 139 (7 October 2019) [42%]
    (From District Court of Western Australia; 7 October 2019; 40 KB)   View LawCite record  

  3. Donaldson v The State of Western Australia [2005] WASCA 196 (17 October 2005) [14%]
    (From Supreme Court of Western Australia - Court of Appeal; 17 October 2005; 186 KB)   View LawCite record  [*][*]

  4. MORRIS -v- HALL [2022] WASC 400 (1 December 2022) [14%]
    (From Supreme Court of Western Australia; 1 December 2022; 87 KB)   View LawCite record  

  5. R v GEE [2012] SASCFC 86 (26 July 2012) [14%]
    (From Supreme Court of South Australia - Full Court; 26 July 2012; 413 KB)   View LawCite record  [*]

  6. Theodoropoulos v The Queen [2015] VSCA 364 (18 December 2015) [14%]
    (From Supreme Court of Victoria - Court of Appeal; 18 December 2015; 209 KB)   View LawCite record  [*]

  7. Project 99 - Selection, Eligibility and Exemption of Jurors Discussion Paper [2009] WALRCDP 1 [14%]
    (From Western Australian Law Reform Commission - Discussion Papers; 1 September 2009; 959 KB)   View LawCite record  

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