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Searching for: OtaLawRw 1988 7 or 1988 OtaLawRw 7 (boolean)
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  5. WorldLII Databases - Documents found: 4       [View by Database] for (otalawrw 1988 7 or 1988 otalawrw 7)
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    1. Taggart, Michael --- "Freedom of Information and the University" [1988] OtaLawRw 7; (1988) 6 Otago Law Review 638 [100%]
      (From Otago Law Review; 1 January 1988; 99 KB)   View LawCite record  [*]

    2. York, Lee Poh --- "Selected Reading" [1990] FoIRw 6; (1990) 25 Freedom of Information Review 11 [3%]
      (From Freedom of Information Review; 1 February 1990; 13 KB)   View LawCite record  

    3. Roth, Paul --- "Information 'about' individuals" [2002] PrivLawPRpr 31; (2002) 9(3) Privacy Law and Policy Reporter 49 [3%]
      (From Privacy Law and Policy Reporter; 1 July 2003; 33 KB)   View LawCite record  

    4. Wyburn, Mary --- "Freedom of Information Applications and the Confidentiality of University Research and Research Review Processes" [2018] QUTLawRw 19; (2018) 18(2) Queensland University of Technology Law Review 171 [3%]
      (From Queensland University of Technology Law Review; 1 January 2018; 101 KB)   View LawCite record  

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