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AustLII Databases - Documents found: 9 for (wa consol act cpa2004188 s92)

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  1. MACAREE -v- THE STATE OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA [2011] WASCA 207 (30 September 2011) [100%]
    (From Supreme Court of Western Australia - Court of Appeal; 30 September 2011; 100 KB)   View LawCite record  [*]

  2. CRIMINAL PROCEDURE ACT 2004 - SECT 92 [46%]
    (From Western Australian Current Acts; 1 January 2004; 2 KB)   

  3. GILLESPIE -v- THE STATE OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA [2013] WASCA 149 (19 June 2013) [46%]
    (From Supreme Court of Western Australia - Court of Appeal; 19 June 2013; 312 KB)   View LawCite record  [*]

  4. COATES -v- THE STATE OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA [2009] WASCA 142 (12 August 2009) [20%]
    (From Supreme Court of Western Australia - Court of Appeal; 12 August 2009; 147 KB)   View LawCite record  [*]

  5. Donaldson v The State of Western Australia [2005] WASCA 196 (17 October 2005) [6%]
    (From Supreme Court of Western Australia - Court of Appeal; 17 October 2005; 186 KB)   View LawCite record  [*][*]

  6. Project 97 - A review of the law of homicide [2007] WALRC 100 [6%]
    (From Western Australian Law Reform Commission Reports; 1 September 2007; 1950 KB)   View LawCite record  

  7. Project 97 - A review of the law of homicide - Final Report [2007] WALRC 1 [6%]
    (From Western Australian Law Reform Commission Reports; 1 September 2007; 2479 KB)   View LawCite record  

  8. Project 99 - Selection, Eligibility and Exemption of Jurors Discussion Paper [2009] WALRCDP 1 [6%]
    (From Western Australian Law Reform Commission - Discussion Papers; 1 September 2009; 959 KB)   View LawCite record  

  9. Arenson, Kenneth J --- "When Some People Are More Equal Than Others: the Impact of Radical Feminism in Our Adversarial System of Criminal Justice " [2014] WAJurist 8; (2014) 5 The Western Australian Jurist 213 [6%]
    (From The Western Australian Jurist; 1 January 2014; 136 KB)   View LawCite record  

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