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AustLII Databases - Documents found: 14 for (wa consol act yoa1994181 s33)
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  1. YOUNG OFFENDERS ACT 1994 - SECT 33 [100%]
    (From Western Australian Current Acts; 1 January 1994; 2 KB)   

    (From Western Australian Current Acts; 1 January 1994; 27 KB)   

  3. YOUNG OFFENDERS ACT 1994 - SECT 11CM [28%]
    (From Western Australian Current Acts; 1 January 1994; 10 KB)   

  4. A report on the monitoring of the infringement notices provisions of The Criminal Code - Volume 3 [2017] WAOmbRp 4 (11 December 2017) [28%]
    (From Western Australian Ombudsman Reports; 11 December 2017; 427 KB)   View LawCite record  

  5. YOUNG OFFENDERS ACT 1994 - SECT 142 [28%]
    (From Western Australian Current Acts; 1 January 1994; 2 KB)   

  6. THE STATE OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA -v- BOUNDRY [2013] WASCA 46 (22 February 2013) [28%]
    (From Supreme Court of Western Australia - Court of Appeal; 22 February 2013; 36 KB)   View LawCite record  [*]

  7. YOUNG OFFENDERS ACT 1994 - SECT 152 [14%]
    (From Western Australian Current Acts; 1 January 1994; 4 KB)   

  8. Kirk and Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, Migrant Services and Multicultural Affairs (Migration) [2022] AATA 4858 (8 November 2022) [14%]
    (From Administrative Appeals Tribunal of Australia; 8 November 2022; 240 KB)   View LawCite record  [*]

  9. "M" (A Child) & Ors v R [1999] WASCA 111 (2 June 1999) [14%]
    (From Supreme Court of Western Australia - Court of Appeal; 2 June 1999; 23 KB)   View LawCite record  

  10. Bargen, Jenny --- "Kids, Cops, Courts, Conferencing and Children's Rights - A Note on Perspectives" [1996] AUJlHRights 5; (1996) 2(2) Australian Journal of Human Rights 209 [14%]
    (From Australian Journal of Human Rights; 1 January 1996; 77 KB)   View LawCite record  [*]

  11. Weatherburn, Don; McGrath, Andrew; Bartels, Lorana --- "Three Dogmas of Juvenile Justice" [2012] UNSWLawJl 31; (2012) 35(3) UNSW Law Journal 779 [14%]
    (From University of New South Wales Law Journal; 1 January 2012; 124 KB)   View LawCite record  [*]

  12. Project 113 Sexual Offences: Final Report [2024] WALRC 1 [14%]
    (From Western Australian Law Reform Commission Reports; 15 May 2024; 1715 KB)   View LawCite record  

  13. Project 94 - Aboriginal Customary Laws [2006] WALRC 1 [14%]
    (From Western Australian Law Reform Commission Reports; 1 September 2006; 1938 KB)   View LawCite record  

  14. Project 94 - Aboriginal Customary Laws [2005] WALRCDP 1 [14%]
    (From Western Australian Law Reform Commission - Discussion Papers; 1 December 2005; 3151 KB)   View LawCite record  

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