Western Desert Lands Aboriginal Corporation/Western Australia/Kitchener Resources; Scimitar Resources, [2008] NNTTA 22 (11 February 2008) [100%]
(From National Native Title Tribunal of Australia; 11 February 2008; 104 KB)
The Griffin Coal Mining Co Pty Ltd/Nyungar People (Gnaala Karla Booja)/Western Australia [2005] NNTTA 100 (23 December 2005) [62%]
(From National Native Title Tribunal of Australia; 23 December 2005; 109 KB)
MINING ACT 1978 - SECT 33 [50%]
(From Western Australian Current Acts; 1 January 1978; 5 KB)
Muccan Minerals Pty Ltd and Another v Taylor and Others on behalf of Njamal [2016] NNTTA 28 (26 July 2016) [50%]
(From National Native Title Tribunal of Australia; 26 July 2016; 93 KB)
Iluka Resources Limited v Joan Martin Neil Albert Phillips [2004] WAWM 28; [2004] WAMW 10 (16 August 2004) [43%]
(From Western Australian Warden of Mines; 16 August 2004; 127 KB)
Striker Resources NL v Benrama Pty Ltd, John Bruce Ellison & Robyn May Ellison [2002] WAWM 1; [2001] WAMW 38 (3 January 2002) [43%]
(From Western Australian Warden of Mines; 3 January 2002; 49 KB)
A J Sandercock v L Beale & M H Lewis [1987] WAWM 5; Vol 03 Folio 26 (5 March 1987) [37%]
(From Western Australian Warden of Mines; 5 March 1987; 26 KB)
Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission (HREOC) --- "Native Title Report July 1994 - June 1995: Report of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner to the Attorney-General as required by section 209 of the Native Title Act 1993" [1995] IndigLRes 22 [25%]
(From Indigenous Law Resources; 6 December 1995; 565 KB)
Darling Range South P/L v Ferrell & Ors [2012] WAWM 16; [2012] WAMW 12 (15 June 2012) [25%]
(From Western Australian Warden of Mines; 15 June 2012; 152 KB)
Apache Northwest Pty Ltd v Pel Iron Ore Pty Ltd [2009] WAWM 3; [2009] WAMW 2 (4 May 2009) [18%]
(From Western Australian Warden of Mines; 4 May 2009; 133 KB)
Editors --- "Table of Statutes" [1994] AUMPLawAYbk 2; (1994) Australian Mining and Petroleum Law Association Yearbook xxi [18%]
(From Australian Mining and Petroleum Law Association Yearbook; 77 KB)
Editors --- "Table of Statutes and Regulations" [1999] AUMPLawJl 76; (1999) 18(3) Australian Mining and Petroleum Law Journal 292 [18%]
(From Australian Mining and Petroleum Law Journal; 64 KB)
Western Australia v Commonwealth [1995] HCA 47; (1995) EOC 92-687 (extracts); (1995) 69 ALJR 309; (1995) 183 CLR 373 (16 March 1995) [12%]
(From High Court of Australia; 16 March 1995; 335 KB)
FMG Pilbara Pty Ltd/ Ned Cheedy and Others on behalf of the Yindjibarndi People/ Western Australia, [2009] NNTTA 38 (24 April 2009) [12%]
(From National Native Title Tribunal of Australia; 24 April 2009; 137 KB)
Townson Holdings Pty Ltd and Joseph Frank Anania/Ron Harrington-Smith & Ors on behalf of the Wongatha People; June Ashwin & Ors on behalf of the Wutha People/Western Australia [2003] NNTTA 82 (9 July 2003) [12%]
(From National Native Title Tribunal of Australia; 9 July 2003; 137 KB)
Xstrata Coal Queensland Pty Ltd & Ors/Mark Albury & Ors (Karingbal #2);Brendan Wyman & Ors (Bidjara People)/Queensland, [2012] NNTTA 93 (23 August 2012) [12%]
(From National Native Title Tribunal of Australia; 23 August 2012; 393 KB)
Leanne Margaret Corker, John Digby Corker, Dylan Peter Corker, Cardoo Holdings Pty Ltd v ACN 629 926 753 Pty Ltd [2022] WAMW 11 (9 May 2022) [12%]
(From Western Australian Mining Warden; 9 May 2022; 24 KB)
(From Supreme Court of Western Australia - Court of Appeal; 27 February 2013; 280 KB)
FMG Pilbara Pty Ltd v Yindjibarndi Aboriginal Corporation as Trustee for the Yindjibarndi People [2010] WAWM 18; [2010] WAMW 15 (30 November 2010) [12%]
(From Western Australian Warden of Mines; 30 November 2010; 150 KB)
RUSSELL-TAYLOR v GOLDSTEIN & MARTIN [2013] SAWC 1 (29 April 2013) [12%]
(From Wardens Court of South Australia; 29 April 2013; 25 KB)