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[2022] NZHC 1669
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Rongotai Investments Ltd v Land Valuation Tribunal [2022] NZHC 1669 (19 July 2022)
Last Updated: 14 September 2022
CIV-2019-485-662 [2022] NZHC 1669
The Judicial Review Procedure Act 2016
An application for Judicial Review of a Land Valuation Tribunal hearing in
respect of objections under the Rating Valuations Act 1998
and the Land
Valuation Proceedings Act 1948
First Respondent
Second Respondent
Third Respondent
Fourth Respondent
Fifth Respondent
Sixth Respondent
Seventh Respondent
Eighth Respondent
and ORS [2022] NZHC 1669 [19 July 2022] [Judicial Review]
1–10 June and 20 to 23 September 2021
G Allan, T Mijatov and M Robertson for Rongotai Parties No Appearance for
1st Respondent
S V McKechnie and E H Wiessing for 3rd Respondent
K Sullivan and S Gazley for 2nd, 4th, 5th and 8th Respondents No Appearance
for 6th Respondent
No Appearance for 7th Respondent
19 July 2022
[Judicial Review]
Table of Contents
Para No.
Introduction [1]
Procedural Background [5]
The claims and the opposition [13]
Structure of this judgment [15]
Background to the 2012 hearing [16]
The Pengelly sale [17]
The interim decision [22]
The substantive decision [24]
The Tribunal’s
function and powers [26]
The legal tests [31]
Hearing Conduct [36]
Excessive intervention [39]
Evidential warning to Mr Aharoni [42]
The three “perjury”
warnings [47]
(a) First warning [48]
(b) Second warning [53]
(c) Third warning [56]
Interventions with Rongotai’s
experts [62]
Engagement with opposing Counsel [74]
comments [84]
Criticism of witnesses [85]
Criticism of the Rongotai parties [94]
(a) The recusal application [95]
(b) Criticism of Rongotai’s
Counsel’s conduct [99]
The exclusion
orders [113]
The pursuit of an irrelevant
inquiry [122]
Post-hearing conduct [126]
Did the Tribunal act with
apparent bias or predetermination? [132]
Predetermination [133]
Apparent bias [135]
Analysis [159]
What is the relief? [186]
The interim decision [193]
The substantive 2012 decision [198]
Relief [199]
Costs [204]
- [1] This
is an application for judicial review of the processes and decision-making of
the Land Valuation Tribunal (the Tribunal),
in its 2012
interim1 and final 2012 rating valuation
- [2] The
applicants, Rongotai Investments Ltd and Rongotai Estates Ltd (collectively
“Rongotai”), allege that the Tribunal’s
conduct and its 2012
decisions disclosed apparent bias and/or pre-determination of the matters in
issue. Rongotai seek orders setting
aside the Tribunal’s interim and final
decisions in respect of the 2012 objections; declarations that the 2012
hearing was unfair; and that the Tribunal’s conduct and
its 2012 decisions disclosed apparent bias and/or pre- determination.
rehearing of the 2012 objections by a differently constituted Tribunal is no
longer sought.
- [3] This
judicial review application was heard sequentially with the consolidated appeal
hearing of four appeals and cross-appeals
against the Tribunal’s decisions
in respect of the 2007, 2012, 2015 and 2018 rating year objections. The agreed
facts, with the details of the Rongotai area and the description of
the assessment of rates, has been fully described in the 2007
judgment,3 which was issued contemporaneously in a suite of six
judgments, including this judgment.
- Rongotai
Investments Ltd v Wellington City Council [2019] NZLVT 093 [the 2012 interim
2 Rongotai Investments Ltd v Wellington
City Council [2019] NZLVT 108 [the 2012 decision].
- Rongotai
Investments Ltd v Wellington City Council [2022] NZHC 1665 [2007 Rating
Valuation Appeal].
- [4] This
decision should be read in conjunction with the 2012 appeal
judgment,4 as it concerns the conduct of the
2012 rating valuation hearing with the same parties and the same subject
Procedural Background
- [5] A
history of the Tribunal’s decisions sets the context for this judicial
review application. The Tribunal issued its decision
in relation to the 2007
rating valuation objections on 19 July 2019.5 Rongotai sought to stay
the hearings in relation to the further three valuation rating years. This was
declined.6 On the same day, the Tribunal issued a Minute declining
Rongotai’s application to recuse Tribunal member Gordon. The next day,
20 August 2019, Rongotai filed proceedings in the High Court seeking judicial
review of the Tribunal’s decisions, together
with an application to stay
the 2012 hearing. On 26 August 2019, Doogue J declined to grant relief.7
Those judicial review proceedings were discontinued by Rongotai on 28
August 2019.
- [6] On 27
September 2019, Rongotai applied for the allocation of a priority fixture to
hear among other matters, a separate question
of law in relation to the 2007
appeal. I declined that application.8 Neither my judgment nor that of
Doogue J dealt with the issue of bias and pre-determination or the issues raised
in these judicial
review proceedings.
- [7] On
19–29 August 2019, the Tribunal heard the 2012 rating objections. The
Tribunal issued an oral interim decision (interim
decision) dated 12 September
2019, holding that the Pengelley transaction was relevant to its determination
of the 2012 rating valuation
- [8] On 6
November 2019, Rongotai filed a judicial review proceeding seeking that the
Tribunal’s interim 2012 decision be quashed,
and orders preventing the
Tribunal from issuing a final judgment on the 2012 objection, requiring the
- Rongotai
Investments Ltd v Wellington City Council [2022] NZHC 1666 [2012 Rating
Valuation Appeal].
5 NZ Cash Flow Control Ltd v
Wellington City Council [2019] NZLVT 078 [the 2007 decision].
6 Rongotai Investments Ltd v Wellington City Council [2019]
NZLVT 083.
7 Rongotai Investments Ltd v Land Valuation Tribunal [2019]
NZHC 2103 (per Doogue J).
8 Rongotai Investments Ltd v Wellington City Council [2019]
NZHC 2741 (per Cull J.
9 The 2012 interim decision, above n 1.
objection be reheard by a differently constituted Tribunal, and prohibiting the
Tribunal (as then constituted) from hearing or determining
the 2015 and 2018
valuation objection hearings. Solicitors for Rongotai served the judicial review
pleadings on the Tribunal and
filed with the Tribunal a Memorandum of Counsel
confirming that the judicial review proceedings had been filed in the High
noting the relief sought included orders prohibiting the Tribunal from
hearing and determining the 2015 and 2018 rating year objections;
and inviting
the Tribunal to consider whether it should hear those further rating
- [9] The Tribunal
issued its final decision in respect of the 2012 rating year objections the
following day.10 In directions made by the presiding Judge, the
Tribunal noted that in the absence of any decision from the High Court, the
was issuing its 2012 decision. That decision has been appealed and
cross-appealed. The determination of that appeal is contained
in our 2012 appeal
- [10] On 8
November 2019, Rongotai applied for interim orders under s 15 of the Judicial
Review Procedure Act 2016, prohibiting the
Tribunal as constituted from taking
any further steps in relation to the 2012, 2015 or 2018 objection hearings, or
otherwise staying
those hearings, until the substantial judicial review claims
were heard and determined.
- [11] The interim
application was heard on 19 November 2019. In declining relief, Cooke J noted
that a key consideration was the nature
and strength of Rongotai’s
challenge and what was necessary to properly assess that
challenge.12 Because there needed to be a
careful consideration of all the evidence from the hearing and given the
circumstances of the case, the
Judge held that an interim relief hearing was an
inadequate opportunity to assess Rongotai’s challenge. In dismissing the
for interim orders, however, Cooke J said
I accept that there are some features of the
hearing that took place before the Tribunal before 19 and 29 August 2019, and
the steps
taken thereafter, that can be described as unorthodox, and give rise
to a possible question relating to the fairness of the approach
that was
10 The 2012 decision, above n 2.
11 The 2012 appeal judgment, above n 4.
12 Rongotai Investments Ltd v Land Valuation Tribunal
[2019] NZHC 3040 at [19].
13 At [20].
- [12] In his
decision, the Judge then set out five of those unorthodox features, being the
Tribunal’s far-reaching factual enquiries;
the exclusion of witnesses; the
warnings about perjury; the substantial questioning by the Chair of the
Tribunal; and the timing
of the release of the Tribunal’s
decisions.14 Those features are reflected in the grounds of these
substantive judicial review proceedings.
The claims and the opposition
- [13] In
summary, Rongotai pleads two claims in judicial review, apparent bias and
pre-determination, although both claims similarly
challenge the conduct of the
Tribunal both during and post-2012 hearing. The claim is that the Tribunal
disclosed apparent bias and/or
pre-determination in its interactions with
Rongotai Counsel, with Rongotai witnesses and any witnesses supporting the
Rongotai position,
such conduct including substantive questioning bordering on
cross-examination by the Tribunal, inappropriate alignment with opposing
Counsel, unjustified orders for exclusion of witnesses, and questionable
post-hearing conduct in the release of the Tribunal’s
decision. Rongotai
say that they were denied a fair hearing as a result of the Tribunal’s
apparent bias and/or pre-determination.
- [14] The third
respondent and the other lessees15 oppose the application for relief.
In essence, they say that the application for judicial review is misconceived
because the right
to appeal the 2012 decision by way of rehearing will cure any
procedural irregularities. They resist the claim that the impugned
conduct and
decisions of the Tribunal showed apparent bias, predetermination or unfairness.
They say the conduct of the hearing was
robust, but not unsurprisingly so, given
the factual contests raised by the parties. They submit that Rongotai have had
their day
in Court, with a two- week hearing for the 2012 assessment, involving
oral evidence from experts and witnesses of fact.
Structure of this judgment
- [15] I
will deal with Rongotai’s claims as follows:
14 At [20].
15 “Other lessees” refer to the second, fourth, fifth
and eighth respondents.
(a) Background to the 2012 hearing
(b) The Tribunal’s function and powers
(c) The legal tests
(d) Hearing and post-hearing conduct
(e) Assessment of apparent bias and predetermination
(f) Relief
Background to the 2012 hearing
- [16] The
focus of the 2012 interim decision was whether the Pengelly sale should be
included as a comparable sale in assessing the
market value of the properties in
the Rongotai area for the 2012 rating year assessment. The background to the
Pengelly sale is addressed
fully in our 2012 appeal
The Pengelly sale
- [17] The
Tribunal issued an interim oral decision two weeks after the ten day hearing.
The Tribunal considered that the oral decision
would enable “the parties
... to have the benefit of the Tribunal’s view having heard all the
evidence in relation to
the Pengelly transaction.”17
- [18] In its oral
decision, the Tribunal described the Pengelly transaction as follows:
- [4] At the heart
of much of the factual dispute between the parties in relation to the 2012
valuation is a sale and purchase transaction
which occurred by agreement dated
17 October 2012 in relation to two properties within the Rongotai precinct
situated near the Wellington
Airport. The Rongotai area is more particularly
described in our previous decision.1
- [5] The
properties subject to sale were 94 Tirangi Road and 8 Kingsford Smith Street and
were sold by Rongotai Properties Limited
(for 94 Tirangi Road) and Tullamarine
Properties Limited (for 8 Kingsford Smith Street) to Pengelly Properties Limited
by agreement
for a total price of $2, 375,000. That sum was broken down by terms
of the two agreements entered into. We
16 The 2012 appeal judgment, above n 4, at [22]–[29].
17 The 2012 interim decision, above n 1, at [2].
attach as A and B the key pages from the agreements for sale. The terms are
standard and the offer is unconditional.
[5] It is common ground that the process leading to that was one undertaken
by Baileys for the vendors by way of a tender process.
Mr Grant Young, a senior
real estate agent, with some in excess of 20 years’ experience, acted for
the vendors in respect of
the preparation and tendering of the property. He gave
evidence to the Tribunal and we acknowledge him to be a senior real estate
well versed in the matters related to the tendering of business properties.
- [19] Mr Aharoni
of Prime Property Group Ltd made conditional offers for the properties for $3.6
million.18 The conditional offer made by Aharoni contained a clause
converting an agreement for sale and purchase on its face, into an option
purchase.19 Mr Aharoni’s conditional agreement was cancelled by
the vendor, after the expiry of the option and Mr Aharoni’s failure
meet a deadline imposed of 1 pm the following day to make an alternative
unconditional offer together with a five per cent deposit
“cleared” funds.
- [20] The
difference between the agreed price in Mr Aharoni’s conditional 2012
agreement and the ultimate price the vendors reached
with Pengelly Properties
Ltd was $1,226,000. This significant price difference was therefore in issue
when the Pengelly sale was
included as a comparator market sale. It became a
prominent issue in the hearing, in which Mr Aharoni and the vendor were each
about their evidence in relation to this transaction.
- [21] Rongotai
contended before the Tribunal that the Pengelly sale was effectively a forced or
distressed sale and secondly, that
the vendor had not acted prudently in
advising the best price. They said it should not be included as a comparator
sale because it
was not a valid market transaction, or if included, should be
given less weight. The lessees submitted the Pengelly sale was highly
as it was an arms- length sale in the location, at the relevant time.
- The
vendors were given a tenders’ sheet, which is annexed to the
Tribunal’s interim decision marked ‘C”, showing
the offers
that were presented.
19 BS Developments No 12 Ltd v PB
and SF Properties Ltd [2006] NZCA 106; (2006) 7 NZCPR 603 (CA) at [35].
The interim decision
- [22] The
Tribunal found that the Pengelly sale was an arm’s length and valid
transaction, which would be considered in the 2012
rating valuations as a
relevant comparator. In rejecting Rongotai’s contention that the Pengelly
sale was not reflective of
the best market price, the Tribunal made adverse
comments about Mr Aharoni and Ms Watson, both of whom contended the Pengelly
was problematic.
- [23] Although
Counsel for Rongotai challenges the Tribunal’s characterisation of the
relevance of the Pengelly sale and Mr Aharoni’s
cancelled sale and
purchase agreement, it is the Tribunal’s adverse remarks in its interim
decision that is at the heart of
this judicial review application. Those
remarks, that Mr Aharoni had a collateral purpose, that he used an agent to try
and argue
for a higher per square metre value for the Rongotai land, and that
his role in making such enquiries through his agent was “highly
dubious”,20 Rongotai says, were illustrative of the
Tribunal’s apparent bias or predetermination against Rongotai’s
The substantive decision
- [24] Having
determined that the Pengelly sale should be included as a comparable market
sale, the Tribunal concluded that the valuation
roll figures determined by
Quotable Value New Zealand Ltd (QV) for the 2012 rates assessment were not in
error, with one exception.
The Tribunal concluded that the roll valuation for
5–11 Kingsford Smith Street, one of Rongotai’s subject properties
under objection, was too high an assessment and adjusted its valuation downward
to $375,000. Unlike its 2007 decision, the Tribunal
decided that no adjustment
to the land value of the properties needed to be made for the encumbrance of
“Glasgow” leases.
- [25] This
judicial review application has as its focus the Tribunal’s conduct during
the 2012 hearings. Before dealing with
the bias and pre-determination
allegations, it is relevant to consider the nature of the Tribunal’s
jurisdiction and procedure
before dealing with the specific
20 The 2012 interim decision, above n 1, at [44].
The Tribunal’s function and powers
- [26] Land
Valuation Tribunals were established in 1977 by virtue of s 19 of the Land
Valuation Proceedings Act 1948 (LVPA),21 and assumed the jurisdiction
of the former Administrative Division of the Supreme Court in land valuation
matters. Under s 36 of the
Rating Valuations Act 1998, it is the jurisdiction of
Land Valuation Tribunals to hear and determine objections to valuations
their review by a territorial authority.
- [27] Every Land
Valuation Tribunal shall consist of a Chairman, who must be a District Court
Judge and two other members, one or both
of whom shall be registered
valuers.22 The Chairman of the Tribunal has a “deliberative
vote” and in the case of an inequality of votes, has the casting
vote.23 The two members of the Tribunal must take an oath that they
will “faithfully and impartially perform the duties of their
office.”24 In some instances, the Chairman has jurisdiction to
sit alone and make orders on questions of law and procedure as specified under
19(8) of the LVPA.
- [28] Counsel
have directed my attention to the function of the Tribunal, which they each
submit has relevance to the determination
of the conduct of the Tribunal in the
2012 hearing.
- [29] Counsel for
Rongotai, Mr Allan, submits the judicial role of the Tribunal Chair is
significant, given the Judge’s role
as Chair and that he enjoys tenure. As
an illustration, he says, the Judge remarked during the 2012 hearing that
“this is a
Court of law” and not a more informal “Council
hearing.” Further, Mr Allan submits that under s 27(1) of New Zealand
of Rights Act 1990 (NZBORA) parties have the right to the observance of the
principles of natural justice by any Tribunal.
21 The LVPA replaced the Land Valuation Court Act 1948, which
established the Land Valuation Court and gave it the jurisdiction formerly
exercised by the Land Sales Court (which fixed values for the purposes of
transactions under the Servicemen’s Settlement and
Land Sales Act 1943),
claims for compensation for land taken or injuriously affected under the Public
Works Act 1928; and objections to valuations under the Valuation of Land Act
1925. See JP McVeagh Land Valuation Law (7th ed, Butterworths,
Wellington, 1979) at 50–51.
22 Land Valuation Proceedings Act 1948, s 19(2).
23 Section 19(7).
24 Section 20.
- [30] Counsel for
the lessees, Mr Sullivan and Ms McKechnie, submit the Tribunal’s procedure
is essentially an inquisitorial
process. Counsel drew the Court’s
attention to s 19(14) of the LVPA, which provides that every Land Valuation
Tribunal is deemed
to be a Commission under the Commissions of Inquiries Act
1908, and s 19(15), permitting the Tribunal to adopt such procedure as
it thinks
fit, subject to the LVPA and to any rules or regulations made under the Act.
They point to the rules of process and procedure
contained in the Land Valuation
Tribunal Rules and the Commission’s powers of investigation, which include
requiring the production
of papers, documents, records or things for inspection
and the power to call and examine witnesses.25 Counsel submit that
all parties were given similar treatment by the Tribunal across the four rating
objection hearings.
The legal tests
- [31] Rongotai
has pleaded two grounds of review: apparent bias and predetermination. Both
grounds are advanced on the same pleaded
allegations and evidence.
- [32] Apparent
bias and predetermination are distinct concepts. Apparent bias concerns the
perception that the decision-maker was not
impartial. The Supreme Court in
Saxmere Co Ltd v Wool Board Disestablishment Co Ltd described the test in
the following way:26
a fair-minded lay observer might reasonably apprehend that the judge might not
bring an impartial mind to the resolution
of the question the judge is required
to decide.
- [33] The
Court articulated the two step test for determining a claim of apparent
(a) first, the identification of what it is said might lead a judge to decide a
case other than on its legal and factual merits;
(b) secondly, there must be “an articulation of the logical connection
between the matter and the feared deviation from the
course of deciding the case
on its merits”.
25 Commissions of Inquiry Act 1908, ss B(4)D.
- Saxmere
Co Ltd v Wool Board Disestablishment Co Ltd [2009] NZSC 72, [2010] 1 NZLR
35 at [3].
27 At [4].
- [34] The Court
described more fully the features of a fair-minded lay
The fair-minded lay observer is presumed to be intelligent and to view
matters objectively. He or she is neither unduly sensitive
or suspicious nor
complacent about what may influence the judge’s decision.29 He
or she must be taken to be a non-lawyer but reasonably informed about the
workings of our judicial system, as well as about the
nature of the issues in
the case and about the facts pertaining to the situation which is said to give
rise to an appearance or apprehension
of bias.
- [35] Predetermination
on the other hand arises where a decisionmaker has approached a decision with a
“closed mind”, such
that they are not amenable to persuasion on the
issues engaged,30 or in other words, are
“unwilling, honestly to consider changing [their] mind.”31
In Save Chamberlain Park Inc v Auckland City Council, Moore J noted
that predetermination was conceptually different from bias, which is concerned
with public perceptions as to impartial
decision making.32
Hearing Conduct
- [36] The
essence of Rongotai’s claims is that based on the Tribunal’s conduct
during and after the 2012 hearing and the
content of its decisions, the Tribunal
did not bring an impartial mind to its determination of the 2012 rating
objections. The Court
of Appeal has cautioned that the factual basis of bias
allegations must be carefully made out and the inquiry must be
- [37] I propose
to deal with the bias/pre-determination allegations in each of five separate
categories. The following five categories
(i) excessive intervention by the Tribunal and inappropriate engagement of the
Tribunal with opposing parties’ Counsel;
(ii) adverse comments by the Tribunal of witnesses and Counsel;
28 At [5].
- Johnson
v Johnson (2000) 201 CLR 488 at [33]; and Helow v Secretary of State for
the Home Department [2008] EWCA Civ 1449; [2009] 2 All ER 1031 (HL) at [2].
Inc v Governor-General [1981] 1 NZLR 172 (CA); and Save Chamberlain Park
Inc v Auckland Council [2018] NZHC 1462 at [180].
- Back
Country Helicopters Ltd v Minister of Conservation [2013] NZHC 982, [2013]
NZAR 1474 at [143].
32 Save Chamberlain Park Inc v
Auckland Council, above n 30, at
33 Muir v Commissioner of Inland Revenue [2007] NZCA 334,
[2007] 3 NZLR 495 at [62].
(iii) the making of unfounded orders;
(iv) the pursuit by the Tribunal of an irrelevant inquiry; and
(v) the post-hearing conduct of the Tribunal.
- [38] Rongotai
provided numerous examples under categories (i) and (ii), to which the lessees
responded and under each of the categories,
certain of those examples are
Excessive intervention
- [39] Mr
Aharoni is the director and ultimate beneficial owner of Rongotai. He was called
to give evidence at the 2012 hearing about
the Pengelly transaction. Rongotai
submits that the Tribunal treated Mr Aharoni in a hostile and over-bearing
manner and permitted
opposing Counsel to do the same. Rongotai submits the
Tribunal was simply set against evidence or propositions supportive of
case theory.
- [40] Counsel for
the lessees reject the suggestion that the Tribunal was hostile to
Rongotai’s interests. They say this was
all part of a robust hearing,
which concerned a challenge to the veracity of the evidence given about the
Pengelly sale from Mr Aharoni.
- [41] Of the
examples provided by Rongotai, I deal with four examples where the Tribunal is
alleged to have excessively intervened
in an over-bearing manner and permitted
opposing Counsel to do the same. The four examples are the evidential warning
order to Mr
Aharoni, the three perjury warnings also received by Mr Aharoni, the
Tribunal’s intervention with Rongotai’s experts
and the favourable
expert Ms Watson, and engagement with opposing Counsel.
Evidential warning to Mr Aharoni
- [42] The
evidential warning arose during the cross-examination of Mr Aharoni about the
reasons why his conditional offer to purchase
the Pengelly properties
over. For context, I set out the cross-examination question that prompted the
Judge’s warning which unfolded as follows:34
Q. Is that what you're saying, that the reason the Pengelly sales, in terms
of your conditional offer fell over is because they are
unhappy and that’s
all to do with they own five properties?
A. No that’s not what I said, I said they’re a non-experienced
operator that wanted to liquidate their holding in that
area and counter that,
also I was told by ... by Mr Young, that they don’t like me, okay
and in fact when I left the room I said, “Hi” to Ms Edwards just a
couple of days ago, she ignored me, she doesn’t
want to talk to me. Okay
I'm not sure what I've done to her, she’s the one who liquidated the
company in order to avoid paying
me my rent. She is the director of a company,
liquidated it to stop – to deceive creditors which I am one of them, or
not deceive
sorry, avoid paying creditors.
- [43] Mr Aharoni
was then challenged about whether the agent had actually said that they did not
like him. After the following passage
of cross-examination, the Judge intervened
and gave Mr Aharoni a warning that he may not give evidence. The relevant
passage is as
Q. Mr Young didn’t say anything about, he told you they didn’t
like you?
A. Mr Young has told me –
Q. Well we’ll have to get him back for that then, that’s all
right okay.
A. – they said they don’t like me.
Q. Okay, now just be very, very clear as I proceed here, I don’t want
long answers from you telling me your evidence.
A. Well you're going to get the truth from me and whatever the truth requires
you're going to get it.
Q. No you [will] answer my questions or the Judge will intervene. Now just
listen to my questions and answer them.
Q. Well wait a second, Mr Aharoni I'm only going to allow you to give
evidence if you comply with the rules of evidence and that is
you were asked a
question, you answer that question concisely and accurately and truthfully. If
you need further explanation you
ask permission to give it. For the most part
it’s only if it’s relevant to your answer. What I am getting from
you at
34 Emphasis added.
35 Emphasis added.
moment is what I detect as a level of attitude towards the Court that you're
going to tell us things, that is not your purpose before
the Court. You are not
counsel, you can only give evidence to the Court. If you don’t comply I
will just exclude you. Now It’s
entirely up to you but I want to see you
answer the questions accurately and precisely. Counsel is entitled to that and
it does not
advance your case or this case at all if you're not prepared to do
A. I apologise Your Honour but I do believe I've answered –
Q. Just to answer the questions please.
A. Which is what I've done.
Q. No you haven’t and if you continue to do this I will not allow you
to give evidence, do you understand?
A. I do understand I'm sorry.
- [44] The
Judge’s intervention to warn Mr Aharoni that he can give evidence only if
he complied with the rules of evidence is
perplexing. Mr Aharoni was asked an
open question in cross-examination about his reason for saying that his
conditional offer fell
over. Mr Aharoni gives a full answer. Counsel challenged
the answer by indicating that he would call the Bayley’s agent and
proceeded to tell Mr Aharoni that he did not want long answers from him
“telling me your evidence”.
- [45] If Counsel
puts a proposition for acceptance by a witness, the witness can correct or
reject the proposition. If it is inaccurate,
then a witness disagrees with it
and usually explains why.36 The cross examination question was
“Is that what you’re saying ...?” Mr Aharoni disputed that
that is what he had
said and answered the question. There appears to be no basis
therefore for the Judge to have warned Mr Aharoni that he would be excluded,
he did not comply with the rules of evidence. It is unclear which rules of
evidence to which the Judge was referring, but he warned
Mr Aharoni that he must
answer a question “concisely and accurately and
- [46] Mr Aharoni
then apologised, saying he believed he had answered the questions. He then
received a further warning from the Judge
that if he did not continue to answer
the question, he would not be allowed to give evidence. Mr Aharoni apologised
36 Bruce Robertson (ed) Introduction to Advocacy (NZLS CLE
Ltd, 2014) at 244–246.
The three “perjury” warnings
- [47] Rongotai
also submits that the Tribunal unfairly and improperly issued three warnings,
that by clear inference were perjury warnings.
Counsel for the lessees dispute
that the Chair offered “the first warning” and say that the Chair
simply cautioned the
witness that he needed to be careful about saying what
other witnesses had said.
(a) First warning
- [48] Ms
Quinlan, a trustee vendor, had been called by Bunnings to give evidence
regarding the circumstances of the Pengelly sale.
Her evidence was that she
could not deny that an offer had been made. During the course of Ms
Quinlan’s evidence, Mr Aharoni
was excluded from the
- [49] Mr Aharoni
gave evidence that he had made an offer. In cross-examination, Mr Aharoni was
challenged about whether he made an
initial offer to purchase the Pengelly
properties in 2010 as the actual offer was unavailable, either being lost or
with the vendors’
lawyer. Mr Aharoni was then asked these series of
Q. Well that’s all right, we won't pursue that further, His Honour
knows the position as do the rest of us but the point in
referring to 2010 is
from your answers, that’s a way of legitimising, is it, the integrity of
your offer in 2012 for $3.6 million,
that’s the whole point of going on
about these alleged offers.
A. You again –
Q. No wait till I finish. These alleged offers in 2010, that’s the
point of referring to them.
A. That’s not what I said. You are putting words in my mouth again. The
point of – my offer is legitimate, it doesn’t
need any help to
legitimise it but the point is that the vendor at 2010 refused an offer for $3.1
million because in fact they said,
“We will sell it for three and a half
million dollars”, or whatever it is and I don’t think anyone denies
Q. You’ve told us what they said.
A. So that shows the vendor’s view.
37 See “Making of unfounded orders” (c) at
- [50] It is at
this juncture that the Judge intervenes, warning Mr Aharoni that he needs to be
careful about his evidence because it
contradicted the evidence of Ms Quinlan.
Mr Aharoni, however, had been excluded from the Courtroom when Ms Quinlan gave
her evidence,
and says so. The passage is as follows:
Q. Now you're saying – I've got to advise you that you need to be
careful to say what other witnesses have told the Tribunal
because you’ve
been sitting here and you heard Ms Quinlan tell us she doesn’t recall any
offer from you.
A. I was not here when Ms Quinlan –
Q. Right, he was excluded. So the evidence of Ms Quinlan was that she has no
recollection of receiving an offer from you and I think
no recollection is the
right words isn't it, Mr Scragg?
- [51] After
clarification that Ms Quinlan did not have any recollection of what happened in
2010, Mr Aharoni was cross-examined again,
on the basis that the witnesses had
no recollection of his 2010 offer. Again, the Judge intervenes and says to Mr
Q. Well you're making an assertion that you made an offer that’s denied
by the other parties.
A. Well this is what my testimony is and as confirmed by Mr Grant Young
- [52] There was
no reference by the Judge to the word “perjury” but it clearly was a
warning by the Judge that he needed
to be careful about his evidence. The
appellation of whether it is a warning or a caution matters little in my view.
Mr Aharoni was
giving his evidence. It was for the Tribunal to decide on the
credibility of his evidence in making its determination. Mr Aharoni
simply did
not agree with the propositions that were being put to him in cross-examination
about Ms Quinlan’s evidence. More
pertinently, he could not comment on
what Ms Quinlan had said as he had been excluded from the courtroom during her
evidence. On
any view of the matter, the warning from the Judge was not
justified. Mr Aharoni disagreed with the evidence of the other witnesses
and he
was giving evidence to that effect, as he was entitled to.
(b) Second warning
- [53] During
further cross-examination of Mr Aharoni about his view of the vendor’s
motivation in selling the Pengelly properties,
the opposing Counsel put to Mr
Aharoni that “Ms Quinlan made it quite clear in her evidence they
weren’t remotely desperate”
to sell and asked Mr Aharoni how that
confirmed his view. Mr Aharoni again said that he could not comment on what Ms
Quinlan had
said, as he was not in the room when she gave her evidence. It was
at this point that Counsel rebuked Mr Aharoni for criticising
the Judge. This
led to the Judge’s second warning, which Rongotai submits was a perjury
warning. The passage is as follows:
Q. Well we heard here, Ms Quinlan made it quite clear in her evidence they
weren't remotely desperate. In fact she says so. She addresses
your evidence
A. Well this is not, this is –
Q. No don’t interrupt me. She addresses your evidence directly by way
of saying I now address Mr Aharoni’s evidence and
she says we were not
remotely desperate.
A. Well –
Q. So how did that confirm your view?
A. Sorry. If you want me to comment on what Ms Quinlan said you have - you
should allow me to be in the room when she was talking,
so I can't comment on
what she said.
Q. Well don’t criticise the Judge please. That’s not –
A. Sorry?
Q. You’ve been told already do not criticise the Tribunal. That’s
not how we operate here.
A. I’m not. I’m not criticising the Tribunal –
Q. Well that’s - the decision was made there.
A. – whatsoever. I’m criticising you.
Q. Get on with answering the question.
A. The question –
The job is not for you to criticise anyone. The job is for you to answer
questions. I mean the transcript of this is going to be fascinating
reading in
the superior Court. You need to focus and I haven’t given you a formal
warning but some of your answers are almost
directly contradictory to your
evidence. I’m not going to go into it but you need to be careful in your
answers now and I think
you need to be more careful in your... I don’t
think you should get into, well it’s not my job to advise the witness
to do but I think you are veering into very dangerous territory. Can I put it
that way.
Can I ask Sir that Your Honour does consider a warning because I might wish
to go back to it if this continues in this vein.
Q. Okay. Well if it carries on I’m just, I have given the warning
yesterday as I recall, a general warning. This is a more serious
warning but
I’m not going to give what, I don’t want to refer to the word.
People - all counsel know here what I mean
about the warning. I gave it to one
other witness. But at this stage I don’t think it’s gone that far
but he’s
getting dangerously close. So I think you should focus not on
[Counsel] or on the Tribunal or on anyone else. Focus on your answers
in giving
a concise and truthful answer to the questions.
A. Can I ask you Your Honour to tell me where is my evidence now
contradictory to my evidence before?
Q. This isn't a query. This matter will be dealt with, you know, on appeal if
you appeal or otherwise, if you don’t appeal,
then we will have to deal
with it in the normal way. Carry on [Counsel].
And nobody in the Tribunal is in the witness box or will be Mr Aharoni, this
is not a general discussion... you'll have to take that
up with your
The Tribunal then indicated it was prepared to take a break for that purpose and
I have been clear that I’m not giving him, and I don’t want to
use the word, people know what I’m talking about.
I’m only giving
him a general warning at this stage, but ... he is veering close to a proper
The Tribunal then told opposing Counsel:
you can ask for one [that is, a “proper warning”] if you consider
he goes over the line again. Well, I’m not going
to say again, I
don’t know that he has actually, I haven’t examined the transcript
- [54] The
Tribunal then said: “all counsel know here what I mean about the
warning” and that Mr Aharoni needed to give
concise and
“truthful” answers.
- [55] From the
above interchange, the Judge accepted that he had given Mr Aharoni a
“general warning” the day before. I
refer to it as the first
warning. The Judge calls the above intervention “a more serious
warning”, which he then calls
“a general warning at this
stage” (the second warning) but says that Mr Aharoni is veering close to a
proper warning.
I consider it is plain that the Judge is talking about a perjury
warning following Counsel’s rebuke that Mr Aharoni was criticising
Tribunal. In fact, Mr Aharoni’s answer was correct. He could not properly
comment on Ms Quinlan’s evidence when he
had been excluded from the
courtroom at the time she was giving it.
(c) Third warning
- [56] Again,
the issue of inconsistency between Mr Aharoni’s evidence and that of the
vendor gave rise to the third warning to
Mr Aharoni.
- [57] This time,
Mr Aharoni was challenged about another aspect of Ms Quinlan’s evidence.
This was whether Edwards Hardware Holdings
Ltd was an Edwards’ family
company. Mr Aharoni had initially thought it was and had said so in his brief of
evidence. He was
challenged by Counsel that his evidence was therefore untrue.
The Judge then questioned Mr Aharoni about whether he accepted that
statement was untrue. Mr Aharoni said that he could not tell the Tribunal
whether it was true or not because he received this
information from his
lawyers. At that stage, the Judge said:
Q.... this is, we’re getting close to the warning now. You’ve
told us everything you say in this brief is true. Is that
true or not?
A. I believe that this statement is correct but I received this information
from a research from my lawyer. If he ma[d]e a mistake
then I take
responsibility for this mistake.
- [58] Cross-examination
is then recommenced by Counsel but the Judge interposes and continued the
questioning of Mr Aharoni. Before
taking a break, to allow Mr Aharoni to consult
with his solicitor, the Court consulted with opposing Counsel by
COURT: you think I’ve got to the P-word warning or not?
I do Sir, yes I do.
You know I don’t, it’s not a land I venture into very frequently
at all, in fact, I think this would be the second warning,
probably only the
third warning I’ve ever given.
And two of them in this case Sir.
Two of them in case, I am reluctant to get to that point ... I am reluctant
to do it, I must say.
There’s a cut and thrust to all of this and I think [Opposing Counsel]
is making progress in any event and I don’t know
that I need to go that
far but to be fair I think Mr Aharoni needs to reflect on what else in his
evidence may not be correct because
we’re going to be going there very
- [59] The Judge
then invites Counsel for Rongotai to have a discussion with Mr
- [60] I accept
Rongotai’s submission that Mr Aharoni’s evidence in relation to the
Edwards Family company in his brief
was mischaracterised as
“untrue”. Mr Aharoni acknowledged that he had obtained the
information from his lawyer and that
if it was incorrect, he did not think he
could change his evidence. Mr Aharoni goes on to give a perfectly adequate
explanation as
to who had given him the information, but explains that despite
the wrong company name being inserted, the company was in fact liquidated
the tenants had stopped paying rent because of the liquidation.
- [61] On a review
of the transcript passage above, I consider there was no basis for him to
receive a perjury warning, particularly
as he had been excluded from hearing Ms
Quinlan’s evidence. His own Counsel advised the Tribunal that he had not
other witnesses’ evidence with Mr Aharoni since the trial began
“given the various exclusion orders that had been in
place.” It is
also unusual, as Cooke J noted
in the interim decision, and in my view, inappropriate, for a Judge to ask
opposing Counsel whether he should give a witness for
another party, a perjury
Interventions with Rongotai’s experts
- [62] I
turn to consider some examples of the Tribunal’s interventions with
Rongotai’s two expert valuers Mr Horsley and
Mr Butchers, when they gave
their evidence. These examples also show the Tribunal’s unorthodox
engagement with opposing Counsel.
- [63] In relation
to Mr Horsley, a similar issue arose as it did in Mr Aharoni’s evidence,
regarding his understanding of the
ownership of Edwards Hardware Holdings Ltd.
The Tribunal warned him “to be very careful with [his] answers”, as
his “evidence
ha[d] shown to date that there are some clear differences
between the evidence [he] gave”. This was a reference to alleged
differences between Mr Horsley’s brief of evidence and his oral evidence
related to this ownership point.
- [64] Rongotai
submit that the Tribunal’s warning to Mr Horsley could have been
reasonably capable as being interpreted as a
challenge to his honesty. The
lessees, however, assert that Mr Horsley had to accept that there was an
incorrect reference in his
brief to the Edwards Family owning Edwards Hardware.
It had to be removed from his brief and Mr Horsley accepted that he had no
to say that the vendors were under pressure to sell Pengelly to realise
funds. He accepted also that his brief reflected understandings
from Mr Aharoni,
when the reference should have been to Mr Aharoni and his lawyers.
- [65] Any
differences in the written witnesses’ briefs of evidence and their oral
evidence forms part of the process of examination
of witnesses, where any
corrections that need to be made arise and are explained during the
witnesses’ oral evidence. Indeed,
opposing Counsel reinforced this, when
he said to Mr Horsley: “There’s nothing wrong with modifying your
evidence as
it’s examined.” It is unusual therefore, for a Judge to
caution a witness about correcting his brief of evidence after
identification of mistakes during his oral evidence.
38 Rongotai Investments Ltd v Land Valuation Tribunal,
above n 12, at [20(d)].
- [66] There are
numerous examples to which I was directed, where the Tribunal challenged Mr
Horsley’s status as an independent
expert witness. For example, the
Tribunal suggested that Mr Horsley had “spent so much effort on trying to
dissuade QV from
[the Pengelly sale] being taken into account”. Of Mr
Horsley’s opinion that the Pengelly sale was not a bona fide transaction,
the Judge asked, “did someone ask you to say [that]?”. Following Mr
Horsley’s response confirming they did not,
the Judge said “Well why
did you use that phrase? ... I’ve never heard a valuer use
- [67] The Judge
intervened in the cross-examination of Mr Horsley to pursue a “wider
issue” and told Mr Horsley “it
is unusual for a witness to challenge
Counsel.” The Judge said “I think you owe [Counsel] an apology
myself” and
then Mr Horsley apologised.
- [68] The
Tribunal repeatedly asked Mr Horsley and Mr Butchers to answer questions
regarding the provenance of the information upon
which they relied in giving
their evidence. For example, to Mr Butchers, the Judge asked whether he had ever
“sat in a meeting
with those people [being Mr Aharoni’s lawyers, Mr
Aharoni and Mr Horsley] to discuss this matter” and “did you
have a meeting, the three of you [Mr Aharoni, Mr Horsley and himself], to
discuss the preparation for this case and the evidence
you would
- [69] I note that
during the cross-examination of Mr Horsley, after the Judge made exclusion
orders for the Rongotai remaining witnesses,
the Judge intervened in opposing
Counsel’s cross-examination, reframed Counsel’s question, checked
that Counsel was happy
with the reframed question, and proceeded to question Mr
Horsley for three and a half pages of the transcript.
- [70] The
exchange was as follows:
So I think what [Counsel is] asking you, I hope you will be happy with the
reframing of the question, to establish for yourself why
it was not a market
transaction. Are you happy with that question? [Counsel]?
Very happy with that question.
- [71] The Judge
continued to question the witness, interpolating his questions with that of
Counsel, again giving the impression that
the Judge’s questions were being
pursued jointly with Counsel.
- [72] The lessees
submit that there is no reason why a Judge should not pursue answers on matters
which had been given by other witnesses
or where witnesses had resiled from
“Rongotai’s Pengelly’s ‘theory.’” However,
it is for Counsel
to cross- examine witnesses, not the Judge.
- [73] The
unfortunate pattern emerging from the frequent interventions by the Judge,
particularly in the course of opposing Counsel’s
cross-examination, is
that the Judge has joined with Counsel to cross-examine the Rongotai witnesses.
The nature of the questions
asked of both Mr Aharoni, Mr Horsley and Mr Butchers
by the Judge gives rise to an inference that he considered Mr Horsley and Mr
Butchers were not independent experts and that Mr Aharoni was giving untruthful
Engagement with opposing Counsel
- [74] As
part of the Chair’s intervention in the questioning of witnesses, there
are several examples where the Judge expressly
refers to leaving matters in the
hands of Counsel, after he has completed questioning of witnesses. In the same
way, Counsel refers
to working on issues together, with the Judge.
- [75] Ms Watson
was called by QV, as its valuer, who had undertaken her own independent
assessment. She was sympathetic to the Rongotai
position, in classifying the
Pengelly sales as “tainted” or below market value. The Judge
intervened during the cross-examination
by opposing Counsel on numerous
occasions. During the cross- examination, QV’s lay representative
interceded, asking that the
witness be given an opportunity to finish her
answers. He questioned whether the cross-examination was relevant, and objected
the way in which opposing Counsel had implied that Ms Watson was making
things up to defend her position, embellishing facts and
engaging in a
“trumpeting of independence”.
- [76] Opposing
Counsel interjected during QV’s objection, stating that QV’s
representative needs to be aware of the basis
for making objections and that it
was not
a chance for saying he “doesn’t like the question.” The Judge
did not make a ruling or make any comment on this
exchange between Counsel and
the representative. After concluding his questioning of Ms Watson, the Judge
then said to opposing Counsel:
Well I can only take it so far [Counsel]. I have to leave it to your tender
care again.
- [77] When the
lay representative for QV objected on the grounds that opposing Counsel was
harassing the witness, trying to make her
uncomfortable, and that it was not
fair on the witness, the Tribunal said that it had not been following the
questioning. Yet, the
Tribunal later stated that Ms Watson’s evidence had
given rise to a serious matter that “may have further ramifications
this decision” and that the Valuer- General might be required to
“explain his position”.
- [78] Further
illustrations of the Judge engaging with opposing Counsel unfold as
- [79] The day
after Mr Aharoni was excluded from the hearing, the Tribunal indicated that a
decision as to whether Mr Butchers ought
to be excluded from the hearing was for
the opposing Counsel to determine:39 this stage we
haven’t got to a point I think that creates any particular problems but
it’s up to you [Counsel].
- [80] During the
course of cross-examination of Mr Horsley by opposing Counsel, the Judge had
intervened repeatedly with his own substantial
questioning. After a number of
interpolations in the cross-examination by the Judge, opposing Counsel
challenged Mr Horsley that
information he said he received from Mr Aharoni had
instead been provided by Mr Aharoni’s lawyer. Counsel then said to the
So that is an error then, just as we work
through this, the Judge and me together...
Even after all we’ve been through, His Honour and myself,
pointing these things out you’re still grimly holding on...
39 Emphasis added.
40 Emphasis added.
- [81] Similarly,
the Judge also intervened frequently during the cross-examination of Mr
Butchers. The Judge said that he was “happy”
to delete aspects of
the expert’s brief and said to opposing Counsel:
Another one for the red pen I’m told.
Following the deletion, the Judge then said:
Carry on [Counsel], there won’t be much left soon.
- [82] It is
correct, as the lessees submit, that inviting a witness to delete parts of their
written evidence that have no foundation
is common and is adopted in trial
practice, where appropriate. They submit such deletion was necessary in relation
to Mr Butcher’s
evidence, who could not establish any evidential or
rational connection to the Pengelly theory he adopted. He then also had to
he could not contradict Ms Quinlan’s evidence.
- [83] The issue
here, however, is the engagement of the Tribunal with opposing Counsel. It is
one thing for Counsel to ask a witness
to delete portions of their brief of
evidence, which are no longer sustainable. It is another, however, for a Judge
to make a deprecatory
retort about “the red pen” and give opposing
Counsel encouragement to continue in like vein, so “there won’t
much left [of the brief] soon.” Those asides, together with the
Judge’s remarks that he is leaving the questioning
of a witness during
Counsel’s cross-examination up to Counsel or Counsel’s “tender
care again,” gives the
impression of a Judge who has participated in
Counsel’s cross-examination and is partisan.41
Adverse comments
- [84] The
second complaint about the Tribunal’s hearing conduct concerns the adverse
comments made by the Tribunal, or made by
opposing Counsel without
41 A further example was pleaded, where opposing Counsel
cross-examined Mr Aharoni about his Local Government Official Information Act
(LGOIA) request about QV’s use of a valuer’s firm, suggesting that
Mr Aharoni was looking for ways to impugn or malign
QV, its valuer and its
relationship with the firm. The Judge pursued Counsel’s line of
questioning challenging Mr Aharoni about
his motivation for the request for
“15 years of invoices”, his “right” to do so, and its
relevance. Neither
the LGOIA request or any responses were part of the evidence
before the Tribunal.
restriction, about Mr Aharoni and any witnesses who gave evidence in support of
his position.
Criticism of witnesses
- [85] During
the cross-examination of Mr Aharoni, opposing Counsel compared Mr Aharoni with
Donald Trump, by suggesting Mr Aharoni
adopted the Trumpian approach in
answering questions. The following day, Mr Aharoni referred back to the
unfortunate analogy. Counsel
again asserted that Mr Aharoni was worse than
Donald Trump, because Donald Trump seeks to legitimise falsities by saying
things “only
five times” whereas “I think you are a bit more
than that.” Mr Aharoni responded, “Oh, well it’s more
derogatory now. I’m worse than Donald Trump?”
- [86] It is the
Judge who has the discretion to disallow derogatory comments or unfair or
improper questions of witnesses. Section
85 of the Evidence Act 2006 provides
the Judge with a wide discretion to “disallow or direct that a witness is
not obliged
to answer any question that the Judge considers improper, unfair or
- [87] In the
exchange about Mr Trump, the Judge did not curb Counsel’s criticism of the
witness, despite the witness, Mr Aharoni,
describing it as
“derogatory”. Nor did the Judge exercise his discretion to disallow
such questions of the witness for
being unfair or improper. The omission to do
so leaves an impression that the Tribunal condoned the imputation that Mr
Aharoni legitimised
false statements, more so than Mr Trump.
- [88] The Judge
also made critical comments. During Rongotai’s Counsel’s cross-
examination of Mr Pengelly concerning his
email exchange with Mr Aharoni’s
agent, about whether “an email offer” not a “written
offer” was capable
of enforcement by Mr Pengelly, the Judge interrupted
stating: “Good luck enforcing that one Mr Pengelly.”
- [89] The
Tribunal was also critical of Ms Watson during her cross-examination, implying
she had colluded with Mr Aharoni. Although
Ms Watson gave expert valuation
evidence on behalf of QV, her evidence favoured the position taken by
Rongotai at the 2012 hearing, by questioning the reliance on the Pengelly sale
as a comparator for valuation purposes.
- [90] It is the
Tribunal’s reaction to this aspect of her evidence that is in contention.
First, the Tribunal prevented Ms Watson
from refreshing her memory by reference
to contemporaneous notes. The Tribunal further directed Ms Watson not to check
her notes
during an adjournment.
- [91] This
direction to an expert witness is troubling. If Ms Watson’s recollection
was under scrutiny, she should have been
permitted to check her notes to clarify
her evidence. She was an expert called by QV to give her opinion on QVs values
with which
she did not always agree.
- [92] Second, the
Tribunal questioned Ms Watson’s independence by making inappropriate
adverse comments. The Judge said of persons
in Ms Watson’s position:
“obviously they are paid to do the role. They don’t do it for
free”; “they’ll
have some obligation to support objections.
Otherwise they wouldn’t be here”; and “because I’m
assuming Ms
Watson’s been paid to be here by QV”.
- [93] I consider
that the comments made by the Judge in the context of Ms Watson’s role in
giving evidence at the hearing give
rise to an inference by the Tribunal that
she was not an independent expert and had a questionable motive for giving
evidence in
support of the objections. This became manifest in the
Tribunal’s interim decision where the Tribunal describes Ms Watson’s
answer to a question as “convenient.”42
Criticism of the Rongotai parties
- [94] It
is submitted that the Tribunal imputed ulterior motives to Rongotai and their
Counsel. There are two parts to this challenge.
The first is the way in which
the Tribunal heard and refused Rongotai’s recusal application. The second
is the Tribunal’s
criticism of the Rongotai parties’ conduct in the
previous 2007 hearing and the Tribunal’s conduct towards Counsel in
2012 hearing.
42 The 2012 interim decision, above n 1, at [34].
(a) The recusal application
- [95] Prior
to the Tribunal’s hearing of the 2012 objections, Rongotai applied for the
recusal of Tribunal member Gordon, on
the basis that there was a previous close
familial relationship with Rongotai’s freshly appointed Counsel Mr Scragg,
his former father-in-law. There was no conflict in the former 2007
hearing, as different Counsel appeared for Rongotai.
- [96] The
Tribunal declined to apply the Guidelines for Judicial Conduct, including the
guideline that disqualification should occur
where a party, lawyer, or witness
of disputed facts is a close relative or domestic partner of the judge. The
Judge simply stated
Members are “not judiciary. They don't have tenure.
They don't have all of the other things. They’re not judicial
- [97] During the
course of hearing the recusal application, Rongotai submits the Tribunal treated
both the application and Rongotai’s
Counsel as attempting to manipulate
the Tribunal’s processes. The Tribunal questioned whether Mr
Scragg’s involvement
in the 2012 hearing was
“deliberate,”43 asked Counsel when was it decided that he
would lead the Rongotai case;44 and suggested there was a
“sense of forum shopping” about the application. Rongotai submit
that the Tribunal manifested
a view that the application was made to manipulate
the Tribunal’s processes, when that was not a reasonably available
of the application.
- [98] I am unable
to uphold Rongotai’s submission on the recusal decision. Although the
Judge’s comments could have been
more judicious and less critical,
Rongotai’s Counsel was replaced for the 2012 hearing, when the four
hearings were strictly
timetabled for hearing before the same three-person
Tribunal. The member was part of the three-person panel; he was not the only
decision-maker; and the familial relationship was somewhat distant. In my view,
the decision was reasonable in the circumstances.
43 The Tribunal said the recusal application seemed “on
the face of it to show a deliberateness on the part of Rongotai in that
44 The Tribunal’s question was “When was that
intention formed that you would do that? Before the 2007 hearing?”; and
“when was that discussed? Have you got anything in writing that recorded
(b) Criticism of Rongotai’s Counsel’s
- [99] Rongotai
raise four matters in relation to the Tribunal’s criticism of
Rongotai’s conduct during the 2012 hearing.
- [100] First, the
Tribunal characterised Rongotai’s Counsel’s conduct during the 2007
hearing as involving “a fair
bit of tactics” and stated “this
is not the first time we’ve been through this little
- [101] Second,
during the 2012 hearing, when Rongotai’s Counsel was cross- examining the
lessees’ expert, the Chair interrupted.
He said that Counsel was
“almost filibustering” and interrupted Counsel in his questioning,
saying that Counsel had “rejected
a whole series of things” and cut
off Counsel’s response to that remark. When Counsel cited an authority he
relevant, the Chair joked about it relating to a boat sale and
repeated his own view of what was relevant. Counsel then sought leave
to put one
more question to the witness.
- [102] Third,
during Rongotai’s Counsel’s cross-examination of the QV witness, Ms
Watson, as to the economic impact of
Glasgow leases, the Tribunal interrupted
and accused Rongotai’s Counsel of spending “the last 15 minutes
simply repeating
parts of an Act” and complained it had “sat through
hours of this now”.
- [103] Fourth, a
terse exchange between the Chair and Rongotai’s Counsel over the basis for
Counsel’s questioning, resulted
in the Judge abruptly taking an
adjournment during Counsel’s cross-examination.
- [104] Counsel
for the lessees contest the characterisation of the Tribunal’s exchanges
with witnesses and Rongotai Counsel as
manifesting apparent bias or
predetermination. In a detailed rebuttal of each of the allegations, both Mr
Sullivan and Ms McKechnie
contend that a number of the Tribunal’s
interventions were warranted, particularly the allegation about an adjournment
Tribunal took during the cross-examination by Rongotai’s
- [105] They
submit that the examination was repetitious, including Counsel for Rongotai
reading back to Ms Watson parts of her evidence
and a legislative
The Judge intervened to remind Counsel that these matters had been previously
covered and that Rongotai’s cross-examination
was achieving nothing of
relevance before the specialist Tribunal. The adjournment, they say, was in
response to Counsel’s
questions and the Tribunal, given the apparent
failure to get its position across, took an adjournment and returned telling
what was expected from questions in cross-examination. This, the lessees
say, was reasonable.
- [106] It is not
objectionable that a Judge controls the extent of cross-examination, if it is
repetitive45 or irrelevant. However, the way in which a Judge
intervenes should avoid rudeness, be courteous and
civil.46 The manner in which the Judge
dismissed the reference to the case raised by Rongotai’s Counsel may not
have been polite or courteous,
but I am unable to assess whether the Tribunal
was being unduly harsh or injudicious in requiring Counsel to keep
relevant and to the point.
- [107] Mr
Sullivan also submits that all Counsel, from the most experienced QC to junior
Counsel were given similar treatment across
the four rating objections hearings.
This, Counsel say, is demonstrated in the transcript where the Tribunal actively
engages with
all Counsel, not just Rongotai, and that all Counsel were subjected
to the Tribunal’s strong questioning. They submit it was
a robust style of
hearing, with a Judge who had a “very interventionist style”, even
for a Commission of Inquiry. Mr
Sullivan submits that the Judge adopted the
socratic method during all submissions and took over sections of questions of
- [108] Ms
McKechnie urges the Court to consider the judicial conduct of the Tribunal in
the round, noting that the Tribunal did not
spare Bunnings from criticism during
the hearing, nor did it favour the opposing Counsel. Three examples were
identified. The
45 Section 85(1) Evidence Act 2006 allows a Judge to disallow any
question the Judge considers “needlessly repetitive.” It
judicial controls on witness examination ... to ensure the just and orderly
conduct of trials and the rational ascertainment
of facts” as contained in
s 6(a): see Elisabeth McDonald and Scott Optican (eds) Mahoney on Evidence
Act and Analysis (4th ed, Thomson Reuters, Wellington, 2018) at
46 Shimon Shetreet and Sophie Turenne Judges on Trial: The
independence and accountability of the English judiciary (2nd ed, Cambridge
University Press, Cambridge, 2013) at [5.25]. The authors canvass cases on
judicial rudeness. In England, the nature
of the rudeness by the Bench has been
considered by the Courts, particularly in criminal trials. In R v Ptohopoulos
(1968) Crim LR 52, a rude interruption by the Judge to defence Counsel on
the basis he is wasting time with irrelevant questions to
prosecution witnesses
may not justify quashing a conviction. The question is whether the Judge’s
conduct disparaged Counsel,
not his case: see R v Hircock [1970] 1 QB
first is where the Tribunal assisted Mr Scragg for Rongotai by intervening in
his cross- examination and directly questioning the
witness. The Tribunal
apologised for intervening but said it was for clarity and Counsel comments
“no, that’s so helpful
Sir.” The second is where the Judge
admonishes opposing for objecting during Mr Scragg’s cross-examination and
the third
was where opposing Counsel objected to Mr Scragg’s
cross-examination of Ms Quinlan, which was repetitive. The Judge disallowed
- [109] I have
considered these examples and compared them with the Rongotai allegations and
claims. In my view, there is a distinct
difference between the above three
examples and the criticism and questioning of Rongotai’s witnesses (and
those supporting
Rongotai’s position) as set out above. Intervention by a
Judge to clarify a point, as in the first example, has always been
an acceptable
judicial intervention, although I note it was during Counsel’s
cross-examination. The other two examples involve
the Tribunal disallowing
opposing Counsel’s objections. These latter two examples are evidential
rulings which must be made
by the Judge in the course of Court hearings. What is
at issue here, however, is whether the Judge’s interventions, comments
conduct were impartial and fair. The examples show the Judge engaging with
opposing Counsel’s cross-examination to the
point where the Judge takes
over cross-examination and hands it back to Counsel. It is not just one example;
it is several.
- [110] As part of
my consideration, I have examined the frequency of the Judge’s
interventions. It is correct, as the lessees’
Counsel submits, that the
Judge did intervene frequently throughout, and a familiarity developed among the
Judge and Counsel over
an extended period of common hearings. However, the
interventions during Mr Aharoni’s cross-examination are
- [111] Mr Aharoni
commenced his evidence at 4 pm on 28 August and cross- examination began at 4.30
pm. In the space of one hour and
fifteen minutes there were at least 20
interventions by the Judge, excluding questions of clarification.
- [112] I am
unable to accept the lessees’ submission, therefore, that their three
examples are equivalent. I also do not accept
that the examples raised by
Rongotai are “cherry picking.”
The exclusion orders
- [113] Rongotai
allege that the Tribunal made unfounded exclusion orders during the course of
the hearing.
- [114] The
Tribunal made orders excluding Mr Aharoni and his expert, Mr Butchers, from the
Courtroom during the evidence of Mr Horsley,
the other Rongotai expert. Mr
Aharoni was also excluded during Ms Quinlan’s evidence.
- [115] As Mr
Horsley was being cross-examined about the nature of the Pengelly sales, the
Judge interrupted Counsel’s question
to say:
I think we’ve got to the point now where I’m sufficiently
concerned. I think we have to exclude other witnesses that you’re
to call [Rongotai’s Counsel].
- [116] The Judge
stated that he believed he needed to give the witness a warning too, so he asked
that all witnesses who have yet to
give evidence, to leave the Court. When
Rongotai’s Counsel asked whether that applied to Mr Aharoni, the Judge
said, “definitely Mr Aharoni” and Mr Butchers. It was also to
include the Bayley’s agent and anyone else who was going to give evidence.
At that juncture, these were the only other witnesses to give evidence. These
were all witnesses to be called by Rongotai. In insisting
that Mr Aharoni needed
to leave the Court immediately, the Judge told his Counsel to advise him that he
is not to discuss the matter
with anyone else.
- [117] The
lessees submit that the exclusion orders were made by consent. I am unable to
accept that submission. Mr Scragg was not
asked if he consented to the exclusion
order. He sought clarification about the exclusion of Mr Aharoni being his
party’s representative
and accepted the Court’s direction to give Mr
Aharoni the advice as the Judge directed.
- [118] I accept
Rongotai’s submission that the exclusion warning itself was reasonably
capable of being interpreted as a challenge
to the honesty of the witness and
that the exclusion of Mr Aharoni left Rongotai’s Counsel without a client
to provide instructions
on the evidence.
- [119] The
witness exclusion orders were made in the second week, on the sixth day, when
the Rongotai witnesses were yet to be called.
The exclusion orders therefore
affected only those witnesses being called for Rongotai, including Mr Aharoni.
No party had applied
for their exclusion, but after cross-examination finished
on the Pengelly sale topic, the Judge asked opposing Counsel whether Mr
and Mr Butchers could re-enter the courtroom.
Well, if we’ve finished with the topic can I advise...that Mr Aharoni
and Mr Butchers can no[w] re-enter?
Yes, most certainly Sir.
- [120] During the
cross-examination of Mr Young, Rongotai’s Counsel drew to the
Judge’s attention that he realised Mr Butchers
was in the room and in
light of the Judge’s order excluding some of the witnesses for the
Pengelly sales cross- examination,
he sought guidance. The Judge then asked
opposing Counsel “do you want him excluded?” Counsel responded
“no, I
don’t really mind sir, he’s an expert.” The Judge
then says:47
... That’s why I excluded [him]
yesterday because it got to issues of credibility
... So at this stage we haven’t got to a point I think that creates any
particular problems but it’s up to you [Counsel].
- [121] There are
three aspects of these exclusion orders that are troubling. First, they were
made on the Judge’s own motion.
No party sought them. Second, only Mr
Aharoni and the Rongotai witnesses, including an expert, were excluded. No other
witnesses were excluded. Third, the Judge engaged with opposing
Counsel to ask whether (a) he wanted the Rongotai expert excluded
and (b)
whether the excluded witnesses could re-enter the Courtroom.
47 Emphasis added.
The pursuit of an irrelevant inquiry
- [122] It
is also alleged that the Tribunal engaged in the unnecessary and irrelevant
inquiry as to the motive behind Mr Aharoni’s
offer regarding the Pengelly
properties. In its interim decision, the Tribunal dedicated an entire section of
the judgment to “Mr
Aharoni’s purpose in taking the option”.
The Tribunal was “satisfied that [Mr Aharoni] had no intention of
[the Pengelly properties] from the vendors at his offered conditional
contract price”48 and that he had “seized upon these
events to seek to argue without any substance before this Tribunal that there
was something
wrong with the Pengelly transaction and it should be
- [123] The
Tribunal described Mr Aharoni’s role as “certainly highly
dubious” in using his representative to make
enquiry and send an email
after the date on which he knew the new contracts were entered into. The
Tribunal stated he did so “to
try and argue for a higher per square metre
value for the Rongotai land”.50 The Tribunal considered Mr
Aharoni’s purpose in doing so was not in relation to the purchase of the
property “but rather
for a collateral
- [124] These
findings by the Tribunal, as Rongotai submits, were seriously adverse, implying
a course of conduct which was either dishonest
or deceitful and were findings
which were irrelevant. Despite having made those findings in unequivocal terms,
the Tribunal then
expressly stated that it was unnecessary for them to reach any
conclusion about Mr Aharoni’s purpose in taking the option.
The Tribunal
Nevertheless, we want to be very clear that it is
not necessary for us to reach that conclusion to conclude that the Pengelly
was entirely a market and relevant transaction.
- [125] The
Tribunal also makes adverse credibility findings and comments in relation to Ms
Watson without the foundation to do so.
She had given evidence that the Pengelly
sale should be included but that it should be given “very limited
weight”53 and under cross-examination clarified that it was
Trevor Pengelly, not Warren
48 The 2012 interim decision, above n 1, at [41].
49 At [42].
50 At [44].
51 At [44].
52 At [45].
53 The Tribunal’s 2012 decision, n 2, at [6].
Pengelly, she spoke to about the offers of sale. The Tribunal simply concludes
this was “a convenient answer” without
any reasons for this
Post-hearing conduct
- [126] Rongotai
submits that the Tribunal’s intentions in releasing the interim decision
on 12 September and the final 2012 decision
when proceedings were being taken by
Rongotai in the High Court, were indicative of its apparent bias towards
Rongotai, given that
the Tribunal had expressed adverse views of Rongotai in the
interim decision.
- [127] Specifically,
Rongotai alleges that the Tribunal issued the interim decision knowing or
apprehending that the High Court might
become seized of an application for leave
to transfer the 2015 hearing to the High Court and that an application for
judicial review
had been filed with the High Court. The Tribunal addressed its
reasons for issuing its interim decision two weeks after the hearings
completed (on 29 August). The first reason was that witnesses preparing for the
2015 and 2018 hearings should know that the
Tribunal considered the Pengelly
sale was relevant. Secondly, the Tribunal considered the parties were able to
have the benefit of
the Tribunal’s view in relation to the leave and
appeals before the High Court and the application for review.
- [128] In his
decision declining interim relief, Cooke J noted that the release of the
decisions by the Tribunal seemed a “little
unusual.” He considered
that it was arguable that the interim decision brought to the attention of the
High Court the Tribunal’s
adverse views of the Rongotai
It is in this [oral interim] decision that the
adverse credibility findings were made. Arguably the purpose of the decision
was to make these adverse views known to the parties and this Court. ...
- [129] In
relation to the substantive 2012 decision, these judicial review proceedings had
been issued and served on the Tribunal,
with a claim for an order that the
Tribunal not release its substantive decision. The Tribunal then released the
substantive decision
the afternoon on which the judicial proceedings were
served, despite the
54 Rongotai Investments Ltd v Land Valuation Tribunal,
above n 12, at [20(e)] (emphasis
introductory paragraph of the substantive decision recording that it was
unlikely to be issued before the commencement of the 2015
- [130] On the day
the Tribunal was served, together with a memorandum of Counsel drawing the
Tribunal’s attention to the relief
sought, the Judge made the following
The application requires a decision of the High Court.
No application has been made to this Tribunal, hearing to commence 25
November 2019. Given workload if one is filed that could not
be addressed
without notice to other parties and would be dealt with on 25 November if
necessary. The two previous High Court decisions
are relevant.
At this time no injunction has been applied for and given to previous High
Court decisions the tribunal will continue until orders
The 2012 decision was approved and issued today at around 12 pm.
- [131] It could
be argued this was a coincidence, as Cooke J observed.55 But there is
also a reasonable inference, given the divergence between the course of action
taken and the timeline predicted in the
first paragraph of the Tribunal’s
decision, that there had been a change of mind by the Tribunal. It appears to me
that the
2012 decision was released in haste, well before the previously
anticipated date, to enable the High Court to be informed of the
Tribunal’s ultimate determination of the Rongotai rating objections for
Did the Tribunal act with apparent bias or
- [132] Having
canvassed the factual allegations of the Tribunal’s conduct during and
post the hearing, I now turn to whether
the test for pre-determination and
apparent bias has been made out.
- [133] I
deal with predetermination briefly. As noted, predetermination involves a
“closed mind” on the part of the decision
who is not willing to
change their mind or is open to persuasion.56 I am not satisfied here
that the Tribunal made its decision with
55 At [20(e)].
56 At [33].
a “closed mind.” Nor do I consider it had reached a decision in
advance of the hearing and therefore predetermined matters.
The Tribunal engaged
with the evidence before it and did not “simply [go] through the motions
of making a decision. 57 What is at issue is the way in which the
Tribunal conducted itself during the hearing of the evidence and whether it gave
the appearance
it had acted impartially.
- [134] I consider
then the test for apparent bias.
Apparent bias
- [135] As
noted earlier, the test for apparent bias has been expressed by the Supreme
Court in the following way:58
[Whether] a fair-minded lay observer might reasonably apprehend that the
judge might not bring an impartial mind to the resolution
of the question the
judge is required to decide.
- [136] The
two-step test involves first, the identification of what it is said might lead a
judge to decide a case other than on its
legal and factual merits; and secondly,
there needs to be an articulation of the logical connection between the matters
raised and
the feared deviation from the course of deciding the case on its
- [137] Here, the
conduct of the Tribunal has been identified in the factual allegations during
and post the 2012 rating assessment
hearing, as I have canvassed above. The
second step is to consider whether that conduct has led to the determination of
the issues
before the Tribunal on matters other than their merits. In other
words, has the Tribunal given the appearance that it has acted impartially
its rating assessment inquiry?
- [138] Recent
English authority has reinforced that the fairness and impartiality of the Court
throughout trials is the “fundamental
tenet of the administration of
law.”59 There is nothing wrong in a
Judge intervening in the course of witness evidence “to ask questions
which clarify ambiguities
in answers previously given or which identify
57 FSCL v Chief Ombudsman [2021] NZHC 307 at
58 Saxmere Co Ltd v Wool Board Disestablishment Co Ltd,
above n 26, at [3].
59 Serafin v Malkiewicz [2020] UKSC 23, [2020] 1 WLR 2455
at [108].
nature of the defence, if this is unclear.” But it is wrong for a Judge
“to descend into the arena and give the impression
of acting as
- [139] There are
three relevant observations, which the English Court of Appeal made in respect
of the core principle that the Judge
must remain neutral. The first is whether a
trial has been fair is not to be judged merely by the correctness of the result.
second is that this principle applies with equal rigour to criminal as well
as civil litigation, and third, whether or not litigants
are legally
represented. In Michel v R, Lord Brown JSC
There is, however, a wider principle in play in
these cases merely than the safety, in terms of the correctness, of the
Put shortly, there comes a point when, however obviously guilty an
accused person may appear to be, the appeal Court reviewing his
cannot escape the conclusion that he has simply not been fairly tried. ... He is
denied ... the basic right underlying
the adversarial system of trial, whether
by jury or by jurats: that of having an impartial Judge to see fair play in the
of the case against him. .... The core principle, that under the
adversarial system the Judge remains aloof from the fray and neutral during the
elicitation of
the evidence, applies no less to civil litigation than to
criminal trials.
- [140] There is
no “one size fits all” test of
bias.62 For example, in Khadem v
Barbour, the Federal Court of Australia observed that a statement made by a
Judge to a witness during the hearing saying “I do not believe
you are
giving honest evidence” has been held to show bias.63 In
another case, the statement “your client has more problems in this case
than a man with a wooden leg in a bush fire”
was held not to show
bias.64 What is required is an assessment of the context as a
60 At [109]–[110].
61 Michel v R [2009] UKPC 41, [2010] 1 WLR 879 at
[27]–[31] (emphasis added).
- Graham
Taylor (ed) Judicial Review: A New Zealand Perspective (4th ed,
LexisNexis, Wellington, 2018) at [13.66].
63 Khadem v
Barbour (1995) 38 ALD 299 (FCA).
64 Re Australian Industrial Relations Commission, ex parte Heap
[2003] FCAFC 36.
- [141] Excessive
questioning by a Judge has more than once given rise to a perception of
bias.65 One commentator
New Zealand judges commonly take an active part in a trial, usually by asking
questions of witnesses. Such questioning, even if vigorous
and substantial, will
not normally give rise to apparent bias. In contrast, when the authority’s
actions, seen in the context
of a series of disciplinary actions, appeared to be
ad hominem not ad rem, bias was found.
- [142] In
Riverside Casino Ltd v Moxon, allegations of apparent bias were not
upheld in relation to an interim and final decision of the Casino Control
Authority which
granted a casino premises
licence.67 The Court of Appeal found that
confronting witnesses with a contrary view or inviting them to see another point
of view does not necessarily
reflect a philosophy or ideological
commitment.68 It was emphasised that what may be painted to be a
persistent and coherent pattern of interventions by the Casino Authority may be
perceived differently when properly considering the length of the
- [143] The Court
concluded that:70
From our review of the transcript of the public sittings, with the benefit of
the full argument from counsel, we do not find any consistent
pattern of
intervention pointing to a closed mind. Rather we have gained the impression of
an experienced member of the Authority
bringing to the public sittings
considerable experience in the field and a familiarity with the written material
already considered.
Throughout, his interventions showed that he closely
followed the proceedings and challenged matters he did not immediately accept.
He clarified evidence and enquired when he sought elaboration or further
information... He participated actively throughout and,
when corrected, he
readily acknowledged error. His unnecessary robustness at times to us reflected
more his personality and background
than bias.
65 (a) R v Loumoli [1995] 2 NZLR 656 (CA): The Judge
embarked on one and a half pages of questioning of a witness in the nature of
cross examination,
such that the interventions went beyond the lively and active
participation in the trial process and tended to impinge on the fair
balance of
the trial.
(b) R v Fotu [1995] 3 NZLR 129 (CA): numerous interventions showing
that the Judge did not believe certain evidence, an intimation to the prosecutor
to cease re-examination as it was strengthening the defence, and suggestions
that a witness was suddenly recalling evidence, together
with a biased
summing-up, constituted a semi-prosecutorial approach which was
66 Taylor, above n 62, at
67 Riverside Casino Ltd v Moxon [2000] NZCA 401; [2001] 2 NZLR 78 (CA).
68 At [63].
69 At [72].
70 At [70].
The expression of views in the course of a hearing is not to be confused with
bias, and allegations of bias do not open the way for
some wider review of the
merits of the decision.
- [144] The Court
of Appeal concluded that the Member’s “unnecessary robustness at
times... reflected more his personality
and background than
- [145] In
Vakauta v Kelly allegations of bias arose from a Judge’s conduct in
a Judge- alone personal injury trial.72 The Judge found in favour of
the plaintiff. During the trial, the Judge made statements critical of evidence
given by the defendant’s
medical witnesses in previous cases. The Judge
called the three witnesses the “unholy trinity”, stating that the
“think you can do a full week’s work without any arms or
legs” and suggested a lack of independence from all, accusing
them of
holding views “almost inevitably slanted in favour of the Government
Insurance Office by whom they have been retained,
consciously or
- [146] In his
reserved judgment in favour of the plaintiff, the Judge also described the
evidence of one of the doctors was “as
negative as it always seems to
be – and based as usual upon his non-acceptance of the
genuineness of any plaintiff’s complaints of
- [147] The
majority found that a reasonable lay person would think the trial judge appeared
to be biased against those witnesses. They
placed emphasis on the emphasised
text above as:75
... indicating that his Honour was
concerned to vindicate his preconceived and very strong adverse views about the
reliability of
[the defence witness] and had allowed those views to prejudice
his whole approach to the case to the detriment of the defendant.
They further noted:76
An experienced lawyer would appreciate the ability of a trial judge to ensure
that preconceived views do not cause the actual decision
to be tainted by
prejudgment or bias. The likelihood that the lay observer would not lies at
71 At [70].
72 Vakuata v Kelly [1989] HCA 44, (1989) 167 CLR 568.
73 At 571.
74 Emphasis added.
75 At 573.
76 At 573.
heart of the requirement of the appearance as well as the reality of
impartial justice.
- [148] A more
recent Australian example is Gambaro v Mobycom Mobile Pty
Ltd.77 The appellant was a
self-represented litigant, who had issued proceedings against the respondents
for contravening the Fair Work
Act in terminating his employment. The appellant
had applied to the Federal Circuit Court of Australia for leave to file an
statement of claim, further discovery and other orders. The Judge
declined his request. This was appealed. The appellant’s
grounds of appeal
included claims that the Judge denied the appellant procedural fairness and
natural justice, including that there
was apparent bias by the Judge.
- [149] During the
hearing, there were several hostile exchanges between the Judge and appellant.
This is an example:
HIS HONOUR: You can’t just change the goal posts just before the trial.
You’re lucky that the trial is being delisted
because, quite frankly, if I
had looked at this and I had said yes you could do this you would be paying the
costs of the other side
for bringing an application so soon to the trial which
would mean that it would have to be delisted in any event, but anyway I’m
still trying to work out your — you know, I’m ---
MR GAMBARO: Can we go back ---
HIS HONOUR: You get — you will get judges very frustrated very easily,
Mr Gambaro. Your claims are, in short compass, very narrow
matters but you keep
wanting to widen them in an incredible way. Now, what is it that you want to say
to me?
HIS HONOUR: How is there statute changes? Either the law is as it was ---
MR GAMBARO: Workplace ---
HIS HONOUR: Do not ever interrupt me. Do not ever. You’ve been told
many times when I talk your mouth goes closed. You do not
ever interrupt me or
you will be cited for contempt. I’m not putting up with your rubbish.
MR GAMBARO: Yes, your Honour.
HIS HONOUR: There’s only one person in charge here and it’s me.
Now, make your submission.
MR GAMBARO: I thought you were going to explain something, your Honour.
77 Gambaro v Mobycom Mobile Pty Ltd [2019] FCAFC 144,
(2019) 271 FCR 530.
HIS HONOUR: You interrupted me. What’s so important? What is so
important that you would risk the wrath of the court in trying
to tell me that
there is something more important. Tell me what it is.
- [150] The
Federal Court of Australia referred to the decision of R v T, WA78
which set out the three grounds upon which excessive judicial intervention
in a trial by Judge alone may result in a miscarriage of
(i) The questioning unfairly undermines the proper presentation of a
party’s case (the disruption ground);
(ii) The questioning gives an appearance of bias (the bias ground); and
(iii) The questioning is such an egregious departure from the role of a Judge
presiding over an adversarial trial that it unduly
compromises the Judge’s
advantage in objectively evaluating the evidence from a detached distance (the
conflict ground).
- [151] The Court
The extent and nature of the primary judge’s interventions went well
beyond the legitimate ends of seeking to clarify, understand
and test Mr
Gambaro’s case. The primary judge’s interventions both undermined
the proper presentation of Mr Gambaro’s
case and represented such an
egregious departure from the role of a judge presiding over an adversarial
hearing that it unduly compromised
his Honour’s capacity to objectively
evaluate the evidence.
It was a feature of the hearing that Mr Gambaro’s submissions were
interrupted so frequently that he was given no real opportunity
to develop his
case. The interruptions began almost as soon as Mr Gambaro commenced his
submissions and continued throughout the
hearing until the primary judge
directed his removal from the courtroom.
- [152] Ultimately,
the Court considered that both the first and third ground were established such
that it was unnecessary to consider
the “apprehended bias
...except to mention that the primary Judge’s comments made after Mr
Gambaro had been removed from the courtroom and in the
reasons for judgment may
reflect a recognition that his Honour’s conduct gave rise to an
apprehension of bias.
78 R v T, WA (2013) 118 SASR 382.
79 Gambaro, above n 77, at [19].
80 At [29]–[30].
81 At [28] (emphasis added).
- [153] Issues of
impartiality and excessive judicial intervention were recently considered by
both the English Court of Appeal and
Supreme Court in Serafin v
Malkiewicz, which was an appeal on unfair trial grounds.82 There,
an unrepresented litigant’s evidence given during a defamation trial was
the subject of the Judge’s interventions,
which both Courts found were
highly unusual and troubling. The Supreme Court held that the Judge had appeared
...descend into the arena, to cast off the mantle
of impartiality, to take up the cudgels of cross-examination and to use language
which was threatening and bullying; and that its impression was of a Judge who,
if not partisan, had developed an animus towards the claimant.
- [154] The
Supreme Court upheld the Court of Appeal’s “rare finding” that
the Judge’s conduct throughout the
trial was unfair towards one of the
parties and its conclusion that:84
[T]he Judge not only
seriously transgressed the core principle that a Judge remains neutral during
the evidence, but he also acted
in a manner which was, at times, manifestly
unfair and hostile to the claimant ... the nature, tenor and frequency of the
interventions were such as to render this libel trial unfair.
- [155] The
Supreme Court observed that this conduct “may come close to a suggestion
of apparent bias on the Judges’ part
towards the claimant” but that
the focus for the Court on appeal was whether the trial itself had been
unfair.85 The Court noted that they had not been addressed on the
meaning of bias, but said “it is far from clear that the observer would
consider that the Judge had given an appearance of
- [156] I consider
the Supreme Court’s observations that the Judge “transgressed the
core principle that a judge remains
neutral” and that he “cast off
the mantle of impartiality” squarely fit within the apparent bias test
by the New Zealand Supreme Court in Saxmere. Questions
regarding the appearance of impartiality and neutrality are central to this
inquiry. Although Serafin arose by way of appeal, rather than judicial
review, the findings are relevant to the inquiry in this case. In
82 Serafin v Malkiewicz, above n 59.
83 At [32].
- At
[32], citing Serafin v Malkiewicz above n 59: [2019] EWCA Civ 852, [2019] All ER 101
at [119].
85 Serafin v Malkiecz, above n 59, at [37].
86 At [39].
the Trial Judge dismissed the defamation claims of the self-represented
litigant, who appealed those findings, rather than seeking
a judicial review.
Plainly, the unfairness of the trial was the key issue.
- [157] In the UK
authorities cited, the unfairness test has often been focused on the
intervention of the Judge during the trial.87 By comparison,
excessive judicial intervention in New Zealand and Australian jurisprudence is
more common in the judicial review context
in an assessment of bias.88
Nevertheless, I consider the principles enunciated by Denning LJ in
Jones v National Coal Board regarding judicial intervention, albeit in
the unfairness context, are applicable:89
[the Judge]
must keep his vision unclouded .... let the advocates one after the other put
the weights into the scales ... but the
Judge at the end decides which way the
balance tilts, be it ever so slightly. The Judge’s part in all this ...
is to hearken to the evidence, only himself asking questions of witnesses when
it is necessary
to clear up any point that has been overlooked or left obscure
to see that the advocates behave themselves seemly and keep to the
rules laid
down by law to exclude irrelevancies and discourage repetition; to make sure by
wise intervention that he follows the
points that the advocates are making and
can assess their worth; and at the end make up his mind where the truth lies. If
he goes
beyond this, he drops the mantle of the Judge and assumes the robe of an
advocate; and the change does not become him well ... such
are our
- [158] I now turn
to apply the bias and fairness principles to these facts.
- [159] Having
identified the aspects of the Tribunal’s conduct that are said might lead
the Tribunal to decide a case other than
on its legal and factual merits, I now
assess whether that conduct gives rise to the perception that the Tribunal did
not act impartially
in its 2012 rating assessment inquiry.
- [160] As noted,
Counsel reminded the Court that the Land Valuation Tribunal is deemed to be a
Commission of Inquiry90 and inherent in its power to determine its
own process, the Tribunal may adopt an adversarial, inquisitorial, or
87 See Serafin v Malkiewicz, above n 93, at [40].
88 See, for example, R v Loumoli, above n 65; R v Fotu, above n 65; Riverside Casino Ltd v
above n 67; Vakuata v Kelly,
above n 71; Gambaro v Mobycom Mobile Pty Ltd, above n 76.
89 Jones v National Coal Board [1957] EWCA Civ 3; [1957] 2 QB 55 at 64
(emphasis added).
90 Land Valuation Proceedings Act, s 19(14).
approach.91 Mr Sullivan referred to the Court of Appeal’s
decision in Re Royal Commission on Thomas case.92 In that
case, the comments of the presiding judicial officer of the Commission of
Inquiry were alleged to show “bias by pre-
determination” by the use
of strong assertions in his interrogation of police witnesses. The Court found
that, while the matter
was finely balanced and caused the Court anxiety, a
fair-minded observer would not consider the Chairman’s use of strong
in his interrogation of Police witnesses showed a real likelihood of
ultimate bias.93
- [161] Mr
Sullivan referred to two further examples where a District Court Judge’s
interruptions, including cross-examination
of a plaintiff’s witnesses,
were held not to constitute bias because the interventions did not affect the
outcome of the case.94 Ms McKechnie also referred to a number of
authorities in which a Judge questioning witnesses, even if vigorous and
substantial, will
not normally give rise to apparent
- [162] I accept
that in the course of an inquiry, particularly in a specialist tribunal such as
the Land Valuation Tribunal, the Chair,
being a District Court Judge, and the
members of the Tribunal are familiar with the issues. In this case, the Tribunal
was in the
process of undertaking four separate inquiries into the four years of
valuation objections. It was open to the Tribunal therefore,
to question
witnesses as to the validity of the sale price for the Pengelly
- [163] Here,
however, the Chair’s interventions were substantial, some of which were in
the nature of cross-examination. The
examples I have canvassed cover a range of
the Judge’s interventions in opposing Counsel’s cross-examination of
Mr Aharoni and the Rongotai witnesses. The two most unconventional examples
are during the cross-examination of Mr Aharoni, the Judge
asked opposing counsel
“do you think I have got to the P-word warning or not?” and the
second is his intervention in
the cross-
91 Te Aka Matua o te Ture | Law Commission Tribunals in New
Zealand (NZLC IP6, 2008) at [2.51].
92 Re Royal Commission on Thomas Case [1982] 1 NZLR 252
93 At 284.
- Riverside
Casino Ltd v Moxon, above n 67; and
Marcol Manufacturers Ltd v Commerce Commission [1991] 2 NZLR 502
- Henderson
v R [2016] NZCA 431 at [16]; and EH Cochrane Ltd v Ministry of Transport
[1987] 1 NZLR 146 (CA).
examination of Ms Watson, the registered valuer employed by QV. The Judge took
over the cross-examination for a page and a half of
questioning, stating he
could only take it so far but left it in Counsel’s “tender
care” again. The interaction between the Judge and opposing Counsel
involved the Judge asking Counsel if he should make the third perjury warning,
encouraging derogatory questioning by Counsel of witnesses, and taking a joint
approach with Counsel to editing an expert witness’s
- [164] As the
commentaries reinforce, while excessive judicial intervention in the examination
of witnesses does not always amount
to apparent bias, questions which suggest
incredulity at what a witness says are viewed in a different category. A
distinction is
drawn between a Judge’s intervention to clarify a genuine
ambiguity, particularly if a jury might be confused by the ambiguity,
and a
Judge expressing or suggesting incredulity:96
questions which suggest incredulity as to what is being said by a witness is
different. Here, the Judge must leave it to one of
the parties to undermine the
evidence, resisting the temptation to ‘step into the arena’ to do
the job himself, as he
is likely to have done in the past as a barrister.
- [165] There is a
marked difference therefore, between a Judge familiar with the context of the
valuation hearings, clarifying points
of evidence with a witness, compared to
his questioning witnesses in the nature of cross-examination, challenging their
and expressing disbelief. The Tribunal’s comments such as
“good luck with that one Mr Pengelly,” and the comments
throughout opposing Counsel’s cross-examination of Mr Aharoni, together
with statements that he is going to get a perjury
warning without specifying
why, gives the impression that the Judge thinks Mr Aharoni is not telling the
truth and is viewing him
in a hostile and adverse manner.
- [166] Whatever
view one took of the conditional offer made by Mr Aharoni, this was a commercial
property transaction. The manoeuvrings
by a commercial property dealer may well
have been done in an attempt to drive a price up beyond the current market
value. That,
however, does not justify a Tribunal expressing incredulity as to
what Mr Aharoni and Ms Watson said in their evidence and intervening
96 Shetreet and Turenne, above n 46 at [5.22].
examine witnesses accordingly. Adopting Lord Denning’s description, I
consider the Judge here undertook extensive questioning
of witnesses and in so
doing, “stepped into the arena” and engaged with opposing Counsel in
cross-examining the witnesses
- [167] I turn
then to consider the Judge’s perjury warnings. Although the lessees submit
that it is an overstatement to say that
the Judge gave perjury warnings, I
consider that the Judge was clearly referring to perjury warnings, when he gave
them to Mr Aharoni.
However, the Judge does not specify why he has given a
warning and as noted, he did not even wish to refer to the
- [168] I find the
warnings are troubling in two respects. First, there was no basis to give a
perjury warning. Where a witness runs
a risk of committing perjury, if he or she
gives dishonest evidence, a Judge may give a perjury warning, to ensure that the
understands the implication of potential criminal charges. When a
witness is advised that there is something incorrect in the witness’s
brief, that is a proposition that is normally put to the witness in
cross-examination and the witness can either accept it or not.
The question for
the Tribunal was whether it considered the higher conditional offer from
Rongotai should affect the validity of
the ultimate sale price of the Pengelly
transaction. Taken at its highest, the Tribunal potentially had a credibility
issue to resolve
as to whether the offer should be considered as a valid
indicator of value.
- [169] Second,
once a Judge warns a witness that his answers may give rise to a potential
criminal proceeding such as fraud or perjury,
the basis for such a warning has
to be made clear. Mr Aharoni had been excluded from the evidence of the vendor,
Ms Quinlan, but
maintained his position that he had made a genuine offer to
purchase. Despite the fact that Ms Quinlan agreed that she had received
an offer
from him, the Tribunal took a different view of Mr Aharoni’s evidence and
issued the three warnings against Mr Aharoni.
- [170] In Re
Erebus Royal Commission, a line was drawn between a perjury and a
credibility finding. Lord Diplock for the Privy Council observed that where the
crime concerned
is one of perjury, there may well be a grey area between what is
comment upon evidence that is rejected by the decision maker and a finding of
criminal conduct by a witness, which does not fall
within the
Commissioner’s terms of reference.97
- [171] Two
important considerations flow from the Erebus decision. The first is that
if an adverse finding, particularly one bordering on criminal conduct is to be
made, there must be an
opportunity for the persons involved to comment on such
allegations. In this case, the Judge, by referring to the
was plainly referring to a ‘perjury warning’
and potential dishonesty. The Tribunal’s view that Mr Aharoni’s
conduct was dubious or untoward was reflected in comments made in the 2012
interim decision. Mr Aharoni, deserved an opportunity
to comment on any adverse
findings that were to be made about him.
- [172] It was
open to the Tribunal, as it did, to reject Mr Aharoni’s evidence. In doing
so, there was no basis upon which the
Tribunal needed to issue perjury
warnings.98 If a witness, as a result of a challenge under
cross-examination, has to accept their evidence is wrong in some detail and must
be corrected, this does not require a warning against perjury. Any
correction to a witness’s evidence gives rise to a potential
finding, not a warning about perjury.
- [173] Making
adverse judicial comments is another feature of the Tribunal’s conduct in
the 2012 hearing. In Muir v Commissioner of Inland Revenue,99
an application was made for the trial judge to recuse himself in
determination of a non-party costs application, following a hearing
within which
he was highly critical of the non-party witness to the proceeding. The Court of
Appeal rejected the contention that
any prior adverse rulings would be
indicative of bias, warranting disqualification.100 However,
relevantly the Court addressed adverse judicial comments as follows:
- [102] Turning
now to adverse comments, Judges are duty bound to refrain from making
unnecessary comments. The various codes of judicial
conduct – including
the Australasian ones – call on Judges to be courteous to the litigant,
observe proper decorum, and
to be particularly cautious and circumspect
97 Re Erebus Royal Commission [1983] NZLR 662 (PC) at
98 Although the lessees submit that it is an overstatement to say
that the Judge gave perjury warnings, I consider that the Judge was
referring to perjury warnings, when he gave them to Mr Aharoni.
99 Muir v Commissioner of Inland Revenue, above n 33.
100 At [98]–[101].
their language. And Judges should not issue oral condemnations that are
unrelated to the furtherance of the cause to be decided or
are simply
- [103] Comments
as such will ordinarily not suffice to warrant recusal. What is important is
that commentary should not however demonstrate
that the Judge has formed a fixed
opinion as to the ultimate merits of the matter pending before him or her. It
has to be shown,
in short, that the Judge does not have an open mind.
- [174] The Judge
here made continued remarks both in the evidence of Mr Aharoni and in the
cross-examination of witnesses either called
by Rongotai or a witness, such as
Ms Watson, who was favourable to Rongotai’s position, suggesting there was
an orchestration
of evidence by Mr Aharoni and they were simply repeating what
he had told them. In issuing the perjury warnings, the Judge persisted
telling Mr Aharoni to tell the truth, which indicated he did not accept his
evidence. That conclusion is one the Judge should
reach after all the evidence
is heard and an analysis undertaken in a reasoned decision. I accept
Rongotai’s submission that
adverse comments by a judicial officer to a
witness have the effect of impeding a witness’s evidence, by implying that
evidence is worthless or is concocted.
- [175] The basis
for the Tribunal’s exclusion orders made in relation to Mr Aharoni was
also concerning. The presumption that
parties to proceedings should be present
throughout a case is derived from s 27 of the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act
1990. The presumption
is subject to exclusion orders, which may be made in cases
involving “serious allegations of deceit, misrepresentation and
concealment”.101 On factual issues not involving fraud or
dishonesty or criminal wrong-doing, exclusion of witnesses is not normal. Here,
the exclusion
order was made part way through the hearing and without advance
notice to Counsel.
- [176] The
Tribunal also made orders excluding Mr Butchers. It is unusual, as Cooke J has
noted, that an exclusion order would apply
to expert witnesses, unless there
were compelling reasons.102 Having made the witness exclusion orders
of his own motion, it is highly unusual for the Judge to then ask opposing
Counsel, who had
not applied for such an order, if he wanted Mr Butchers
“excluded again.”
- Maruha
Corp v Amaltal Corp (2004) 17 PRNZ 67 (HC) at [12]–[14]. See also
Matthew Downs (ed) Cross on Evidence (loose-leaf ed, Lexis Nexis) at
- Rongotai
Investments Ltd v Land Valuation Tribunal, above n 12, at [20(b)], citing Maruha Corp v
Amaltal Corp (No 5) (2004) 17 PRNZ 83 (HC).
- [177] However,
it is the Tribunal’s pursuit of an irrelevant inquiry that is the most
concerning feature of the 2012 hearing.
The Tribunal did not need to inquire
into why Mr Aharoni took the steps he did in making his conditional offer. The
Tribunal itself
accepted that it was not necessary for it to reach any
conclusion as to “why Mr Aharoni acted in the way he did”.103
It was irrelevant to the Tribunal’s inquiry and determination. The
Tribunal had to adjudicate on objections over the 2012 rating
valuations. The
relevant issue was a factual one, namely, whether the sale of the Pengelly
properties was a market and relevant transaction.
If it was a relevant market
sale for inclusion in the sales comparison valuation approach, then all that
remained for the Tribunal
to determine was whether it was a low or distressed
sale. In that event, adjustments would then be made to its comparable
- [178] The
Tribunal’s questions and comments as to the consistency of Mr
Horsley’s evidence and the independence of both
Messrs Horsley and
Butchers are also, to my mind, demonstrative of the Tribunal’s adverse
views towards the Rongotai position.
There was no reason why Mr Horsley would
not honestly accept that he may have been wrong in his brief of evidence, when
he was challenged.
This does not warrant a warning about the truthfulness of his
- [179] I am
driven to the conclusion that the fair-minded and informed lay observer might
consider that as the Judge did not remain
neutral during the evidence, he might
not bring an impartial mind to the Tribunal’s findings. He made excessive
in the oral evidence of Mr Aharoni and his witness Mr Horsley; he
made adverse remarks about Mr Aharoni during the hearing, excluded
him from the
hearing when relevant evidence was being adduced, leaving his Counsel with no
client -party in his absence; and he participated
in the opposing parties’
cross-examination of Mr Aharoni, his witnesses and the independent witness Ms
Watson, who was favourable
to Rongotai’s position.
- [180] In
relation to the submissions on the post-hearing conduct of the Tribunal, I
accept it appears that the Tribunal was intent
on making its views of
Rongotai’s case available to the High Court in delivering the substantive
decision much earlier than
103 The 2012 interim decision, above n 1, at [42].
stated expectation that the Tribunal would release it at a later time. I
consider this should be viewed as part of the Tribunal’s
attitude towards
the Rongotai position and the parties, rather than being viewed separately.
- [181] Applying
the test of the fair-minded and reasonably informed lay observer, who is neither
unduly sensitive nor suspicious nor
complacent about what may influence a
Judge’s decision, I consider that such an observer might reasonably
apprehend that there
was a real and not remote possibility that the judicial
officer did not bring an impartial mind to the hearing. The words used by
the UK
Supreme Court in Serafin v Malkiewicz are applicable here. The Judge
appeared to “descend into the arena, cast off the mantel of
impartiality” and took up the
“cudgels of cross- examination,”
engaging with opposing Counsel in doing so. The unfortunate impression was of a
that had developed a hostile and adverse attitude towards Mr Aharoni and
his witnesses, such that a lay observer might reasonably
apprehend that the
Judge might not bring an impartial mind to the determination of the 2012 issues
at hand.
- [182] Even if,
as the Tribunal accepted, the conditional offer made by Mr Aharoni was “a
construct... to justify a higher per
square metre value within Rongotai”,
it did not provide a basis for the Tribunal to imply that there was something
or dishonest about Mr Aharoni’s actions. Unfortunately, that is
the flavour of the language used in the interim decision.
- [183] In
assessing all of the above aspects of the Tribunal’s conduct towards the
Rongotai parties and witnesses in its conduct
of the 2012 rating objection
hearing, I find that the Tribunal’s conduct gave rise to an appearance of
bias in the eyes of
the fair-minded and reasonably informed lay observer. Unlike
the trial in Serafin, where self-represented litigant’s credibility
and reputation were at issue, this was a rating valuation reassessment before
specialist Tribunal, which did not require such an inquiry into the motives of
Mr Aharoni.
- [184] The test
of apparent bias has, in my view, been met. The Tribunal’s conduct
resulted in an unfair hearing for the Rongotai
parties and culminated in an
interim decision, which made damaging and unnecessary adverse findings against
Mr Aharoni
and the independent QV witness, Ms Watson with reputational
consequences.104 In relation to the substantive 2012 hearing, the
aspects of the Tribunal’s error have been determined in the Valuation
2012 appeal decision. Relief in this proceeding, however, in
respect of the interim decision is dealt with more fully below.
- [185] Accordingly,
I make the declarations that the conduct of the Tribunal of the 2012 rating
objection hearing and its 2012 interim
decision disclosed apparent bias. As a
result, the 2012 hearing was unfair.
What is the relief?
- [186] Although
relief in judicial review is discretionary, “where a claimant demonstrates
that a public decision-maker has erred
in the exercise of its power, the
claimant is entitled to relief.”105 The Court may decline
relief, even where a decision- maker has acted improperly but there must be
“extremely strong reasons”
for it to do so.106 The Courts
will however generally consider it appropriate to grant some form of relief
where reviewable error is made out107 and “whatever remedy is
most appropriate will be employed.”108
- [187] Rongotai
initially sought that the 2012 Tribunal interim and final decisions were quashed
and that the 2012 objections be re-heard
by a differently constituted Land
Valuation Tribunal. I have found apparent bias. The feared logical conclusion
was that the Tribunal’s
2012 substantive decision was affected by that
bias. However, at the outset of this hearing, Mr Allan no longer sought the
for re-hearing but sought declarations that the 2012 hearing was unfair
in that Rongotai’s case was not heard and the 2012
decision and the
in-hearing and post-hearing conduct of the Tribunal disclosed apparent bias
and/or predetermination.
- [188] In its
written submissions, Rongotai relied on the High Court of Australia’s
decision in Oakey Coal Action Alliance v New Acland Coal Pty Ltd109
in which the
104 Peters v Davison [1999] 2 NZLR 164 at 189.
105 Air Nelson Ltd v Minister of Transport [2008] NZCA 26,
[2008] NZAR (CA) at [61].
106 Berkeley v Secretary of State for the Environment
[2000] UKHL 36; [2001] 2 AC 603 (HL).
107 Ririnui v Land Corp Farming Ltd [2016] NZSC 62, [2016]
1 NZLR 1056 at [112].
108 Hunt v A [2007] NZCA 332, [2008] 1 NZLR 368 at
109 Oakey Coal Action Alliance v New Acland Coal Pty Ltd
[2021] HCA 2, (2021) 386 ALR 212.
Court held that where an inferior Court’s decision is affected by apparent
bias, the default position is that the decision
is set aside and a new hearing
should be ordered, and departure from this approach should be in “highly
circumstances only.110
- [189] There are
exceptional circumstances here, as all parties appear to acknowledge, justifying
a departure from the default approach
of directing a re-hearing. There would be
no useful purpose in remitting the 2012 objections back to either the originally
Tribunal or a differently constituted Tribunal, given that four
consecutive hearings for the 2007, 2012, 2015 and 2018 objections
were heard by
the same Tribunal in a strictly timetabled way, because of the inordinate delay
in having the objections heard. Further,
such relief is inappropriate,
particularly as Rongotai has exercised its appeal right by way of re-hearing. As
noted, the 2012 appeal
decision is also under consideration by the Valuation
Court and will be issued contemporaneously with this judgment.
- [190] In
Russell v Taxation Review Authority,111
the Court of Appeal addressed an allegation of apparent
bias/predetermination by the Taxation Review Authority, where the same Judge
previously made comments in a template judgment that were forcefully adverse to
the appellant, holding that the arrangement under
review was patently an
arrangement for tax avoidance. The Court held that the Judge should have recused
himself from deciding afresh
whether the appellant’s scheme was tax
avoidance, given his previous findings and comments.112 However, the
Court found that the appeal to the High Court by way of a re-hearing cured the
earlier denial of natural justice and
would be unaffected by any suggestion of
apparent bias or predetermination.113
- [191] Counsel
for the lessees submit that any unfairness can be addressed by way of
Rongotai’s rehearing on appeal and that
any gratuitous or seriously
adverse credibility findings made against Mr Aharoni and Ms Watson can be
addressed in the underlying
appeal. Both Ms McKechnie and Mr Sullivan submit
that given the intensely factual
110 At [101].
111 Russell v Taxation Review Authority [2011] NZCA 158,
[2011] NZAR 310.
112 At [34].
113 At [3] and [45].
questions in dispute as part of the four appeal proceedings, including the 2012
appeal, is curative of any procedural irregularities
in the Tribunal and there
is no continuing prejudice to Rongotai.
- [192] I consider
then, what relief should follow in respect of each of the Tribunal’s
interim and substantive 2012 decisions.
The interim decision
- [193] The
interim decision of the Tribunal reflects the Tribunal’s adverse and
hostile views of Mr Aharoni in particular and
collaterally, Ms Watson. The
Tribunal recorded that Mr Aharoni “had no intention of acquiring [the
Pengelly properties]”
at his offered price and that he had “seized
upon these events to argue without any substance” that the Pengelly
“should be ignored”, finding it “more likely than
not” that his offer to purchase was contrived to support
an argument in
favour of a “different per metre rate”.114
- [194] In light
of the Tribunal’s orders excluding Mr Aharoni and the perjury warnings,
the Tribunal should have given an opportunity
to Mr Aharoni to comment on the
proposed adverse findings. I accept Rongotai’s submission that he was not
given a fair opportunity
to respond to these conclusions, in light of the
reputational damage that could flow. This is particularly so, when the Tribunal
itself acknowledges that, “in the end it is not necessary for us to reach
a conclusion as to why Mr Aharoni acted in the way
he did.”115
Yet, the Tribunal proceeded to make adverse and inappropriate findings
against Mr Aharoni.
- [195] Similarly,
the adverse comments in the interim decision about Ms Watson were gratuitous and
she has not had an opportunity to
comment on them.
- [196] Rongotai
has brought a substantive appeal in relation to the valuation assessment for
2012. The outcome of the 2012 appeal deals
with the errors in the
Tribunal’s approach to the valuation issues and as part of that evaluation
has determined that the Pengelly
transaction was a relevant sale, at the
relevant time, and
114 The 2012 interim decision, above n 1, at [41]–[42].
115 At [42].
in the Rongotai area, albeit that it was a low sale. I do not set aside,
therefore, the Tribunal’s finding in its interim decision
that the
Pengelly transaction is an arm’s length and valid transaction, nor the
Tribunal’s finding that the Pengelly
transaction should be considered as a
comparable and relevant, but low, sale.
- [197] I consider
that as the interim decision manifests the manner in which the Judge did not
remain neutral to Mr Aharoni and his
position, or to Ms Watson’s evidence,
the parts of the interim decision, where the Tribunal communicates its views of
the witnesses,
should be removed. I have determined therefore, that the 2012
interim decision should be set aside in part116 and an order made to
redact the paragraphs of the decision containing the adverse comments about Mr
Aharoni and Ms Watson. I consider
this is the most appropriate relief to remedy
the natural justice and fairness breaches.
The substantive 2012 decision
- [198] Although
I have concluded that the 2012 hearing was conducted unfairly, the substantive
decision is not set aside. The 2012
Tribunal decision forms one of four similar
decisions on the substantive issues of rating valuation reassessment. The
reasoning of
the Tribunal in reaching its 2012 reassessment valuation is
analysed in the Valuation Court’s 2012 appeal decision. We did
not uphold
the Tribunal’s conclusions and the reasons are set out fully in that
appeal decision. As Counsel accepts, it serves
no purpose to set aside the 2012
substantial decision. Consistent with the Court of Appeal’s approach in
Russell,117 the appeal by way of rehearing cures the denial of
natural justice or fairness to Rongotai. Further, there is no repetition of the
Tribunal’s adverse comments in the substantive 2012 decision and no
redaction is required.
- [199] The
application for review is granted.
116 Judicial Review Procedure Act 2016, s 16(2).
117 Russell v Taxation Review Authority, above n 111.
- [200] A
declaration is made that the Land Valuation Tribunal’s conduct of the 2012
rating objection hearing and its interim
2012 decision disclosed apparent bias.
As a result, the 2012 hearing was unfair.
- [201] The
Tribunal’s interim 2012 decision is set aside in part.
- [202] I order
that all paragraphs of the interim decision be redacted, save for paragraphs A,
B, C, 4, 5, 6, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20,
21 (minus the first sentence), the
amended last sentence of [45], [46] and [48], as set out and attached to this
judgment as Annexure
- [203] Leave is
granted to Counsel to raise any issues arising from the redactions of the
Tribunal’s interim 2012 decision.
- [204] If
any of the parties seek costs, Counsel are to file memoranda of no more than
five pages within 20 days of the date of this
decision. Further directions will
then follow.
Cull J
Morrison Kent, Wellington, for Rongotai Investments Ltd and Rongotai Estates
Ltd Quotable Value New Zealand Ltd, Petone for Wellington
City Council
Simpson Grierson, Wellington, for Bunnings Ltd Solicitors for Other
Lane Neave, Christchurch, for Wellington International Airport Ltd and 2468
Ltd PCW Law, Auckland, for NZ Cash Flow Control Ltd
Hughes Robertson, Wellington for R Blaylock & Y Kerekes and Wild Bay
Property Ltd
Annexure A
A: The Pengelly transaction is an arms-length and valid transaction.
B: Given it is a sale in the same area of Rongotai, the transaction is a
compelling relevant sale when considering rating values in
the Rongotai
C: The Tribunal will need to consider the 2012 rating valuations in light of
this sale.
The Pengelly transaction
- [4] At the heart
of much of the factual dispute between the parties in relation to the 2012
valuation is a sale and purchase transaction
which occurred by agreement dated
17 October 2012 in relation to two properties within the Rongotai precinct
situated near the Wellington
Airport. The Rongotai area is more particularly
described in our previous decision.
- [5] The
properties subject to sale were 94 Tirangi Road and 8 Kingsford Smith Street and
were sold by Rongotai Properties Limited
(for 94 Tirangi Road) and Tullamarine
Properties Limited (for 8 Kingsford Smith Street) to Pengelly Properties Limited
by agreement
for a total price of $2,375,000. That sum was broken down by terms
of the two agreements entered into. We attach as A and B the key
pages from the
agreements for sale. The terms are standard and the offer is
- [6] It is common
ground that the process leading to that was one undertaken by Baileys for the
vendors by way of a tender process.
Mr Grant Young, a senior real estate agent,
with some in excess of 20 years’ experience, acted for the vendors in
respect of
the preparation and tendering of the property. He gave evidence to
the Tribunal and we acknowledge him to be a senior real estate
agent well versed
in the matters related to the tendering of business properties.
The Pengelly purchase
- [15] We now deal
with the purchase of the property by the Pengelly interests. They were the
underbidder, in the tender process. We
are satisfied from both the evidence of
both Ms Quinlan and Mr Young, that the owners instructed Mr Young to go back to
the underbidder
to see if they would increase their offer.
- [16] It is clear
that the vendors were interested in selling both properties and they therefore
negotiated with the Pengellys' to
buy both at the same time. We accept that the
individual property offers from Pengelly were in the alternative but that the
sum total
of the two bids was some $2.6 million. However, it is clear and
accepted by all witnesses that these offers were for one or other
but not both
of the properties.
- [17] In fact,
they entered a separate bid for both properties A and B together at $2.2
million. Subsequent negotiation led to the
agreements, which we annex marked A
B, for $2,375,000 on normal terms with settlement consequently
occurring. That was for the freehold interest in the property, not
being subject
to any leases.
- [18] Nevertheless,
Ms Quinlan told the Court and Mr Pengelly confirmed, that there were buildings
in poor condition on both sites.
Ms Quinlan tells us that at least one of those
buildings was yellow stickered as a result of earthquake risk. Mr Pengelly
in this evidence to the Tribunal that he undertook improvement works
to at least one of the sites for the purposes of accommodating
- [19] As it
transpires, the Pengelly transport interests had been located in the Rongotai
area for some time and at the time of the
agreement were occupying leasehold
land from Wellington International Airport Limited nearby. Consequently, we
accept that they had
a particular interest in acquiring property in the area as
did Mr Aharoni.
- [20] The
evidence from Mr Pengelly was compelling. He manages a large and successful
business and we would describe him as a realistic
and hard-headed businessman.
He purchased the property, he says to us, at a fair price and higher than he
thought it was worth. He
considered both properties together were worth $2.2
million but the offers A and B were limited time offers for both properties
he wanted to stay in the same area close to his existing building. We
accept that evidence unequivocally.
- [21] No other
evidence produced to us derogated from that evidence at all. We accept that
Pengelly’s interests were at all times
an interested party and a willing
purchaser, they were under no compulsion. In answer to questions Mr Pengelly
confirmed that they
did not exercise any stress or duress upon the vendor and we
accept absolutely that this was an arm’s length transaction between
two parties.
Effects of Pengelly transaction on value
- [45] [W]e ...
conclude that the Pengelly transaction was entirely a market and relevant
- [46] It is not
necessary at this stage for us to reach a conclusion as to the market value as a
result of this conclusion. All parties
have accepted that there are a basket of
sales that must be had regard to and no party is arguing before us that only the
transaction should be considered.
[48] This decision is therefore interim only on the question of the Pengelly
transaction and we have yet to consider the overall market
value per square
metre for the land in Rongotai and the appropriate values that would apply.
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