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  5. WorldLII Databases - Documents found: 3       [View by Database] for (canterlawrw 2003 4 or 2003 canterlawrw 4)
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    1. Puvogel, Lars --- "A V Dicey and the New Zealand Court of Appeal. Must theory finally give in to legal realities?" [2003] CanterLawRw 4; (2003) 9 Canterbury Law Review 111 [100%]
      (From Canterbury Law Review; 1 January 2003; 149 KB)   View LawCite record  

    2. Henderson, James (Sa'ke'j) Youngblood --- "Constitutional Vision and Judicial Commitment: Aboriginal and Treaty Rights in Canada" [2010] AUIndigLawRw 21; (2010) 14(2) Australian Indigenous Law Review [5%]
      (From Australian Indigenous Law Review; 1 January 2010; 161 KB)   View LawCite record  

    3. Sizer, Luke --- "Privative Clauses: Parliamentary Intent, Legislative Limits and Other Works of Fiction" [2014] AukULawRw 8; (2014) 20 Auckland U L Rev 148 [5%]
      (From Auckland University Law Review; 1 January 2014; 107 KB)   View LawCite record  [*]

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