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Otago Law Review |
Last Updated: 21 May 2016
Research Deposited in the
University of Otago Law Library 2013
Maria Pozza The International Law and Policy of Outer
Space: A New Perspective on Arms Control
Arie Afriansyah State Responsibility for Environmental
Protection During International Armed Conflict
Robert Styles The Role of Non-Government
Organisations in International Law
Daniel Becker The Controversy Over Mediator
Neutrality: Input From New Zealand Mediators
LLB Honours
Callum Bailey The Plain Death of the Tobacco
Trademark: Balancing International Trade and Investment with
the Public
Tom Barraclough How far can the Te Awa Tupua (Whanganui
River) proposal be said to reflect the rights of nature
in New Zealand?
Henry Benson-Pope Being a Party to the Crimes of an Adversary:
R v Gnango in the New Zealand Setting
Michael Blaschke Mirror, mirror on the wall, is my trust
an illusion after all?
Alec Dawson Ho w to Defend (and A ttac k) the
Resource Management Act: The Principled Consequences
of Reducing Pub lic
Participation in Environmental Decision- Making
Alexandra Flaus Familial Searches and the New Zealand DNA
Profile Databank: The Thin Edge of the Genetic Wedge?
Emma Gattey Do New Zealand Courts Regard Tikanga
Māori as a Source of Law Independent of Statutory Incorporation?
Or is
Anglo- inspired Common Law Still “the sole arbiter” of Justice in
New Zealand?
Lucy Harris Do New Zealand Psychiatrists Have a
Duty to Protect Potential Victims of their Patients’
Phoebe Harrop Minority Report or Majority
Safety? fMRI, Predicting Dangerousness and a Pre-Crime Future
Samuel Henry Clipped Wings: Should the Commerce
Commission take over sole responsibility for granting antitrust
immunity for
airline coordination in New Zealand?
Samuel Holmes Refusals to Deal in Intellectual
Property: Navigating the Interface Between Competition Law and
Melanie Jagusch Māori Property and Commercial Rights
to Freshwater: The Potential for Recognition and Redress
Following Judicial
Decisions in 2012–2013
Thomas Jemson For the Love of Money, Football, and
Competition Law: An analysis of whether UEFA’s Financial
Fair Play
Regulations breach European competition law
Evan Jones Has the Supreme Court Turned and
Waved Goodbye to the Essence of the New Zealand Securities Regime? An
Analysis of the Purposes Underpinning Securities Market Regulation
in New
Guy Jones Legal Personality and the Responsibility of
International Organizations
Rachael Jones The Problem of Constitutional Law
Reform in New Zealand: A Comparative Analysis
Stephen Laing Two forms of the fiduciary relationship
Thomas Latimour When Should “Yes” Mean
“No”? Informed Consent to Sexual Activity, Mistake,
and the Role of
the Criminal Law
Dipti Manchanda “Teaching Them a Lesson”:
the Accountability of Partnership Schools to Students
and Parents
Laura Manson Quenching the Thirst: International
Investment Law and Freshwater Reform in New Zealand
Tiho Mijatov The use of dissents in New Zealand
Nicole Millar Polar pirates: friend or foe? Should
the definition of piracy be altered to exclude the activities
of Sea Shepherd in
the Southern Ocean?
Nicole Mudgway Whose life is it anyway? The ability to
intervene when guardians’ refuse to consent to medical
Kyla Mullen Consumer ’s Rights to
Information in the Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers’
Megan Neill Return of the Moa: Is our Law ready
for extinction that’s not forever?
Jayne O’Connell When peacekeeping becomes
peacecreeping: peacekeeper misconduct committed whilst peacekeeping
unacceptable and unjust
Stephen Parry Howling at the moon: Does the law
provide adequate protection to the public from the dangers
posed by dogs not
under effective control?
Wade Pearson Clarity in the Court of Appeal:
Measuring the readability of judgments
Jesse Roth Regulating Archival Access in New
Zealand: An Argument for Greater Transparency and Accountability
Andrew Row Googols of Liability and Censoring
the Internet: the Liability of Internet Intermediaries
for Defamation
Natasha Smith Veils, frauds, and fast cars: Looking
beyond the fixation on piercing to the illusory protection
provided by
James Tait-Jamieson Regulating for Democracy: A Critical Analys
is of the New Zealand L aw Commission’s Proposed
News Media
Jason Zwi Achieving Meaningful Corporate Social Responsibility: Implementing and Justifying Systemic Reform
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URL: http://www.nzlii.org/nz/journals/OtaLawRw/2014/8.html